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The Housing Advisor Position: Meeting a Critical Need for Chapter Advisors Barb Bridges, Director of Housing Laura Seaver, Assistant Director of Housing.

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Presentation on theme: "The Housing Advisor Position: Meeting a Critical Need for Chapter Advisors Barb Bridges, Director of Housing Laura Seaver, Assistant Director of Housing."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Housing Advisor Position: Meeting a Critical Need for Chapter Advisors Barb Bridges, Director of Housing Laura Seaver, Assistant Director of Housing 7/12/2010

2 How We Got Here and Why! Initiated the Pilot Program Spring 2009  WHY?  Chapter Advisors of “Housed Chapters” were being overburdened with the added responsibilities of handling housing operations  Headquarters wanted to find the best method of assisting with the support of a chapter “housed experience” for both the advisor and the house manager THE PURPOSE OF THE PILOT  To determine if chapter employees could be supervised through the Housing Department

3 MODELS FOR THE PILOT Four Models Evolved I.Staff supervision of all employees II.Staff supervision of House Director only III.Staff supports a Housing Advisor in supervising all employees jointly IV.Staff supervision of all employees except for the house director who is supervised by a Housing Advisor

4 Best Practices for Employee Supervision  Employee supervision remains at the chapter level  Oversight of chapter housing operations requires a dedicated advisor locally  The Housing Advisor position should be a mandatory board position for “housed” chapters  The House Manager position should become a mandatory executive board position for “housed” chapters  Job descriptions for the Housing Advisor & House Manager should be revised clearly defining roles and responsibilities for each

5 Best Practices for Housing Support at Headquarters  Effective August 1, 2010 “All things Housing” should be located in the Housing Department  Effective for 2011-2012 Officer Elections, the House Manager becomes an executive officer position.  Effective August 1, 2011, Alpha Chi Omega will have a standardized model for the House Director job description  The Housing Department is to develop and implement a “House Director Training Program-DBA

6 What will a Housing Advisor do?  Appointed by Chapter Advisor  Works directly with House Manager and House Director  Oversee all chapter employees  Attend House Corporation meetings, university housing meetings and sit on the Advisory Board  Educate Chapter regarding housing policies and issues

7 Housing Advisor Roles and Responsibilities  Chapter Management- working with House Manager  Form C140- Housing Commitment Agreement  Form C138- Residential Services Agreement  Review and revise chapter bylaws (housing section)  Review and recommend room rental and meal plan rates  Assist House Manager in developing a positive living- learning environment

8 Housing Advisor Roles and Responsibilities Continued  Employees  Oversee hiring, supervision, and evaluation  Review and update all employee contracts  Initiate employee contracts  Send copy of House Director contract to HQ

9 Housing Advisor Roles and Responsibilities Continued  Facility Operations  Advisor for House Manager  Serve as House Corporation Board member for Chapter Advisory Board  Assist House Director in maintenance and repair plan for facility  Assist in establishing and complying with all health/safety requirements  Assist with facility and room check-in/check-out, key distribution and collection, room inspections  Develop methods to maintain the orderliness and cleanliness

10 Housing Advisor Roles and Responsibilities Continued  Campus  Serve as Alumnae Advisor attending all campus housing informational sessions that address fraternity/sorority housing issues

11 Housing Advisor Suggested Timeline Move-in/Fall  Begin key distribution  Assist with check-in/move-in  Begin periodic employee evaluation  Assist in complying with all health/safety requirements Prior to winter break  Conduct mid year evaluations on employee performance  Begin house rules revision and bylaws  Review live-in policy  Assist with room inspections  Distribute and collect of the C-140 form Following winter break  Begin establishing room & meal plan rates for next fiscal year  Begin developing page 3 of the chapter budget  Distribute and collect of C-138 form  Begin end of year employee evaluation  Renew employee contracts Prior to end of academic year  Develop maintenance & repair plan  Begin key collection  Assist with check-out/move-out  Assist with room inspections  Clean out storage items/donation  Hire new employees (if needed)

12 House Manager Responsibility  Chapter Management  Serve as chapter liaison to House Director  Establish weekly meal plans for the cook with House Director  Develop positive living-learning environment and recognition system  Collect C140- Housing Commitment Agreement  Collect C138- Residential Services Agreement  Review and revise chapter bylaws (housing section)  Review and recommend room and meal plan rates

13 House Manager Responsibility Continued  Facility Operations  Develop a plan for live-in members to maintain common areas, dining room and individual rooms and bathrooms  Assist House Director and CRSB to implement house rules, facility and room check-in/check-out, key distribution and collection, room inspections and move-in/move-out procedures  Work to schedule fire inspections  Provide continuous fire/facility safety information and training  Serve as one of the chapter’s representatives to the House Corporation Board

14 House Manager Responsibility Continued  Campus  Attend all campus housing information sessions that address fraternity/sorority housing issues

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