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How to Update an Air Sampling Plan (ASP) Dave Dickhaut UAW Industrial Hygiene – Lansing Delta Township Jean Carron GM Regional Industrial Hygiene.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Update an Air Sampling Plan (ASP) Dave Dickhaut UAW Industrial Hygiene – Lansing Delta Township Jean Carron GM Regional Industrial Hygiene."— Presentation transcript:


2 How to Update an Air Sampling Plan (ASP) Dave Dickhaut UAW Industrial Hygiene – Lansing Delta Township Jean Carron GM Regional Industrial Hygiene

3 How to Update an Air Sampling Plan (ASP)  In this module we will 1.Review the ASP Development Process 2.Discuss the importance of your ASP, and 3.Present the process for annually updating your ASP

4 Goals for Training  At the end of this session, participants will: 1.Understand the reasons for having an ASP 2.Know how to develop an ASP using their own plant process knowledge 3.Know how to implement and apply their ASP within their facility, and 4.Understand the process for revising and updating an ASP.

5 Roles and Responsibilities  IH Technician: Responsible for implementing the ASP –Records maintenance of air samples and equipment calibrations –Updating and submitting the ASP annually –LEV system checks in conjunction with air sampling if possible, but not mandatory to complete LEV checks on the same day as samplingif possible, but not mandatory to complete LEV checks on the same day as sampling

6 Roles and Responsibilities  GM Industrial Hygienist: –Assist the IH Technician with ASP activities –Provide guidance on employee concern sampling and interpretation of results

7 Roles and Responsibilities  Local Joint Health & Safety Committee: –Support and coordinate daily activities –Assist in determining sampling priorities –Annual review of ASP and sample results

8 Air Sample Plan Development  Why an Air Sample Plan? –Provides a blueprint/template for a full year’s air sampling –UAW-GM Audit Scorecard item –Original justification for IH Technician program

9 Air Sample Plan Development  Purpose: “To identify processes, operations, and activities which have the potential for producing unacceptable employee exposures to air contaminants and then to monitor employee exposures at those operations.”

10 Air Sample Plan Development  Purpose: to define –Who is potentially exposed? –How is the process controlled? –Why do we want to sample these contaminants? –What is the sample method? –How frequently do we sample?

11 Air Sample Plan Development  Initial Air Sample Plan –For most facilities has been in place for up to 23 years –Information captured in GM Medgate Surveys –Requires annual review and update

12 MSDS = SDS (Safety Data Sheet); OEG = OEL (Occupational Exposure Limit)

13 Air Sampling Plan Development  Obtain floor plan/plant layout  Review previous air sample data  Identify other operations of concern  Complete UAW-GM Air Sampling Plan (ASP) Form  Transfer information from ASP Form into a GM Medgate Survey

14 Plant Floor Plan/Plant Layout  The floor plan/plant layout should identify major processes, operations, and other areas that may pose a potential health hazard. TRUST YOUR PROCESS KNOWLEDGE.  If operations or activities within the same process use similar products in generally the same way, they can be grouped onto one GM Medgate Survey. These are known as similar exposure groups (SEGs)

15 Complete Survey Location Section of ASP Form  Estimate Projected Sampling Month  Record number of employees involved, don’t forget multiple shifts  Provide additional comments on the location of the sampling


17 IH Survey in Medgate IH Survey Location/Survey Notes continued on next slide

18 IH Survey in Medgate

19 Complete HMCS Information Section of ASP Form  Identify products by: –Product / Manufacturer Name –HMCS Number

20 HMCS Information (e.g. HMCS # and Product Name) can also be entered in the Survey Notes section of the Survey at the bottom of the Main tab, or in the Survey Description and Location Comments: Site Hawk (coming 1 st Quarter of 2016) will not connect in any way with Medgate, so the HMCS tab in Medgate will no longer be of use

21 Complete PPE Section of ASP Form  Is PPE required?  If “yes”, describe type(s) of PPE –Name –Model or Code number –Manufacturer (if necessary) –Document PPE in Medgate on sample Details tab or Questionnaire tab


23 Complete LEVPC Section of ASP Form  Provide information on Ventilation Systems –Describe systems –Performance check frequency, test method Can place test results hereCan place test results here –PM review –Other ventilation controls, e.g. general exhaust air, supply air, man-cooling fans, etc. –Document in Medgate on Questionnaire tab this is a best practicethis is a best practice Most LEV Test Plans are separate from the ASP and MedgateMost LEV Test Plans are separate from the ASP and Medgate


25 Questionnaire entry fields

26 Questionnaire tab

27 Complete Comments Section  Include all additional comments on ASP Survey here –Key contact people (e.g., supervisor, committee person) and phone numbers –Comments from employees at location –Additional observations


29 Collect Air Sample Data  Print out/review previous air sample data from Medgate for the specific process, operation, or activity  Attach the data, if available, to the ASP Form  Obtain ingredient information from Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

30 Identify Other Operations of Concern  Identify products that contain potential chemical hazards  Identify operations where products are used

31 Intermittent Exposures  Determine high risk/low frequency operations where you can identify potential exposures, e.g., –Maintenance painting –Phosphate Boil-outs (assembly plants) –Stainless steel welding/cutting/grinding and maintenance welding in general –Die Welding –Torit filter changes


33 Update an ASP Your ASP should be updated and maintained throughout the year, as needed:  Survey details  HMCS information (in Survey Notes)  Analytes  Number of samples planned  Documents  Notes  Questionnaire

34 IH Survey Module in Medgate

35 Update an ASP You will need to update your Survey in Medgate when:  New products are introduced  Number of samples that you planned to collect has changed  Analytes change  New process information becomes available

36 Update an ASP using the Copy function Using the copy function will save you time when updating your plan by:  Carrying over survey information that was previously entered –including Survey anlaytes  Basing the new survey or record on a similar job or manufacturing process –copy and make changes to the Survey as needed

37 Making changes to the ASP during the year  It is VERY important to remember that when you create the Air Sample Plan, it is a commitment that the sampling will be completed during the calendar year  If for some reason, the sampling cannot be completed, the reason must be documented in the Medgate Survey.

38 Making changes to the ASP during the year Need to be diligent in keeping Air Sampling Plans updated in Medgate throughout the year to reflect changes in:  production schedules  engineering control changes  addition of new processes Discourage changing the ASP after the 3rd quarter of the year, unless process changes, etc.

39 Making changes to the ASP during the year Due to new product launches and production schedule changes it may become necessary to close an Air Sampling Plan Survey during the year to better reflect the current operations. Note why the Survey is being closed in the Survey Notes field on the Details tab, e.g., “Survey closed on 6-2-10. Job was moved to RR26 and combined with A pillar weld and will be sampled as part of Survey ID 254499

40 Making changes to the ASP during the year

41 Delete a Survey You can delete a survey if:  A survey was mistakenly copied  The survey is no longer needed – –Alternatively, a note can be put in the survey to indicate why the survey is no longer valid, and the survey can be “closed” rather than deleted You will not be able to delete a survey when:  A sample is associated with the survey  The survey record is closed

42 Submit ASP Sign-Off Sheet to CHR  ASP Sign-off Sheet is due on January 31 each year  Scan and Submit signed form electronically to UAW and GM IH Program Managers:

43 Take-Home Messages  Your air sample plan is the cornerstone of your practice – keep it up-to-date and relevant  Trust your process knowledge – you know far more than you think you do about your own facility  An annual update of your air sample plan is your opportunity to grade yourself on last year’s performance

44 Additional Reference Materials  National Agreements between GM and the UAW—2003, 2007, 2011, and 2015  Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, Barbara A. Plog, ed. (National Safety Council)  The Occupational Environment: Its Evaluation, Control, and Management, Salvatore R. DiNardi, ed. (American Industrial Hygiene Association)

45 Additional Reference Materials  TLVs and BEIs, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), latest year  NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, CDC  Analytical Laboratory Guide - Bureau Veritas (BV)


47 Supplemental Information



50 Questionnaire Information


52 Ensure that your Survey is 100% complete!!!  When you have performed air sampling and entered the samples in Medgate, REMEMBER to check the “Survey Percent Complete”


54 Troubleshooting Survey Percent Complete


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