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Progressive Era 1900-1916. Essential Question:  How did Progressive reformers make America a better place to live?

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Presentation on theme: "Progressive Era 1900-1916. Essential Question:  How did Progressive reformers make America a better place to live?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Progressive Era 1900-1916

2 Essential Question:  How did Progressive reformers make America a better place to live?

3 Progressives:  Reformers who attempted to rectify the problems caused by the Industrial Revolution & Big Government  Muckrakers: writers exposed problems of society

4 Reform Movements Populists  Farmers  Rural Problems Progressives  Middle Class  Urban Problems Both  Increase Democracy  End Corruption  Help Working Class

5 Goals of Progressives  make government more responsive & responsible  limit power of party bosses & political machines  increased participation by responsible citizens  end laissez-faire  trust-busting  women’s suffrage  conservationism

6 Women Leaders  Women’s Rights: Alice Paul  Urban: Jane Addams  Prohibition: Carrie Nation

7 Civil Rights  Racial Equality: Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. DuBois  Anti-Lynching League:Ida B. Wells Barnett

8 Reforming State & City Government  direct primary system  initiative & referendum  recall elections  tax reform  City Commissions  Election of Officials  fight city bosses & machines

9 Muckrakers: writers exposed problems of society  Upton Sinclair, The Jungle  Lincoln Steffens, The Shame of the Cities  Ida Tarbell, History of Standard Oil  Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives  William R. Hearst, publisher

10 Teddy Roosevelt  trust-buster  supporter of Labor  Anthracite Coal Strike  Civil Rights  Conservation Movement

11 William Howard Taft  Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy on conservation  T.R. challenged Taft  Progressive (Bull Moose Party)  Election 1912


13 Woodrow Wilson  Southern Scholar  Federal Reserve Act  Clayton Anti-Trust Act  Keating-Owen Act  Women’s Suffrage controversy

14 Ragtime


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