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Reforms Continue -continuation of prior reforms -Grange -Populists -Suffragists -Temperance.

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Presentation on theme: "Reforms Continue -continuation of prior reforms -Grange -Populists -Suffragists -Temperance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reforms Continue -continuation of prior reforms -Grange -Populists -Suffragists -Temperance

2 Inequality -Wealth Gap existed -lack of social services -Needed Improvements 1. social welfare (improving conditions from the Industrial Rev., esp. Women & Children) 2. moral improvement (improving personal behavior, Prohibition) Goals of Progressives 3. economic reform (Began questioning the capitalist System, & some began embracing Socialism) 4. efficiency (Faith in experts & scientific principles to make society & workplace more efficient)- work hours

3 Socialist Ideas -Economic Political System: Gov’t controll businesses & Property -extreme form of Socialism is communism -Karl Marx - Eventually overthrow Capitalism -fear of revolution -Henry George -”Progress and Poverty” -Single Tax Concept -Edward Bellamy -”Looking Backward” -tale of ideal socialist society

4 Socialist Ideas -Henry George -”Progress and Poverty” -Single Tax Concept, land tax, BC land belongs equally to all humans - exposed the corruption of industries -Edward Bellamy -”Looking Backward” Utopian Novel set in 2000 -tale of ideal socialist society

5 Socialist Fears -Eugene V. Debs formed American Socialist Party 1901 Beliefs: Attempt to eliminate the wealth gap -I.W.W. Industrial Workers of the World AKA Wobblies Radical Unionist, Chicago -Pullman Coach (Company Town) Strike– DEBS is Jailed nsM

6 Progressives Emerge -Mostly middle class reformers -wanted “progress” in society -Social Gospel -thought that people need to help those less fortunate -religious groups -Salvation Army -opposite of Social Darwinism

7 Muckrakers -journalist who exposed graft and corruption in society – coined by TR, who supported the Progressives -Ida Tarbell -Upton Sinclair -Lincoln Steffins

8 Muckrakers -journalist who exposed graft and corruption in society -Ida Tarbell “History of the Standard Oil Company” Describes the Cutthroat methods of Standard Oil- eliminating competition

9 Muckrakers -journalist who exposed graft and corruption in society -Ida Tarbell- ***she sold her oil for 45,000, which it was worth 75,000. Rockefeller pressured her into selling -- saying that she would never sell anything because of his rates. She also wrote a book.

10 Muckrakers -Upton Sinclair “The Jungle” -*****suppose to be shocking conditions the immigrants endured… instead revelations of the unsanitary conditions of the meat packing industry -Resulted in serious investigation- -Meat Inspection Act 1906 -Lincoln Steffins

11 Muckrakers -Upton Sinclair Wrote The Jungle Exposed shocking conditions that immigrant workers endured Resulted in : Meat Inspection Act 1906 -Lincoln Steffins


13 Muckrakers -journalist who exposed graft and corruption in society -Lincoln Steffins: leader of the Muckrakers ‘Shame of the Cities” - political Machines, corruption= illegal votes

14 Muckrakers -journalist who exposed graft and corruption in society -Lincoln Steffins:*****Named Leading Figure of the Muckraking Movement. He also wrote articles in McClure’s Magazine. All of his articles were collected and put into two books. “The Shame of the Cities” “The Struggle to Self- Government”







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