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EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: B2 – COLL – HARD + SOFT Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT14-17 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění.

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Presentation on theme: "EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: B2 – COLL – HARD + SOFT Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT14-17 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: B2 – COLL – HARD + SOFT Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT14-17 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT. Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů:ICT14 – AJ - Slovní zásoba pro plynulou konverzaci ve 20 tématech pro úroveň B2 Autor: Jaroslava Tůmová Datum vytvoření: 13. 3. 2014 Garant (kontrola):Marie Zajíčková Ročník: Vyšší gymnázium Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Téma: Slovní zásoba Metodika/anotace:Slovní spojení obsahující výrazy „HARD“ a „SOFT“– osvojení a procvičování Časový rozvrh:30 minut Zdroje: ( Možné uvést v závěru) viz. poslední slide Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a základní škola, s.r.o.

2 hard & soft B2

3 Expressions to practise: hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap

4 Can you guess the meaning of the following expressions?

5 hard up

6 We're a bit hard up at the moment so we're not thinking in terms of holidays.

7 hard up We're a bit hard up at the moment so we're not thinking in terms of holidays. having very little money

8 die hard

9 Old habits die hard.

10 die hard Old habits die hard. something takes a long time to disappear, and is not given up easily

11 give sb a hard time

12 Her kids always give her a hard time when she takes them shopping.

13 give sb a hard time Her kids always give her a hard time when she takes them shopping. to make things difficult or unpleasant for someone

14 hard feelings

15 So we're friends again, are we? No hard feelings?

16 hard feelings So we're friends again, are we? No hard feelings? anger towards someone that you have argued with

17 hard to swallow

18 I found her story rather hard to swallow.

19 hard to swallow I found her story rather hard to swallow. difficult to believe

20 soft spot

21 I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Denver.

22 soft spot I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Denver. a strong liking for something or someone

23 soft target

24 Major tourist attractions are a soft target for pickpockets.

25 soft target Major tourist attractions are a soft target for pickpockets. something that is easy to attack or get an advantage from

26 soft drink


28 a cold drink that does not contain any alcohol

29 soft in the head

30 Is the boss going soft in the head?

31 soft in the head Is the boss going soft in the head? crazy or stupid

32 soft soap

33 Don't waste my time with soft soap. I know you don't mean it.

34 soft soap Don't waste my time with soft soap. I know you don't mean it. flattering talk, sweet talk

35 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap Choose the right expression

36 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap We couldn't _______ her into it.

37 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap We couldn't soft soap her into it.

38 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap Please accept these flowers. I want you to know there are _____________.

39 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap Please accept these flowers. I want you to know there are no hard feelings.

40 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap I was so ______, I couldn't afford to buy food.

41 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap I was so hard up, I couldn't afford to buy food.

42 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap She always had a ___ ____ for her youngest brother.

43 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap She always had a soft spot for her youngest brother.

44 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap We found her excuses _____________.

45 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap We found her excuses hard to swallow.

46 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap You're ____________ if you think I'll go along with that.

47 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap You're soft in the head if you think I'll go along with that.

48 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap These ancient traditions __ ___ in the isolated communities of rural China.

49 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap These ancient traditions die hard in the isolated communities of rural China.

50 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap TOP 3 ________ 1. Coca-cola Classic 2. Diet Coke 3. Pepsi-cola

51 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap TOP 3 SOFT DRINKS 1. Coca-cola Classic 2. Diet Coke 3. Pepsi-cola

52 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap Has our little Luke been giving you a ___ ____?

53 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap Has our little Luke been giving you a hard time?

54 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap Women who carry cash about in the streets are a very ________.

55 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap Women who carry cash about in the streets are a very soft target.

56 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap Can you find Czech equivalents?

57 hard updie hard give sb a hard time hard feelings hard to swallow soft spot soft target soft drink soft in the head soft soap Prepare a dialogue using:

58 Odkazy k obrázkům: Slide 27, 28: ws/9832016/Tax-sugary-drinks-to-improve- health-leading-organisations.html ws/9832016/Tax-sugary-drinks-to-improve- health-leading-organisations.html

59 Použité materiály: www.

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