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Georgia and the American Experience Chapter 10: The Progressive Era Study Presentation ©2005 Clairmont Press.

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1 Georgia and the American Experience Chapter 10: The Progressive Era Study Presentation ©2005 Clairmont Press

2 Georgia and the American Experience Section 1: The Progressive Movement The Progressive MovementThe Progressive Movement Section 2: Southern Politics in Action Southern Politics in ActionSouthern Politics in Action Section 3: The Continuing Fight for Civil Rights The Continuing Fight for Civil RightsThe Continuing Fight for Civil Rights Section 4: Business in Georgia Business in GeorgiaBusiness in Georgia Section 5: World War I World War IWorld War I ©2005 Clairmont Press

3 Section 1: The Progressive Movement What words do I need to know? –progressive movement –muckraker –chain gang –labor union –strike –sweatshop –prohibition –18 th & 19 th Amendments –suffragette

4 The Progressive Movement Goal: Progress! SocietyBusinessGovernment fight poverty improve working conditions votes for women prison reform outlaw alcohol break up large corporations regulate businesses decrease corporate power in government greater voice of “the people” more voters did not seek to increase participation of blacks in elections

5 The Progressive Movement PUBLICATIONS MagazinesThe JungleMuckrakers Collier’s McClure’s Everybody’s Printed stories about dishonest in business, corruption in government and politics and the horrors of being poor. Written by: Upton Sinclair described the horrible working conditions at Chicago’s meat – packing plant Result: Congress passed the 1907 Meat Inspection Act. The Shame of the Cities Tweed Days in St. Louis Described the Greed and power plays of Standard Oil Co. Tycoon – John D. Rockefeller

6 Prison Reform 1908: Rebecca Latimer Felton - end of convict lease system Work camps and chain gangs replaced the lease systemchain gangs –Black-and-white uniforms –Chained together –Poor food & housing –No preparation for life after prison Progressive legislators created the Juvenile Court System – 1 st time young offenders were tried and punished differently from adults.

7 Labor Unions Low wages in factories (10¢ per hour) Labor Unions organized workers –Strikes could halt work in the factory –AFL – American Federation of Labor Georgians didn’t support unions – factories were often in small communities where people knew each other Mill towns: factory owner owned the workers’ houses – workers feared losing their homesMill towns

8 Child Labor Laws Progressives increased regulation to protect child laborerschild laborers –Minimum wage –Compulsory school attendance laws –Laws protecting children against work in dangerous places and using dangerous equipment (for example: mines) –In Georgia, most child workers were in cotton fields or textile factories –In the North, child workers were in “sweatshops”

9 Temperance Movement WCTU: Women’s Christian Temperance Movement – wanted to end production and use of alcoholic beverages Carrie Nation – famous for raiding saloons with a hatchet and making speeches against alcohol. Arrested more than 90 times, paid her fines by making speeches and selling tiny silver hatchets. Mary Harris Armor – Georgia reformer, spoke out against the “demon rum”. Asked by President Wilson to be U.S. representative to the World Congress on Alcoholism

10 Temperance Movement Progressives in Georgia restricted alcohol sales near schools and churches, and allowed counties to vote to be “wet” or “dry” 1907 Governor Hoke Smith prohibited alcohol in the state of Georgia. Saloons begin selling “near beer”. 1914 Governor Nathanial Harris closed the near-beer saloons and clubs in Georgia 1919: states ratified the18 th Amendment which banned manufacture, sale, transport of alcoholic beverages in USA Carrie Nation could put away her hatchet.

11 Women’s Suffrage Suffrage: the right to vote Seneca Falls, NY – famous meeting of suffragettes, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Frederick DouglassSeneca Falls, NY 1869 Wyoming Territory gave women the right to vote. 1914 W.G. Raoul, Mary Raoul, & Emily MacDougald formed Georgia’s Equal Suffrage party.

12 Women’s Suffrage Suffrage: the right to vote 1915 suffragettes march in Atlanta’s annual Harvest Festival parade – placed at the end of the parade after the city trash cars. 1920: 19 th Amendment gives women the right to vote – Georgia did not ratify (approve) the amendment Rebecca Latimer Felton apologized for Georgia’s ignorance.


14 Section 2: Southern Politics in Action What words do I need to know? –Populist party –Australian ballot –Rural Free Delivery bill –poll –Smith-Lever Act –Agricultural Extension Service –Smith-Hughes Act –county unit system –plurality

15 The People’s Party Populism: political idea that supported the rights of the “common” people in their struggle with the wealthy people –Considered the Bridge between the New South era and the Progressive era. Poor farmers and low wage workers were followers of Populists Grange and Farmer’s Alliance worked to protect farmers’ rights – joined with unions to create People’s Party – usually called the Populist Party

16 The Populist Party Political Platform –8 hour workday –Graduated income tax –Restrictions on immigration –Government ownership of railroads, telephone and telegraph services –Free or unlimited coinage of silver into dollars –Direct election of U.S. senators –Reduction of tariffs –The use of an Australian ballot “ Australian ballot” – printed by the government, not local political parties, then collected and locked in ballot boxes

17 Tom Watson, Populist Tom Watson, famous Georgia populist, Dropped out of Mercer University to help his father. A wealthy criminal lawyer, Watson was elected to the General Assembly in 1882 Concerned with Georgia’s poor and struggling farmers 1 st southern politician concerned with African American farmers. Elected to Congress with the support of the Farmer’s Alliance. 2 years in the Georgia House of Representatives. Introduced the Rural Free Delivery bill to deliver mail to rural areas for free

18 Tom Watson, Populist Appealed to African American Farmers for reelection into Congress; vote buying, physical attacks, and attempts to frighten African Americans interfered with the voting process –Watson would have won if not for the larger number of votes cast in Augusta (Richmond County) which exceeded the number of registered voters. Defeated again in 1894 Ran for Vice-President in 1904 and President in 1905 – defeated on both counts. Joined the Democratic Party – against all minority rights, including African-Americans, Catholics, and Jews Elected to U.S. Senate in 1920 – died 2 years later.

19 Georgia’s Progressive Era Governors Hoke Smith: worked to concentrate political power in the rural counties instead of larger counties and cities –white supremacist –led passage of law requiring land ownership before a person could vote – excluded many blacks –better funding of public schools –child labor laws passed –Smith-Lever Act (1914): created Agricultural Extension Service to teach improved farming methods –Smith-Hughes Act: helped establish vocational schools for youth “Little Joe” Brown: son of Civil War era governor Joseph E. Brown - defeated Smith in 1908, lost to Smith in 1910

20 The County Unit System 1917: Neil Primary Act created “county unit system” Plan designed to give small counties more power in state government Smaller counties had more county unit “votes” even though they had fewer voters People could be elected to office without getting a majority of votes Declared unconstitutional in 1962

21 Section 3: The Continuing Fight for Civil Rights What words do I need to know? –civil rights –Jim Crow laws –injunction –Atlanta Compromise speech –lynching –Back-to-Africa movement –grandfather clause –poll tax –gerrymander –martial law –National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) –National Urban League

22 Section 3: The Continuing Fight for Civil Rights What people do I need to know? –Booker T. Washington –W.E.B. DuBois –John & Lugenia Burns Hope –Leo Frank

23 Separate But Equal Civil Rights: rights a person has as a citizen “Jim Crow” laws passed to separate blacks and whites –Separate restrooms, water fountains, railroad cars, waiting rooms, lodging facilities, dining areas, and schools –Although facilities were separate, they were rarely equal to those set aside for whites

24 Separate But Equal Plessy v. Ferguson: Supreme Court decision which approved Jim Crow laws – decision in place until 1954 – gave states the right to control social discrimination and to promote segregation of the races, numerous laws enforced separate facilities such as parks and public transportation. –Separate but equal facilities the law of the land. –Justice John Marshall Harlan cast the single dissenting vote.

25 Separate But Equal Cummings V. Richmond County Board of Education: Supreme Court decision supporting segregated schools in Georgia –African American students had the right to be educated only until the eighth grade –Closing the white high school did not relate to the equal rights granted by the 14 th amendment. –Use of funds to open the elementary school & close the high school was a state issue. –Separate but equal schools upheld as the law of the land.

26 Booker T. Washington Outstanding civil rights leader of the era President of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama Supported good relations between blacks and whites Worked to improve the lives of African Americans through economic independence Believed social and political equality would come with improved economic conditions and education Famous “Atlanta Compromise” speech (1895)Atlanta Compromise p. 353

27 W. E. B. DuBois Professor at Atlanta University “Talented 10 th ” – a higher education for 10 % of the African American Population Believed in “action” if African Americans and whites were to understand and accept each other Thought Booker T. Washington was too accepting of social injustice – opposed what he called the “Tuskegee Machine”

28 John Hope Civil rights leader from Augusta, GA President of Atlanta University Like DuBois, believed that African Americans should actively work for equality Part of group that organized NAACP Hope’s wife, Lugenia, organized the Neighborhood Union, worked to improve sanitation, roads, healthcare and education for African American neighborhoods in Atlanta

29 A Loss of Voting Rights Laws created to keep African Americans in Georgia from voting –Grandfather clause: only those men whose fathers or grandfathers were eligible to vote in 1867 could vote –Poll tax: a tax paid to vote –Voters had to own property –Voters had to pass a literacy test (which was determined by the poll worker and could be different for different people) –Gerrymandering: election districts drawn up to divide the African American voters

30 Race Riots in Atlanta 1906: various leaders and newspapers created a climate of anger and fear1906 Two-day riot began with over 5,000 people Martial law: military forces used to control civilians 21 people killed; hundreds wounded Lots of property damage

31 African Americans Organize NAACP (1909): worked for the rights of African Americans W.E.B. DuBois left Atlanta to work for the NAACP in New York – publishing The Crisis National Urban League formed in 1910 –Worked to solve social problems of African Americans in cities –Assisted people moving from rural South to urban North

32 The Trial of Leo Frank 1913: man accused of killing a 14-year-old employee, Mary Phagan in Atlanta1913 Mr. Frank was a Jewish man from New York Little evidence against Mr. Frank, but he was convicted and sentenced to death Governor Slaton changed death sentence to life imprisonment Armed men took Frank from the prison, and he was lynched White supremacist Ku Klux Klan reborn as a result Click to return to Table of Contents.

33 Section 4: Business in Georgia ESSENTIAL QUESTION – How did Georgia businesses grow during the progressive era?

34 Section 4: Business in Georgia What people do I need to know? –Alonzo Herndon –Asa Candler –Morris Rich

35 Business in Georgia 1895: Cotton States and International ExpositionCotton States and International Exposition –800,000 visitors in three months –designed to show economic recovery in the South –encouraged investments in southern businesses

36 Rich’s Famous Atlanta department storedepartment store Started in 1867 by Morris Rich a Hungarian immigrant Known as a store “with heart” –took farmers’ produce in payment –took teachers’ scrip as money during the Great Depression Atlanta’s first plate glass store windows Grew to be a regional shopping chain

37 Coca-Cola Invented in Atlanta in 1885 by John S. Pemberton as tonicAtlanta –Willis Venable – soda fountain clerk (Jacob’s Pharmacy) missed the tonic with fountain water. Business purchased and expanded by Asa Candler Purchased all Coca-Cola Stock for $2,300 Candler made the headache tonic into a refreshing drink

38 Coca-Cola Made Coca Cola a Nationally acclaimed product. Established Emory University & Hospital Candler served as mayor of Atlanta for several years without receiving pay. Candler purchased and established the Atlanta Zoo Established and paid for the tourist event Cyclorama.

39 Coca-Cola Asa Candler sold company in 1919 for $25 million. Robert Woodruff grew company to billions of dollars in sales each year Woodruff made Coca-Cola an international delight ( during WWII Coca-Cola was sent to soldiers to give them a “little taste of home”. ) Woodruff gave $105 million in stock to Emory University. ( This continues to be one of the largest single gift in the U.S. )

40 Coca-Cola Woodruff and Candler - generous givers to worthy causes.

41 Atlanta Mutual Insurance Company Alonzo Herndon started barber business 1905: Purchased small insurance company and managed it well Now one of the largest African American businesses in the US Worth over $200 million and operates in 17 states

42 Section 5: World War I What words do I need to know? –World War I –neutral –propaganda –armistice

43 World War I 1914-1918 Allied Powers Leading Countries Central Powers Leading Countries France Great Britain Russia (United States joined in 1917) Germany Austria-Hungary President Woodrow Wilson declared the US would be a neutral country.

44 Eugene Jacques Bullard First African American combat pilot – from Columbus, GA Enlisted in French Foreign Legion: 1914 Flew combat missions against Germany US Army Air Force refused his services Decorated for valor by France and declared a Hero for his services in both WWI and WWII

45 The United States Enters the War President Wilson worked to keep the US out of the war 1915: German submarine sank passenger ship Lusitania killing 128 AmericansLusitania 1917: sub attacks resumed sinking American ships Zimmerman telegram: Germany tried to get Mexico to attack the US Wilson finally joined the Allied powersAllied powers

46 Georgia and World War I ±100,000 Georgians volunteered to join the US armed forces Training in Georgia at Camp Benning, Fort McPherson, and Camp Gordon helped Georgia economy Georgians contributed manufactured goods and farm produce 3,000 young Georgians killed in the war Ended November 11, 1918

47 Atlanta Fire May 21, 1917 Lasted 10-12 hours Seventy city blocks destroyed 6,000-10,000 people left homeless

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