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Read over the CNN article and answer the following questions: 1. What are the main conclusions of the study referenced in the article? 2. How did the researchers.

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Presentation on theme: "Read over the CNN article and answer the following questions: 1. What are the main conclusions of the study referenced in the article? 2. How did the researchers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read over the CNN article and answer the following questions: 1. What are the main conclusions of the study referenced in the article? 2. How did the researchers examine the effects of cannabis on the brain? 3. What do the researchers recommend to adolescents? Why?

2  Agonist = a chemical that binds to a receptor of a cell and triggers a response, mimicking the action of a naturally occurring chemical  Antagonist = a chemical that binds to a receptor without triggering a response and preventing other chemicals from binding to the receptor  Reuptake Inhibitor = a chemical that binds to the uptake transporter on the presynaptic neuron preventing the NTs from being recycled, causing the NTs to remain in the synapse and available to bind to receptors longer

3  Acetylcholine (ACh) agonist o Binds to ACh receptors and excites the cell  Causes an increased release of dopamine

4  GABA agonist o Binds to GABA receptors and acts like GABA  GABA is inhibitory, so alcohol binding to GABA receptors increases inhibitory effects

5  Serotonin reuptake increased o Accelerates serotonin uptake transporter so serotonin is recycled faster Less serotonin (inhibitory) able to bind to the receptors  More energy, euphoria

6  GABA antagonist o Blocks GABA receptors without triggering a response GABA is unable to bind to receptors and GABA that usually reduces the amount of dopamine is unable to Increased amount of dopamine

7  Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors  Used as antidepressants  Serotonin reuptake is decreased  Increased serotonin in synapse  Increased effects of serotonin

8  A scientific research paper is the way that all results are communicated.  This is how other scientists gather information for their own experiments.  They include information like how long they took, the equipment and materials necessary, and details about how to physically perform the experiments.

9  contain the original data and conclusions of the researchers who were involved in the experiments. These articles also contain details about how the experiments were done.  give an overview of the scientific field or topic by summarizing the data and conclusions from many studies. Literature Review Article Primary Research Article

10  You will come across words that you do not know:  Circle those words:  Use context clues to figure out what they mean  Have a scientific dictionary to look them up  Google them!

11  Typically contains the following sections: o Title page o Introduction section o List of references  In most science college classes (both hard and soft), APA style is used to write papers  The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a great place for citation style guidelines (MLA and APA)

12  You will need to use 3-5 articles in your literature review  You must find at least 1 on your own  I will provide some articles, but depending on your topic, you may need to find more on your own  Your research question should investigate the psychological or physiological effects of cannabis o The more specific you can be, the better  Your paper should be at least 5 pages (including title page, body, and references)

13  Friday, 1/30 – Brain Quiz and Research day (bring laptops)  Tuesday, 2/3 – Research day (bring laptops)  Thursday 2/5 – APA Paper due at beginning of class  Wednesday, 2/11 – Nervous System Test

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