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1 Dr. Ali Mistarihi Employee Training & Development.

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2 1 Dr. Ali Mistarihi Employee Training & Development

3 2 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development to develop employees to be successful in their:  current jobs  future jobs Introduction Why Training should be strategic ? to provide (formal trg + learning) to cope with change to prepare for future demands

4 3 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development  is defines as “a plan of how the org will go about achieving its goals”  it influences how the org uses its resources to achieve goals  it directs the activities and functions to achieve its goals Introduction Business Strategy expl:  how to get to 20 % of ROI ?  how to be no. 1 in your line of business ?

5 4 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development  to increase profit by 30 % by 2015: - 5 % by 2013 - 10 % by 2014 - 15 % by 2015 Introduction Examples about goals (WHAT?): for a private- owned co  to get graduates to be No. 1 in the Jordanian labour market by 2015 (industry position) YU- a service – public sector org.

6 5 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development  to increase profit by 30 % by 2015: - 5 % by 2013 - 10 % by 2014 - 15 % by 2015 Introduction Examples about goals (WHAT?): for a private- owned co  to get graduates to be No. 1 in the Jordanian labour market by 2015 (industry position) YU- a service – public sector org.

7 6 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development  Goals / strategies have direct / indirect link to T&D: (what?) Develop employees’ skills to reach the goals.. (how?) by creating positive working envt (leads to) attracting talented employees and provide them with trg Introduction Link to T & D:

8 7 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development  1. amount of trg (current & future)  2. customized trg (individual/ group / org)  3. importance of trg (compared to other HR functions) Introduction Strategies have strong influence on determining:

9 8 The 1 st Exam Thursday 1.11.2012 @ 1.00 pm Employee Training & Development

10 9 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development The Strategic Trg & Dev Process Mission Vision Goals Strategies Activities Initiatives Needs Astst Objectives Outcomes Design Evaluation Delivery - Follow up - Metrics for follow up (e.g: - improvement - turnover - satisfaction - etc.. 1 + 2: Bus. Strategy & Analysis 3: Trg Process 4: Value of Trg / Learning Link & feedback

11 10 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Mission vision dynamics process task Activity Procedure What & why?? How?

12 11 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development STEP-1  reference to the org’s mission, vision & values  org mission is: “the org’s reason for existence Identifying the Co’s Business Strategy 3 Steps: Mission includes: 1.Specification for customers served 2.Why the org exists 3.What the org does 4.What values / benefits to the customers / public

13 12 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Identifying the Co’s Business Strategy 3 Steps: Vision is: “ the picture that the org wants to achieve “ Values are: “ what the org stands for “ جامعة اليرموك : المحافظة على الثقافة الوطنية / تقدير الابداع والتميز / تقدير ودعم البحث العلمي / النماء الانتماء.. الخ

14 13 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development STEP-2  Conduct SWOT analysis Identifying the Co’s Business Strategy 3 Steps: SWOT includes: 1.Internal strengths 2.Internal weaknesses 3.External opportunities 4.External threats

15 14 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development STEP-3  consider competition (see Table 2.1 ; pg 52) 1 +2: Identifying the Co’s Business Strategy 3 Steps: Identifying trg initiatives / strategies (see Table 2.2 ; pg 55)

16 15 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development to identify benefits for trg / learning to the whole org.. how trg & dev contribute to the business strategy by using metrics to know: 3: Identify & Collect Metrics of Trg Success trainee satisfaction Change in knowledge, skills, behaviour Contribution to the org’s performance / goals Employee turnover No. of product defects Time spent in production no,. of patents, etc..

17 16 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development One way is to use a “balanced score-cared”. to assess trg contribution to the balanced score-cared This includes, looking at the org’s overall performance from the perspectives of : …. 3: Identify & Collect Metrics of Trg Success

18 17 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development 3: Identify & Collect Metrics of Trg Success time / quality / cost / service FocusIndicators Customers Internal processes Financial Innovation & learning - customer satisfaction - employee satisfaction - operating efficiency - employee satisfaction - continuous improvements - profit - growth - shareholder value

19 18 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Employee trained: 3: Identify & Collect Metrics of Trg Success Examples on METRICS = JD / employee = no. of employees Total cost Training cost: = % = total no. of employees employees trained

20 19 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Training cost per hour: 3: Identify & Collect Metrics of Trg Success Examples on METRICS = total trg hours total trg cost = JD / hour

21 20 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Characteristics that Influence Trg. Roles of employees & mgrs Involvement of: - employees - teams - managers (all levels..) Top mgrs support

22 21 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Characteristics that Influence Trg. Integration of business units: - highly integrated orgs.. means : train employees to understand other units Global presence.. (eg. overseas assignment) Business conditions

23 22 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Characteristics that Influence Trg. Other HR practices - HR planning - staffing - promotion - etc.. Unionization مثلا في مشاريع التخاصية واعادة الهيكلة Business conditions

24 23 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Outsourcing Trg. Trg outsourcing is the use of outside / external co. to take responsibility & control of part (or all) T&D activities: - administration - design / development - delivery - evaluation & follow up

25 24 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Outsourcing Trg. WHY to outsource ? - cost saving - time saving - lack of capability - access best trg practices

26 25 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Outsourcing Trg. Approaches: Comprehensive approach (ALL trg activities) Selective outsourcing VS

27 26 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Outsourcing Trg. WHEN [or NOT] to outsource ? [refer to Table 2.9; pg 82 - your capabilities - importance to org - change of trg content - trg provider; expert? - strengths / weaknesses of outsourcing.. Ask few questions about:

28 27 Question Time ? Thank You END OF CH. 2

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