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#SSWbAct Part 9: Co-operation and Partnership Rhan 9: Cydweithrediad a Phartneriaeth.

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Presentation on theme: "#SSWbAct Part 9: Co-operation and Partnership Rhan 9: Cydweithrediad a Phartneriaeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 #SSWbAct Part 9: Co-operation and Partnership Rhan 9: Cydweithrediad a Phartneriaeth

2 Key areas to discuss Y meysydd allweddol i’w trafod Context to co-operation and partnership Definition and purpose of integration Progress to date Existing tools to promote co-operation and partnership New measures introduced by the Act Consultation questions Cyd-destun cydweithrediad a phartneriaeth Diffiniad o integreiddio a diben integreiddio Y cynnydd a wnaed hyd yn hyn Adnoddau sy’n bodoli eisoes i hybu cydweithrediad a phartneriaeth Mesurau newydd a gyflwynwyd gan y Ddeddf Cwestiynau ymgynghori

3 Context Cyd-destun Sustainable Social Services Increased emphasis on integration – Ministerial statement July 2013 (focus on older people with complex needs) Challenges due to demographic changes and increased demand for services Commission on Public Service Delivery Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cynaliadwy Mwy o bwyslais ar integreiddio – datganiad gan y Gweinidog ym mis Gorffennaf 2013 (canolbwyntio ar bobl hŷn ag anghenion cymhleth) Heriau oherwydd newidiadau demograffig a chynnydd yn y galw am wasanaethau Y Comisiwn ar Ddarparu Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus

4 Definition Diffiniad Many definitions of integration, we used: “My care is planned by me with people working together to understand me, my family and carers, giving me control and bringing together services to achieve the outcomes important to me.” Ceir sawl diffiniad o integreiddio ond dyma’r un a ddefnyddiwyd gennym ni: “Mae fy ngofal yn cael ei gynllunio gennyf i a phobl yn cydweithio i’m deall i, fy nheulu a’m gofalwr/ gofalwyr, yn rhoi rheolaeth i mi, ac yn dod â gwasanaethau at ei gilydd i sicrhau’r canlyniadau sy’n bwysig i mi.”

5 Why integrate Pam integreiddio? To improve care and support for people. Ensuring that people have more say and control over the care they receive To improve outcomes and the health and well-being of the people of Wales Provide co-ordinated, person centred care and support Make more effective use of resources, skills and expertise Er mwyn gwella gofal a chymorth i bobl, gan sicrhau bod gan bobl fwy o ddylanwad a rheolaeth ar y gofal y maent yn ei gael Er mwyn gwella canlyniadau a gwella iechyd a llesiant pobl Cymru Er mwyn darparu gofal a chymorth cydlynol sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn Er mwyn gwneud defnydd mwy effeithiol o adnoddau, sgiliau ac arbenigedd

6 Progress to date Y cynnydd a wnaed hyd yn hyn Integrated community equipment services Early integration model – Integrated Family Support Services December 2013 – An integrated assessment and care planning framework for Older People with complex needs March 2014 – Integration Framework for Older People with Complex Needs December 2014 – Announcement of intermediate care fund Gwasanaethau cyfarpar cymunedol integredig Model integreiddio cynnar – Gwasanaethau Integredig Cymorth i Deuluoedd Rhagfyr 2013 – Fframwaith asesu a chynllunio gofal integredig ar gyfer pobl hŷn ag anghenion cymhleth Mawrth 2014 – Fframwaith integreiddio ar gyfer pobl hŷn ag anghenion cymhleth Rhagfyr 2014 – Cyhoeddi’r Gronfa Gofal Canolraddol

7 Intermediate Care Fund Y Gronfa Gofal Canolraddol 2014/15 – £50 million to support older people to remain at home / in community setting Fund used to drive integration and collaboration between partners – health, social care, housing, third and independent sectors 2015/16 – £20 million to take forward ICF projects 2014/15 – £50 miliwn i gynorthwyo pobl hŷn i aros gartref / mewn lleoliad cymunedol Defnyddio’r gronfa i ysgogi integreiddio a chydweithredu rhwng partneriaid – ym maes iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol, tai, y trydydd sector a’r sector annibynnol 2015/16 – £20 miliwn i symud prosiectau’r gronfa yn eu blaen

8 Existing tools to promote partnership Adnoddau sy’n bodoli eisoes i hybu partneriaeth Grants – sections 28(a) and 28(b) NHS Act 1977 Pooled funds – Children Act 2004 – wide range of partners can share resources. N.B. this does not allow for the delegation of functions between agencies Pooled funds – section 162 SSWB (Wales) Act 2014 extends this provision to adults and carers Grantiau – adrannau 28(a) a 28(b) Deddf y GIG 1977 Cronfeydd cyfun – Deddf Plant 2004 – gall ystod eang o bartneriaid rannu adnoddau. D.S. nid yw hynny’n caniatáu dirprwyo swyddogaethau rhwng asiantaethau Cronfeydd cyfun – mae Adran 162 Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 yn ymestyn y ddarpariaeth hon i oedolion a gofalwyr

9 Partnership tools Adnoddau partneriaeth NHS (Wales) Act 2006 Section 33 allows for formal partnerships Delegation of functions between NHS to LA and from LA to NHS Integrated Planning and Commissioning Pooled funds Health Act flexibilities can be used in different combinations Mae Adran 33 Deddf GIG (Cymru) 2006 yn caniatáu partneriaethau ffurfiol Caniateir dirprwyo swyddogaethau o’r GIG i Awdurdodau Lleol ac o Awdurdodau Lleol i’r GIG Cynllunio a Chomisiynu Integredig Cronfeydd cyfun Gellir defnyddio elfennau hyblyg y Ddeddf Iechyd mewn gwahanol gyfuniadau

10 Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 Integration is a key theme. Regulatory powers for greater partnership and collaboration Purpose to ensure Local Authorities and Local Health Boards work effectively together to plan and ensure delivery of integrated services, care and support to best meet the needs of people in their local area Mae integreiddio yn thema allweddol. Pwerau rheoleiddio ar gyfer mwy o weithio mewn partneriaeth a chydweithredu Y diben yw sicrhau bod Awdurdodau Lleol a Byrddau Iechyd Lleol yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd yn effeithiol i gynllunio gwasanaethau, gofal a chymorth integredig a sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu darparu, er mwyn diwallu anghenion pobl yn eu hardal leol yn y modd gorau posibl

11 Social Services and Well-being Wales Act 2014 Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 Regulation making powers will enable partnership arrangements and partnership boards to be established, as well as the establishment of pooled funds Guidance will specify priority areas for integration Bydd pwerau creu rheoliadau yn ei gwneud yn bosibl sefydlu trefniadau partneriaeth a byrddau partneriaeth, yn ogystal â sefydlu cronfeydd cyfun Bydd canllawiau’n pennu meysydd blaenoriaeth ar gyfer integreiddio

12 Regional Partnership Boards Byrddau Partneriaeth Rhanbarthol Based on current LHB footprint Aligned with approach to partnership working for ICF Cardiff and Vale, Cwm Taf, Gwent, Mid and West, North Wales, Western Bay Yn seiliedig ar ardaloedd presennol Byrddau Iechyd Lleol Yn cyd-fynd â’r dull o weithio mewn partneriaeth sy’n ymwneud â’r Gronfa Gofal Canolraddol Caerdydd a’r Fro, Cwm Taf, Gwent, y Canolbarth a’r Gorllewin, y Gogledd, Bae’r Gorllewin

13 Objectives of Boards Amcanion y Byrddau To ensure that the partnership bodies work effectively together to: Respond to the population needs assessment Implement the health and well- being strategies for each of the local authority areas covered by the board Provide sufficient resources for partnership arrangements Promote pooled funds where appropriate Sicrhau bod y cyrff partneriaeth yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd yn effeithiol i: Ymateb i’r asesiad o anghenion y boblogaeth Gweithredu’r strategaethau iechyd a llesiant ar gyfer pob ardal awdurdod lleol y mae’r bwrdd yn ymdrin â hi Darparu digon o adnoddau ar gyfer trefniadau partneriaeth Hyrwyddo cronfeydd cyfun lle y bo hynny’n briodol

14 Membership Aelodaeth At least one elected member of a local authority At least one member of the local health board The person appointed as Director of Social Services in respect of each authority The Chief Executive of the local health board O leiaf un aelod etholedig o awdurdod lleol O leiaf un aelod o’r bwrdd iechyd lleol Y sawl a benodwyd yn Gyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ar gyfer pob awdurdod Prif Weithredwr y bwrdd iechyd lleol

15 Membership Aelodaeth At least one person who represents the interests of the third sector in the area covered by the board At least one person who represents the interests of care providers in the area covered by the board One lay person appointed by the Welsh Ministers by public appointment O leiaf un unigolyn sy’n cynrychioli buddiannau’r trydydd sector yn yr ardal y mae’r bwrdd yn ymdrin â hi O leiaf un unigolyn sy’n cynrychioli buddiannau darparwyr gofal yn yr ardal y mae’r bwrdd yn ymdrin â hi Un lleygwr a benodwyd gan Weinidogion Cymru drwy benodiad cyhoeddus

16 Priorities for integration Blaenoriaethau ar gyfer integreiddio Statutory guidance will set out priority areas Older People with complex needs and long term conditions Integrated Family Support Services Learning disabilities Children with complex needs due to disability and illness Carers Bydd canllawiau statudol yn egluro meysydd blaenoriaeth Pobl hŷn ag anghenion cymhleth a chyflyrau hirdymor Gwasanaethau Integredig Cymorth i Deuluoedd Anableddau dysgu Plant ag anghenion cymhleth oherwydd anabledd a salwch Gofalwyr

17 Integrated Family Support Service (IFSS) Gwasanaeth Integredig Cymorth i Deuluoedd Regulations will require: Partnership bodies to establish an IFSS team Scope expanded to include parents with a mental disorder and domestic violence Bydd y rheoliadau’n mynnu: Bod cyrff partneriaeth yn sefydlu tîm Gwasanaeth Integredig Cymorth i Deuluoedd Bod ei rychwant yn cael ei ymestyn i gynnwys rhieni ag anhwylder meddwl a rhieni sy’n dioddef trais domestig

18 Pooled funds Cronfeydd cyfun Partnership bodies for each of the partnership arrangements are required to establish pooled funds in relation to: (a)The exercise of their care home accommodation functions (b)The exercise of their family support functions (IFSS) Mae’n ofynnol i gyrff partneriaeth, ar gyfer pob un o’r trefniadau partneriaeth, sefydlu cronfeydd cyfun mewn perthynas â’r canlynol: (a)Cyflawni eu swyddogaethau o ran llety mewn cartrefi gofal (b)Cyflawni eu swyddogaethau o ran cymorth i deuluoedd (Gwasanaeth Integredig Cymorth i Deuluoedd)

19 Benefits of integrated approach Manteision dull integredig o weithredu Better for people Based on common understanding of need and demand One approach to working with all partners One approach to determining quality and capacity issues One approach to contracts/ specifications / fee setting / market facilitation and quality assurance Improved governance Mae’n well i bobl Mae’n seiliedig ar ddealltwriaeth gyffredin o angen a galw Ceir un dull o weithio gyda phob partner Ceir un dull o benderfynu ynghylch problemau’n ymwneud ag ansawdd a chapasiti Ceir un dull o ymdrin â chontractau / ymdrin â manylebau / gosod ffioedd / hwyluso’r farchnad a sicrhau ansawdd Ceir dull gwell o lywodraethu

20 Consultation questions Cwestiynau ymgynghori Do you agree with the proposed membership of regional partnership boards? Do you agree with the proposals for pooled funds? Do you agree with the priority areas identified for regional partnership boards? Do you agree with the proposals in relation to integrated family support services? Do you agree the proposals will lead to improved outcomes for people and make more effective use of resources? Ydych chi’n cytuno ag aelodaeth arfaethedig y byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol? Ydych chi’n cytuno â’r cynigion ar gyfer cronfeydd cyfun? Ydych chi’n cytuno â’r meysydd blaenoriaeth a nodwyd ar gyfer byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol? Ydych chi’n cytuno â’r cynigion mewn perthynas â gwasanaethau integredig cymorth i deuluoedd? Ydych chi’n cytuno y bydd y cynigion yn arwain at ganlyniadau gwell i bobl ac yn gwneud defnydd mwy effeithiol o adnoddau?

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