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Teaching Point: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.” Do now Discussion: Why do you think hot surfaces ‘feel’ hot, and cold surfaces ‘feel’

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Point: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.” Do now Discussion: Why do you think hot surfaces ‘feel’ hot, and cold surfaces ‘feel’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Point: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.” Do now Discussion: Why do you think hot surfaces ‘feel’ hot, and cold surfaces ‘feel’ cold?

2 Deliciousness in the Oven Let’s say you are cooking some delicious and nutritious chicken in the oven. The chicken has been cooking for about 20 minutes. TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.”

3 Hunger Clouding Judgement In a moment of pure hunger, you grab the tray with your bare hands to pull it out… what happens? TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.”

4 How Does the Heat Move? What direction did the heat move in order to burn your hand? or TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.”

5 The heat moves from the chicken INTO your hand. Heat always moves from where it is hot to where it is cold. Heat Source toHeat Sink How Does the Heat Move? TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.”

6 When heat is transferred from touching, or being in direct contact, this is called Conduction.  Atoms are colliding and transferring kinetic energy Heat Transfer By Conduction TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.”

7 Collisions Between Atoms TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.”

8 Mid-Lesson Assessments Take out your own Plicker Card. You should all have a number assigned to you. When you see the answer you think is correct, turn your card so the multiple choice answer letter of your choice is facing up Wait until the entire class is done, and do not change your answer based on others! TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.”

9 Mid-Lesson Assessment 1.Heat always moves from the heat sink to the heat source. True or False 2.Conduction is the movement of heat by a.touch contact c.atoms colliding d.all of the above TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.”

10 Intellectual Engagement Building engineers recommend using a pink cotton- like substance called ‘insulation’ inside the walls of homes. TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.” How will using insulation benefit the home owner during the summer? During the winter?

11 Class Activity- Conduction Instructions: Using what we just learned draw an illustration of heat transfer by conduction… Task A- label where the heat source and heat sink are in your illustration. Task B- label where the heat source and heat sink are in your illustration, and explain how you could make the heat travel more quickly. Task C- explain changing the substance/material that the heat is conducting through could impact the rate of heat transfer. Flexible Group- take out your portfolio and meet me at my desk for a conference. TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.”

12 Lesson Summary In your tables of four, go back into your notes and consider what we have just learned today, and then… 1. Identify three (3) important concepts we learned today 2. Place those the three in order from the most important concept to least important. TP: “To model the transfer of heat through conduction.”

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