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Unit title: Quality and Health and Safety Systems in Science Industries Unit code: DF82 34 1.

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1 Unit title: Quality and Health and Safety Systems in Science Industries Unit code: DF82 34 1

2 Course Requirements  Outcome 1  Describe key aspects of H&S procedures in relation to science  Taught and self learning  Closed book exam  Outcome 2  Describe named Quality Standard(s) in relation to science  Write a report with background guidance. Requires you to research the topic  Outcome 3  Site visit to investigate Quality and H&S initiatives  Write a report with background guidance. Requires you to research the topic  This course requires you to read, study and research topics. 2

3 Outcome 1 Key aspects of Health and Safety procedures in relation to Science. What do you need to know?  Legal requirements for Health and Safety  COSHH  Risk assessment  Accident procedure  Signs and symbols in hazardous situations 3

4 Health and Safety.  The major legal requirements for Health and Safety take the form of:  The Health and Safety at Work Act  The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 4

5 Why Bother with H&S? 5

6 H&S hits the headlines!  Two people have been treated for burns after an explosion and fire at a chemicals factory in Irvine. (March 2006)  Dangerous radiation beamed out across Yorkshire after a flask of radioactive waste from a Leeds hospital leaked. (March 2002) 6

7 2006 at Irvine site 7

8 Everyone Matters 31 May 1929 Fatally Injured on First Day at Work - Injured on his first day at work at Glenburn Colliery, Prestwick, a boy named William Connor, who resided at 159 Glenburn, Prestwick, died in Ayr County Hospital yesterday morning from the effect of being crushed between a trap door and a "rake" of hutches. 8

9 What examples of Industrial Injuries or Illness can you think of? See notes for some examples 9

10 Chernobyl 1986 10

11 Bhopal 1984 11

12 Piper Alpha – 167 men lost there lives in July 1988 12

13 Asbestos 13

14 Mercury 14

15 15

16 16 Chromium

17 17 Liquid Nitrogen

18 HASWA  5 or more employees – Written Safety Policy Required  Information and Training  People at additional risk  Applies to all persons at work  Applies to people affected by work activities 18

19 UK-HSE Stats 2013/14 at a glance  1.2 million working people suffering from a work-related illness  2535 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures (2012)  133 workers killed at work  78 000 other injuries to employees reported under RIDDOR  629 000 injuries at work from the Labour Force Survey  28.2 million working days lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury  £14.2 billion estimated cost of injuries and ill health from current working conditions (2012/13) 19

20  The Law  Employer’s responsibility  Employee’s responsibility  Supplier’s responsibility  RISK ASSESSMENT  Hazard and Risk  General – “Six Pack”  Chemical and Biological-COSHH OVERVIEW HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ACT 1974 20

21 Health and Safety in the Laboratory Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 21 It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure as far as reasonably practicable the Health, Safety and Welfare of employees

22 CASE STUDY 1 In groups discuss how an you think an employer would comply with the law. Bullet Points on Flip Chart. 22

23 HASWA  EMPLOYER’S DUTIES  Safeguard as far as reasonably practicable health safety and welfare of employees  Provision and maintenance of safe plant and systems of work  Protecting persons other than those at work  Controlling use of explosive or highly flammable substances 23

24 HASWA  MORE EMPLOYER’S DUTIES  Monitoring hazardous materials  Safe use, handling, storage and transport  Information, training and supervision  Safe work environment e.g. access, egress  Health screening if necessary 24

25 HASWA  Duties of Employees  reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves or others  co-operate with employers in meeting statutory requirements  no interference or misuse of anything provided to protect H&SW 25

26 HASWA  Responsibilities of manufacturers and suppliers  safe for use  tested  supply information about use  does not constitute a risk to health 26


28 Reminder  HASWA (primary – law)  Regulations (secondary – statutory)  ACOP – (no legal status)  Guidelines – (no legal status) 28

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