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Our Own Words YEAR 11. Using Our Own Words  Learning Objectives  To revise how to summarise properly.  To develop our use of our own words.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Own Words YEAR 11. Using Our Own Words  Learning Objectives  To revise how to summarise properly.  To develop our use of our own words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Own Words YEAR 11

2 Using Our Own Words  Learning Objectives  To revise how to summarise properly.  To develop our use of our own words.

3 Look at your partner’s summary homework.  I want you to assess it using four simple guidelines.  Is it in his own words? Circle areas where he has just simply lifted from the passage.  Has she been concise and clear? Circle any areas of waffle, going off subject (ie not simply talking about the positive and negatives of football or an intro).  Tick off the different points they have made – they will need twelve to be 100% successful.  Have they written within the correct word limits? 200-250 words.

4 Peer Assessment  If they have been successful in four sections, award them 5.  If they have been successful in three sections, award them 4.  If they have been successful in two sections, award them 3.  If they have been successful in only one, award them 2.  Award them one mark if they have been successful in none because that is remarkable and deserves some kind of reward.  Explain your choice of mark. Don’t be stupidly generous or harsh. No point in that.

5 The Use Our Words Quiz – Revisited  We will read P127 of your Workbooks together (spare copies available).  When we have finished, your job (in teams) will be to put the words in bold into your own words…however, I do not want simple synonym. I want you to reword each sentence so it is now in your own words.  The BOLD words are the ones that are the most important to be changed.

6 Facebook  Pick out the eight main reasons for the woman finding fault with Facebook.  This is a note-taking exercise in a similar vein as Q3 in Paper 2.  Only eight key reasons this time.

7 Reasons for Disliking Facebook  It is no longer cool  People steal your identity  Exposing your life to strangers  It is very intrusive  It is just digital drivel  Is a cynical publicity and marketing tool  It’s a playground popularity contest.  People don’t realize the consequences of their actions.

8 100 Word Summary  You have only 8 reasons so I want a summary between 100-125 words to explain why the writer hates Facebook.  Remember:  Formal, impersonal tone.  Own words  Concise and clear  100-125 words  All 8 points covered.

9 Peer Assessment – Same Rules  Remember the summary is out of 5.  If they have been successful in four sections, award them 5.  If they have been successful in three sections, award them 4.  If they have been successful in two sections, award them 3.  If they have been successful in only one, award them 2.  Award them one mark if they have been successful in none because that is remarkable and deserves some kind of reward.  Explain your choice of mark. Don’t be stupidly generous or harsh. No point in that.

10 Plenary  What have we remembered about the summary?  What are general hopes and fears about the exam at this point?  Please write them on a Post-It Note.

11 Homework  Directed Writing Task – this will involve you developing these eight key points that we have been discussing all period (plus using other details).  A Technology conference has invited the writer along to explain their views and experience of Facebook. As the writer, create a persuasive speech that outlines:  Their experience of Facebook  Their general views before and after  What they believe will be the consequences of Facebook in the future.  Base your answer on the passage but also your own views.

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