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Published byColin Carpenter Modified over 8 years ago
1 Chapter 24 Stabilizing the Economy: The Role of the Federal Reserve Principle of Economics National Chi Nan University
2/59 Learning Objectives 1. Describe the structure and responsibilities of the Central Bank (CB) System. 央行系統 2. Analyze how changes in real interest rates affect planned aggregate expenditures and short-run equilibrium output ( 分析實質利率的改變如何影響 PAE 和 短期均衡產出 ). 3. Define what a monetary policy rule is. 央行政策法則 Relate this to the Fed's role in stabilization policy. 4. Show how the demand for money and the supply of money determine equilibrium nominal interest rate. 5. Discuss how the CB uses control of the money supply to influence nominal and real interest rates.
3/59 Fed Watch Analysts attempt to forecast Fed decisions about monetary policy. Greenspan briefcase indicator ( 葛林斯潘公事包指數 ). Fed decisions have significant effects on global financial market. Monetary policy is a major stabilization tool. 主要政策工具 Quickly decided and implemented by Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). More flexible and responsive than fiscal policy, which can be changed only by legislative action by Congress. 快速而有彈性
4/59 Functions of CB ( 現代中央銀行的功能 ) 做為「政府的銀行」 (government’s bank) : 代理國庫 : 現金、票據、證券的出納與保管 財產契約的管理 國內公外債、國庫券的發售與還本付息 負責訂定利率與貨幣數量等貨幣政策的職權 (conduct monetary policy) 。 維持金融體系的安定 (Oversight and regulation of financial markets) 。 Central to solving financial crises. 金融監理
5/59 管理外匯準備 ( 外匯存底 ) ,調節國際收支 : 中央銀行經由對外匯市場的干預,影響匯率及外匯準 備,進而影響進出口貿易量。 做為「銀行的銀行」 (banker’s bank) : 銀行的清算機構 。 最終借貸者 (lender of last resort) 。
6/59 Lender of last resort ( 一國資金供應的最後供給者 ) : 向銀行借錢 向央行借錢 向 IMF 借錢 企業 商業銀行 中央銀行 IMF IMF (International Monetary Fund): 國際貨幣基金會 向 IMF 借貸 : 印尼、南韓 (1997) 、希臘 (2010) 。
7/59 我國中央銀行的施政目標 民國 68 年 11 月 8 日修正及公布的「中央銀行法」,中央銀 行的經營目標明訂為促進金融穩定、健全銀行業務、維護 對內及對外幣值的穩定,並在上列的目標範圍內,協助經 濟發展。 隨著經濟快速成長,中央銀行所肩負的首要任務由原先的 追求經濟高度成長,轉變為維持物價與金融穩定,並積極 參與金融體系的建制與改革。 (Source: 中央銀行簡介 )
8/59 Taiwan Central Bank Organization
9/59 The Federal Reserve Organization Does not attempt to maximize profit (Fed is a government agency). 12 Federal Reserve Bank districts. Research and forecasts relevant to their region. Board of Governors ( 理事會 ) is the leadership of the Fed. Seven Governors are appointed by the President to 14-year terms. President selects one of the seven as Chairman for a four-year term. FOMC is the committee that makes decisions concerning monetary policy.
10/59 The Twelve Federal Reserve Districts
11/59 Chairman of the Fed 1. Charles S. Hamlin (August 10, 1914 — August 10, 1916) 2. William P. G. Harding (August 10, 1916 – August 9, 1922) 3. Daniel R. Crissinger (May 1, 1923 – September 15, 1927) 4. Roy A. Young (October 4, 1927 – August 31, 1930) 5. Eugene I. Meyer (September 16, 1930 – May 10, 1933) 6. Eugene R. Black (May 19, 1933 – August 15, 1934) 7. Marriner S. Eccles (November 15, 1934 – February 3, 1948) 8. Thomas B. McCabe (April 15, 1948 – April 2, 1951) 9. William McChesney Martin, Jr. (April 2, 1951 – Feb 1, 1970) 10. Arthur F. Burns (February 1, 1970 – January 31, 1978) 11. G. William Miller (March 8, 1978 – August 6, 1979) 12. Paul A. Volcker (August 6, 1979 – August 11, 1987) 13. Alan Greenspan (August 11, 1987 – January 31, 2006) 14. Ben S. Bernanke (February 1, 2006 – )
12/59 CB’s Role and Banking Panics 銀行擠兌 Banking panics (of 1930-1933) occurred when customers believe one or more banks might be bankrupt. Depositors are afraid to keep deposits in a bank and rush to withdraw funds. Banks have inadequate reserves to meet demand. Thus, banks close. Fed prevents bank panics by Supervising and regulating banks. Loaning banks funds if needed.
13/59 Bank Panics, 1930 – 1933 One-third of the banks closed. Increased the severity of the Great Depression Difficult for small businesses and consumers to get credit. Money supply decreased. Why?? Reason 1: People are afraid to keep deposits in banks Withdrew money and held currency instead. Money supply = Currency held by public + Bank reserves Desired reserve–deposit ratio
14/59 With no federal deposit insurance ( 存款保險 ), people held cash. They feared banks would close and they would lose their deposits. Holding cash reduced banks' reserves. 存款保險的額度 台灣: 300 萬新台幣;美國: 10 萬美元;日本: 1 千萬日幣
15/59 Bank Panics, 1930 – 1933 Reason 2: Banks feared banking panic and the associated withdrawals by the public, so they increased the reserve- deposit ratio. further decreased the money supply. Date Currency Held by Public ($B) Reserve – Deposit Ratio Bank Reserves ($B) Money Supply ($B) 12 / 1929 3.850.0753.1545.9 12 / 1930 3.790.0823.3144.1 12 / 1931 4.590.0923.1137.3 12 / 1932 4.820.1093.1834.0 12 / 1933 4.850.1333.4530.8
16/59 Deposit Insurance With no federal deposit insurance ( 存款保險 ), people held cash. Because they feared banks would close and they would lose their deposits. Holding cash reduced banks' reserves. Congress created deposit insurance in 1934. Deposit insurance is a system under which government guarantees that depositors will not lose any money even if their bank goes bankrupt. Deposits of less than $100,000 will be repaid even if the bank is bankrupt. Decreases incentive to withdraw funds on rumors. 臺灣 : 每一存款人在同一家機構存款本金最高保額為新台 幣 300 萬元
17/59 The Fed and the Economy Eliminate output gaps by changing the money supply Changes in money supply cause changes in nominal interest rate Interest rates affect planned aggregate expenditures, PAE
18/59 Targeting Interest Rates: Real or Nominal 實質利率與名目利率 Fed controls the nominal interest rates, I, through the control of money supply. Investment and saving decisions are based on the real interest rate, r Fed has some control over the real interest rate r = i - where is the rate of inflation Since inflation changes relatively slowly. Changes in nominal rates become changes in real rates.
19/59 Planned Spending and Real Interest Rate Planned Aggregate Expenditures have components that are affected by the real interest rate. Savings by households: More saving at higher real interest rates. Higher saving means less consumption. Investments by firms: Higher interest rates mean less investment. Both consumption and planned investment decrease when the interest rate increases. 消費和投資是實質利率 的負向函數
20/59 Interest in the Keynesian Model – An Example Components of aggregate spending are: C = 640 + 0.8 (Y – T) – 400 r I P = 250 – 600 r G = 300 NX = 20 T = 250 If r increases from 0.04 to 0.05 (that is, from 4% to 5%) Consumption decreases by 400 (0.01) = 4 Planned investment decreases by 600 (0.01) = 6 A one percentage point increase in r reduces planned spending by 10 – before the multiplier is considered.
21/59 Planned Aggregate Expenditures To find the relationship between PAE and output: PAE = C + I P + G + NX PAE = 640 + 0.8 (Y – 250) – 400 r + 250 – 600 r + 300 + 20 = 1,010 – 1,000 r + 0.8 Y In this example, planned aggregate expenditure depends on both the real interest rate and the level of output. Equilibrium output can only be found once we know the value of r.
22/59 Planned Aggregate Expenditures PAE = 1,010 – 1,000 r + 0.8 Y If the real interest rate is 5%, or 0.05 Planned aggregate expenditures becomes PAE = 1,010 – 1,000 (0.05) + 0.8 Y = 960 + 0.8 Y Short-run equilibrium output is PAE = Y Y = 960 + 0.8 Y 0.2 Y = 960 Y = $4,800 The graphical solution is the same as before.
23/59 Monetary Policy r C, I P PAE Y via the multiplier r C, I P PAE Y via the multiplier Recessionary Gap Expansionary Gap
24/59 Monetary Policy for a Recessionary Gap PAE = 1,010 – 1,000 r + 0.8 Y Settings: The real interest rate, r, is 5% Short-run equilibrium output is $4,800 Potential output is $5,000 Let recessionary gap to be $200 Multiplier is 5 Fed can lower the real interest rate to increase PAE. The change in spending required is 200 / 5 = 40 1,000 x ∆ r = 40 ∆ r = 40 / 1,000 = 0.04 (4 percentage points) The Fed should decrease the real interest rate to 1%.
25/59 The Fed Fights a Recession Output (Y) Planned aggregate expenditure (PAE) Y = PAE E Expenditure line (r = 5%) 4,800 A reduction in r shifts the expenditure line upward and closes the recessionary gap 5,000 Y* Expenditure line (r = 1%) F
26/59 Federal Funds Rate The federal funds rate ( 聯邦資金利率 or 隔夜拆款利率 ) is the interest rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans. Changes in the federal funds rate indicate changes for Fed’s monetary policy. 請問隔夜拆款利率作為政策目標的好處與壞處 宏觀調控 (fine tune) 的操作意義 In late 2000, the fed funds rate was 6.5% January, 2001, the Fed cut the rate to 6.0% July, 2001, the rate was less than 4%
27/59 The Fed Response to 9/11 After the 9/11 attacks The Fed temporarily lowered the federal funds rate to 1.25%. In the aftermath, the Fed concerned that consumers, nervous about the future, would decrease spending. Fed continued to cut the federal funds rate until 1.0% in June 2003 to stimulate the spending. Combination of tax cuts and monetary policy helped keep the 2001 recession shallow and short.
28/59 Fed Fights Inflation 央行對抗通貨膨脹 Expansionary gap can lead to inflation. If gap persists, prices will increase. The Fed attempts to close expansionary gaps. Raise interest rates. Decrease consumption and planned investment. Decrease planned aggregate expenditures. Decrease equilibrium output.
29/59 Monetary Policy for an Expansionary Gap PAE = 1,010 – 1,000 r + 0.8 Y The real interest rate, r, is 5% Short-run equilibrium output is $4,800 Let the potential output to be $4,600 And let expansionary gap to be $200 Multiplier is 5 Fed can raise the real interest rate to decrease PAE. The change in spending required is 200 / 5 = 40 1,000 x ∆ r = 40 ∆ r = 40 / 1,000 = 0.04 The Fed should increase the real interest rate to 9%
30/59 The Fed Fights Inflation Output (Y) Planned aggregate expenditure (PAE) Y = PAE E Expenditure line (r = 5%) 4,800 An increase in r shifts the expenditure line down and closes the expansionary gap 4,600 Y* Expenditure line (r = 9%) G
31/59 Interest Rates Increased in 2004 and 2005 in the US The recovery: real GDP growth was nearly 6% in the 2 nd half, 2003. Growth was 4.4% in 2004. Unemployment was 5.6% in June 2004. Inflation increased in 2004, mainly due to oil prices. Fed began tightening monetary policy in June, 2004 (from 1% to 1.25%). Continued gradually raising the fed funds rate in order to prevent the emergency of expansionary gap. ( 持續漸進地提高聯邦資金利率是為了預防膨脹缺口發 生。 ) 膨脹缺口時,物價也膨脹, 2011 年年中的情況
32/59 The Federal Funds Rate, 1970-2008 911
33/59 Inflation and the Stock Market News of inflation would influence stock market. Good news about inflation (low inflation) causes stock prices to increase. Bad news about inflation (high inflation) causes stock prices to decrease. Why? Investors anticipate the Fed will increase interest rates. 投資大眾理性預期政府的作為; rational expectation Reduce planned spending and cold down the economy.
34/59 Inflation and the Stock Market The above contractionary policy affect stock price in two ways: 緊縮性政策不利於股票市場 First, it slows down economic activity, lowering firms' sales and perhaps profits. Lower profits mean lower dividends, which means lower stock prices. Second, an increase in interest rates reduces the value of stocks ( 提高利率會使股票價值降低 ). Bonds will become more attractive to investors, then the demand for stocks decreases, and hence the stock prices decreases. ( 投資者會對債券較感興趣,因此市場對股票的需求下 降,導致股價下降。 ) 還記得債券價格和利率呈反向關係?
35/59 Should Fed Respond to Change in Stock Prices? In the 1990s (Alan Greenspan period) S&P 500 increased 233% (from value of 457 to 1527) between 1995 and 2000. 美國空前榮景 The US enjoyed a record-long business cycle expansion. After 2000, possible stock speculation ( 股市投機 ) led to sharp decreases in stock prices. Critics argued: if the Fed had acted sooner, the run-up would have been curtailed and the crash moderated.
36/59 US Stock Prices, 1960 - 2004 1995
37/59 Should Fed Respond to Change in Stock Prices? Greenspan's response in 2002 is: (1) It is very difficult to identify when asset market exists bubble, and when the asset prices is inappropriately high. (2) Monetary policy is NOT a good tool for addressing “bubbles” in stock markets ( 貨幣政策並非解決股市泡 沫的好工具 ). Then what is a good tool? No answer! Since lowering stock prices by raising the federal funds rate may lead to a recession and high unemployment, which are the ones the Fed try to avoid.
38/59 Monetary Policy Rule (The Fed Respond to A Change in Inflation) r Planned C and I PAE Y Y r Planned C and I PAE Y Y Expansionary Gap Recessionary Gap
39/59 Monetary Policy Rule (MPR) 央行心中應有一個法則,百姓會揣摩 The monetary policy rule ( 貨幣政策法則 ): the action a central bank takes in response to changes in the economy. The Fed raises or lowers interest rate to respond to changes in inflation rate. Target inflation rate, *, is the Fed‘s long-term goal for inflation. 目標區 Target real interest rate, r*, is the Fed's long-term goal for the real interest rate. If > *, then r > r* If < *, then r < r* Real interest rate set by Fed (r) MPR Inflation ( ) r* Slope = g ** A
40/59 Monetary Policy Rule Example The Fed's target interest rate is 4% and its target inflation is 2%. If the inflation rate reaches 3%, the Fed sets the interest rates at 5%. Actual Inflation, Actual Real Interest Rate Set by the Fed, r 0.00 (0%)0.02 (2%) 0.010.03 0.020.04 0.030.05 0.040.06
41/59 Graph of Fed's MPR The up-ward slope of MPR captures the Fed reacts to the increase in inflation by raising the real interest rate. The slope of the MPR shows how aggressively the Fed will pursue inflation targets. If MPR is quite flat, the Fed changes the real interest rate rather modestly in response to a change in inflation. 若 MPR 平緩,表示 Fed 對於穩定通貨膨脹並不積極 MPR 的斜律反映央行對於通貨膨脹的態度 Real interest rate set by Fed, r MPR Inflation 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.04
42/59 CB and Interest Rates Controlling the money supply is the primary task of the CB ( 控制貨幣供給是央行的主要任務 ). 目的在於控制貨幣的價格,亦即利率 Money supply and money demand determine the interest rate (federal funds rate). Fed manipulates money supply to control the nominal interest rate. The nominal interest rate can be regarded as the “price” of holding money (or, its opportunity cost).
43/59 Demand for Money Money is a way of holding wealth. The demand for money is the amount of wealth an individual chooses to hold in money. Demand for money is sometimes called an individual‘s liquidity preference ( 流動性偏好 ). Ex: Larry holds $1000 in cash, $2000 in a checking account, $2000 in government bonds, and $5000 in rare stamps. His demand for money is $3000.
44/59 Demand for Money How much money should one hold? The Cost – Benefit Principle indicates people increase their money holding if the marginal benefit of holding money exceeds the marginal cost. Money‘s benefit is the ability to make transactions. 效益 Demand for money increases with income. (High-income individual needs more money for more transactions.) Technologies such as online banking and ATMs have reduced the demand for money. M1 has decreased from 28% of GDP in 1960 to 12% in 2004.
45/59 Demand for Money The cost of holding money is the interest foregone. 成本 Most forms of money (cash or checking account) pay little or no interest. In contrast, alternative assets such as stocks or bonds have a positive nominal interest rate. The higher the nominal interest rate on other assets (the higher opportunity cost of holding money), the smaller the quantity of money demanded. ( 名目利率越高 ( 持有貨幣的機會成本越高 ) 對貨幣的需求 越少 。 )
46/59 Factors that Affect Demand for Money Demand for money depends on: 影響貨幣需求三個因素 Nominal interest rate (i) 名目利率 The higher the interest rate, the lower the quantity of money demanded. Real income or output (Y) 所得 The higher the level of income, the greater the quantity of money demanded. (When booms, people do more shopping.) The price level (P) 價格水準 The higher the price level, the greater the quantity of money demanded to make transactions.
47/59 The Money Demand Curve 貨幣供需模型:價量關係的模型 Interaction of the aggregate demand for money (determined by the public) and the aggregate supply of money (determined by the central bank) determines the nominal interest rate. The money demand curve shows the relationship between the aggregate quantity of money demanded, M, and the nominal interest rate, i. An increase in the nominal interest rate increases the opportunity cost of holding money. Negative slope. Money (M) Nominal interest rate (i) MD
48/59 The Money Demand Curve Changes in factors other than the nominal interest rate cause a shift in the money demand curve. An increase in demand for money can result from: An increase in output (Y). Higher price levels (P). Technological advances. Financial advances. (ATM shifts the money demand to the left , how about plastic money?) Foreign demand for dollars. An increase in demand shift the money demand to the right. Money (M) Nominal interest rate (i) MD MD'
49/59 Supply of Money CB primarily controls the supply of money with open- market operations (OMO; 公開市場操作 ). An open-market purchase of bonds by CB increases the money supply. An open-market sale of bonds by CB decreases the money supply. Supply of money is vertical. 貨幣供給垂直的經濟意義? Equilibrium is at E, the equilibrium nominal interest rate is i. Money (M) MD E MS M i Nominal interest rate (i)
50/59 CB Controls the Nominal Interest Rate The tool the Central Bank use is the supply of money. Initial equilibrium at E. CB increases the money supply to MS'. New equilibrium at F. Interest rated decrease to i' to convince the market to hold the new, larger amount of money. Money (M) MD MS M E i Nominal interest rate (i) F i' M' MS'
51/59 Fed Controls the Nominal Interest Rate 從貨幣市場的供需來看利率變動即可 Fed sells bonds to the public Supply of bonds increases Price of bonds decrease Interest rate increases To Decrease the Money Supply Fed buys bonds from the public Demand for bonds increases Price of bonds increase Interest rate decreases To Increase the Money Supply
52/59 The Fed Targets the Interest Rate The Fed cannot set the interest rate and the money supply independently. Fed policy is announced in terms of interest rates because: 央行以利率作為政策標的 Public is not familiar with the size of the money supply. Interest rate changes affect planned spending and the level of economic activity. Interest rates are easier to monitor than the money supply.
53/59 Additional Controls over the Money Supply 央行管制貨幣供給的方法 Open market operations (OMO) are the main tool of money supply. Other tools: Rediscount Rate ( 重貼現率政策 ) Required Reserve-deposit Ratio ( 法定存款準備率政策 ) Foreign Exchange Operations ( 外匯操作 ) Selective Credit Control ( 選擇性信用管制 ) Moral Suasion / Jaw Boning ( 道德勸說 / 下巴骨政策 )
54/59 Rediscount Rate Fed offers lending facility to banks, called discount window lending. ( 貼現窗口融資 ; 係指一般銀行缺少資金 時,以其對顧客貼現而持有的商業票據,請求央行給予 『再貼現』,以取得資金。 ) If a bank needs reserves, it can borrow from the Fed at the (re-)discount rate The (re-)discount rate is the rate the Fed charges banks to borrow reserves. Lending increases reserves and ultimately increases the money supply ( 銀行向央行借越多準備金,代表貨幣供給 增加 ).
55/59 Changes in the discount rate signal tightening or loosening of the money supply. 當央行降低貼現率 可鼓勵一般銀行向其融通資金 ( 鼓 勵銀行向央行重貼現 ) 貨幣供給增加。 當央行提高貼現率 一般銀行向其融通資金的需求減 少 貨幣供給減少。
56/59 Required Reserve-deposit Ratio The reserve requirement ( 法定存款準備 ) is the minimum percentage of bank deposits that must be held in reserves. The Fed could increase the money supply by decreasing the reserve requirement. Banks would have excess reserves ( 超額準備 ) to loan. 當央行降低法定存款準備率 銀行可貸放之資金增加 貨幣供給增加。 當央行提高法定存款準備率 銀行可貸放之資金減少 貨幣供給減少。
57/59 Foreign Exchange Operations 當央行買進外匯 釋出貨幣 貨幣供給增加。 當央行賣出外匯 收回貨幣 貨幣供給減少。 但因外匯買賣會影響匯率水準,故央行採此政策時必 須謹慎。
58/59 Selective Credit Control 選擇性信用管制 2011 年的房屋貸款管制是一例 Selective Credit Control: 例如 : 股市過熱 降低融資比例以抑制過多市場資金。 股市蕭條 提高融資比例以鼓勵市場資金投入。 Moral Suasion / Jaw Boning: 中央銀行對一般銀行口頭勸說 ( 而不採實質行動 ) 支持 貨幣政策,配合採取增加或減少貨幣供給的做法。
59/59 Stabilizing the Economy: The Role of the Fed Keynesian Model Open Market Operations Discount Rate Reserve Requirement Stock Market Money Market Monetary Policy Demand for Money Supply of Money The Fed Stabilization Policy Interest Rates: Real, Nominal, Fed Funds Monetary Policy Response Function
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