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Impact of Nudity in Advertisements: Comparison of the First Results from Spain, France and the Czech Republic Christian Dianoux University of Metz - France.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of Nudity in Advertisements: Comparison of the First Results from Spain, France and the Czech Republic Christian Dianoux University of Metz - France."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of Nudity in Advertisements: Comparison of the First Results from Spain, France and the Czech Republic Christian Dianoux University of Metz - France Zdenek Linhart & Jana Kettnerová Czech University of Life Sciences Prague INTRODUCTION LITERATURE REVIEW METHODOLOGY

2 Sex in advertising  “…a trend toward the increasing use of sex in advertising can hardly be disputed” Lombardot (2002), Hoyer and MacInnis (1997), Wells, Burnett and Moriaty (1998), Sciglimpaglia, Belch and Cain (1978)  Kilbourne (2005) summarises “Graphic sexual images seem more extreme, more pervasive and more perverse than before”  Very proximity of nudity implies sexual suggestions (Reichert and Ramirez 2000)

3 Glossary  Impact = consequence  Attention – arousal of interest  Attitude – arousal of action

4 Direct impact of nudity on ads  Firstly, executional cues catch the attention of individual in the advertisement. Sexual sources are likely to play this role among these executional cues.  Secondly, having had attention drawn to the advertisement, the individual begins to increase its brand information processing within the advertisement (McInnis, Noorman, and Jaworski 1991).  This theoretical approach no longer conforms to the empirical results

5 Indirect impact of nudity on ads  nudity increases arousal, interest, and attention (towards executional elements), and  decreases the cognitive process of message treatment and understanding, and brand memorization (Lombardot, Jones, Stanaland, et Gelb 1998)  implication towards the product category?  focus on motivation?  opportunity and ability, seem not to be influenced by the sexual character of the advertisement (McInnis et al. 1991)

6 Other features contradicting attention towards the nudity on ads  age (Loroz, 2006- for instance emphasized the existing differences between Y generation and Baby boomers),  gender (men would seem to have a positive attitude towards the presence of nude (or sexy) female models, and to have an opposite negative or neutral attitude towards the presence of nude (or sexy) male models, and is inversely for women, see Lombardot 2002),  masculinity or femininity (especially about advertisements focused on an image or utilitarian aspect, see Chang, 2006).

7 (N=577 Advertisements except for (1) N=361 Advertisements) FranceCzech Indoor Environment77%88%* Female Presence (1)78%75% Use of a celebrity (1)16%19% Use of Nudity (1)3.4%2.9% Information with at least 6 characteristics13%27%* Comparison of the Content of French and Czech advertisements * Significantly different at p <.05 (Chi² test), Dianoux, Kettnerová, and Linhart (2007)

8 Research question  Is Czech and French attitude towards the advertisement, and towards the brand different?  Czech and French results will be compared with these of Spain. This country has shown us its high sensibility towards the provocative advertisement, by its reaction to the Dolce & Gabbana clothes collection in February 2007 which led to the cancellation of the European campaign

9 Methodology  Choice of media support - magazine advertising is highly understood  Choice of sample - nudity in advertising targeted at young people is very common and facilitates the processing of results  Choice of advertisement – Nudity could refer to a natural image (a child, an angel in the church, etc. …) or an erotic image. Nokia brand advertisement with either a picture of a topless lady or of her face only have studied the erotic character of the ad

10 Organisation of experimentation  -endpaper entitled “Campus” not necessitating a translation  -page 2: a ½ page advertisement for women’s clothes (advertiser: YSL) and another ½ page advertisement for a car (advertiser: Smart)  -page 3 : an article on a scientific subject  -page 4: a ½ page advertisement for a drink (advertiser: Coca- Cola) and a ½ page article on the history of the brand name  -page 5a: a ½ page article offering architectural information concerning the sample region (Prague, Valence or Metz) and an experimental advertisement for Nokia on the other half of the page.  -page 5b: a full page experimental advertisement for Nokia  -page 6: information on Erasmus grants  -page 7: information on Erasmus grants  -page 8: information on possible activities to do in the sample region (Prague, Valence, or Metz)  -page 9: a full page advertisement on plane trips (advertiser: Air Europa)  -page 10: advertisements on various training courses  -page 11: an information page for students  -page 12: an advertisement for a film (Ice Age)

11 Research Design  12 page testing journals hid tested ad  Both folders with full, and half page ad were given as two separate samples to students in each of the three countries  10 minutes after the students were showed the journal they were asked to close the magazine  some questions about their attitudes toward the advertising in general (Muehling and Durvasula)  5 questions concerning memorization were asked

12 Questionnaire  the attention concerning the advertisement (Lombardot, 2005)  affective reactions (Derbaix, 1995)  attitude towards the advertisement (Falcy, 1997)  trust in quality and attitude (like this Nokia mobile phone),  intention to buy  individual implications of respondents towards mobile phones (Kapefer et Laurent, 1986).

13 Czech Republic SpainFranceTotal Nokia advertisement with topless lady 878488259 Nokia advertisement with face of the lady 928578255 Total 179169166514 Number of respondents Introductory sentence: We are testing a new shape of journal. You have 10 minutes exactly to check it. Then we will ask you some questions about it

14 Impact of Nudity in Advertisements: Comparison of the First Results from Spain, France and the Czech Republic First results obtained Christian Dianoux University of Metz - France Jana Kettnerová & Zdenek Linhart Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

15 Differences between countries concerning nudity in advertisement Naked womanFace woman Averages of scalesCRFRFRSPSP FRSP Q8b- Can you mark which brands of phones you have seen in the advertisement 119139130126135121 N=259 – pc= 0.041N=254 – pc=0.302 Q10c- I have paid attention to this when reading the journal 89150 93156136 N= 259 - pc= 0.000 N= 253 - pc= 0.000 Q12h- This advertisement is sensual 105142 135113133 N=259 - pc= 0.001N= 255 – pc= 0.099 Q6c- Spontaneous mention of Nokia as being a brand that was the object of an advertisement in the folder 77%89%86%79%88%74% Chi²=4,9 – df=2 – pc=0.086 Chi²=4,6 – df=2 – pc=0.097 Kruskall Wallis test except of Q6c Chi²

16 Significant attitudes towards the ad Czech RepublicFranceSpain Averages of scales NakedFaceNakedFaceNakedFace Q12b- this ad appeals more to feelings than to reason 1036392569661 N= 166 – pc=0.000N=151 – pc=0.000N=158 – pc=0.000 Q12c- Information is satisfactory 83 67847187 N=166 – pc=0.922N=150 – pc=0.015N=158 – pc=0.026 Q12d- advertisement is kind of unusual (CR), usual (SP, FR) 10165846710253 N=166 – pc=0.000N=152 – pc=0.017N=158 – pc=0.000 Q12e- information seems to be objective 729467866989 N=166 – pc=0.002N=151 – pc=0.008N=158 – pc=0.005 Q12f- message is convincing 749269846989 N=166 – pc=0.014N=152 – pc=0.032N=158 – pc=0.004 Q12h- ad is sensual 808690608671 N=166 – pc=0.438N=152 – pc=0.000N=158 – pc=0.037

17 Significant items of attitudes on advertisement towards gender MenWomen Averages of scales NakedFaceNakedFace Q12a- generally, I like this advertisement 12810491150 N=234 – pc=0.006 N=241 – pc=0.000 Q12g- this advertisement is nice to look at 1369496145 N=234 – pc=0.000 N=241 – pc=0.000

18 Conclusions  not only the attitude of women to sexual messages which differs from men’s attitudes  The kind of product chosen here doesn’t naturally justify the use of nudity  it would be interesting to study male nudity  repeat experimentation with unknown brand different in each country  students may have erased the regional differences

19 Impact of Nudity in Advertisements: Comparison of the First Results from Spain, France and the Czech Republic Thank you for your attention! Christian Dianoux University of Metz - France Zdenek Linhart & Jana Kettnerová Czech University of Life Sciences

20 Thank you for your attention ! ! ! Christian Dianoux University of Metz France Jana Kettnerová & Zdenek Linhart Czech University of Life Sciences

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