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EDINBURGH POLICING PLAN 2014-17 Supt Matt Richards.

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Presentation on theme: "EDINBURGH POLICING PLAN 2014-17 Supt Matt Richards."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDINBURGH POLICING PLAN 2014-17 Supt Matt Richards

2 AIM To create an innovative Police Plan, and priorities, that combine the traditional element of a Strategic Assessment with effective community planning techniques and widespread collaborative engagement.

3 DELIVERY 5 ‘S’ Model Street Surveys Survey Monkey Ward level Community Session Stakeholder Summit City Centre Business Strategy

4 PROGRESS REPORT 2800 Street Surveys complete (1800 last year) 3000 online Surveys completed (closes 24/12/13) 12 Community events completed with over 350 attendees 30 key stakeholders contacted through Chamber of Commerce 89 Third Sector agencies contacted Bespoke local business survey being created

5 OUTCOMES Last year – 3 divisional priorities, mirror national priorities Last year – 5-6 consistent themes; 1 new (HBs) Ward level relevance, putting local communities at heart of planning Close links to E&D outcomes Legitimacy for daily business (democratisation v ‘Glasgowfication’?) Support for big initiatives Support for key tactics Support for Police Scotland vision

6 EDINBURGH POLICING PLAN 2014-17 Questions?

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