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Digital Marketing: SEM and Social Media Will Taliaferro, Partner GMMB.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Marketing: SEM and Social Media Will Taliaferro, Partner GMMB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Marketing: SEM and Social Media Will Taliaferro, Partner GMMB

2 What We’ll Cover Today The Changing Media Landscape Analytics Search Engine Marketing (SEM) –Search Engine Optimization (SEO) –Paid Advertising Social Media Marketing 2

3 The Media Landscape Has Changed Audiences are fragmented and hyper-connected 3 Yesterday Today

4 Audiences Turn to the Web 4 Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, The State of News Media 2011

5 You must understand where you are before you can set goals where to go. 5

6 6 Analytics

7 What is Web Analytics? The measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. “On the Internet, no one knows you’re a dog.”

8 What is Google Analytics (GA)? A FREE “enterprise-class” web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. EASY TO USE!

9 GA Answers Difficult Questions How are visitors using my site? How can I make my marketing campaigns more effective? Am I creating effective content? Where and why are visitors leaving my site? How do I improve site interaction?

10 GA Provides Valuable Data Number of visitors How long visitors spend on your site Popular and problem pages Search engine keywords being used to find your site Referring website traffic Conversion data (how many are actually becoming members!) 10

11 Dashboard

12 Visitors Can see where visitors are from, what language they speak, how frequently the visit, browser and network capabilities, etc. 12

13 Visitors: Map Overlay See where visitors are coming from: worldwide, continent, country, state and city. 13

14 Visitors Browsers 14

15 Traffic Sources 15 3 buckets of traffic: DIRECT – Typed/Bookmarked, Email Signature, Direct Click REFERRING – From a 3 rd party site: Facebook, Twitter, etc SEARCH ENGINES – From Google, Yahoo!, etc.; this includes paid or unpaid

16 Traffic: Referring 16

17 Content: Top Content 17 Displays most visited pages by URL One of the most insightful reports

18 Traffic: Keywords Paid and organic keywords that are driving traffic to your site. 18

19 So…use analytics to establish your baselines, set goals and go get new people! 19

20 20 Search Engine Marketing

21 Why Is It Important? 21 TRAFFIC! The higher a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. The more keywords/phrases the site is optimized for the more opportunities for driving traffic.

22 Organic 22 Search term Natural/Organic Search Results

23 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) The process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site or a web page via "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results as opposed to search engine marketing (SEM) which deals with paid inclusion. 23

24 Paid Advertising 24 Search term Paid Advertising Sponsored Links

25 Paid Search Paid search marketing is the process of gaining traffic by purchasing ads on search engines 25

26 Paid Advertising 26

27 Why Use Paid Search Advertising? 27 User Driven Users are searching Measurable Easy to track Cost Effective CPC & you set the price Messaging Instantaneous changes Results Complements SEO

28 Paid Search: Ads Effective Ads –Include keywords in your ad headline –Relate your ad to the content on your website –Be persuasive and informative –Ad text distinguishes you from the competition

29 Anatomy of Search Result 1.Title Tag 2.Meta Description 3.URL/Cached 4.Site links 5.More Results

30 Title Tag Title Tag: A title tag tells both users and search engines what the topic of a particular page is.  Displays a title for the page in search-engine results  Defines a title in the browser toolbar  Provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites

31 Paid Search: Ad Targeting Targeting your ad helps eliminate unwanted clicks and gets your ad to the right audience. –Language targeting –Location targeting (Geo-target) –Networks –Devices –Demographic (Display Network Only)

32 Again, so…optimize search, augment with CPC ads and drive searchers to your content. Then, go find other people where they are…using social media. 32

33 33 Social Media Marketing

34 34 You should consider joining our group on LinkedIn

35 35 What’s all this?

36 If Facebook were a country, it would be the third most populated in the world. 36

37 Facebook is a social networking service that lets you connect with friends, co-workers, and others who share similar interests or who have common backgrounds. 37

38 Facebook Pages 38

39 Twitter is a real-time information network that connects you to the latest information about what you find interesting. 39

40 In English Twitter is a social media channel that allows you to search and share information on a variety of topics. It is a microblog. 40

41 That’s 3 times last year’s volume. 41 140 Million. The average number of tweets people send per day.

42 Twitter Feed 42

43 Smartphone Apps

44 What to Tweet SHRM-posted and generated content. What you’re reading. Events you’re attending. Retweet what someone else has said. Ask a question or invite a comment. Give an opinion and ask what people think.

45 LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the Internet with more than 90 million members in over 200 countries and territories. 45

46 46

47 LinkedIn: Threat or Opportunity? LinkedIn counts executives from all 2010 Fortune 500 companies as members; its hiring solutions were used by 69 of the Fortune 100 companies as of December 31, 2010. More than one million companies have LinkedIn Company Pages. LinkedIn represents a valuable demographic for marketers with an affluent & influential membership. Thousands of developers are using LinkedIn APIs to create innovative tools and services for professionals. 47

48 How You Can Use LinkedIn Reach new influencers and acquire new members through online recommendations and word of mouth. Keep in touch with influencers who are engaged with your chapter. Build your industry network—online and in person. Grow influence by answering questions in your area of expertise. Network with peers in your industry to establish your chapter and you as HR professionals as thought leaders and influencers. Convince potential customers of your expertise by sharing unique content. 48

49 And a final so… Look at your current data and track performance –Determine baselines and set goals for digital growth, key words Optimize your site and author pages to include key words Use paid search to drive traffic…adjust in real time Set up social media pages and manage the communities…this is about the conversation and engagement. –Stay on top of the content, provide relevant, valuable, timely information 49

50 Resources GA: SEO: _dlcp/ optimization-starter-guide.pdf _dlcp/ optimization-starter-guide.pdf Google SEM: FB ads: LinkedIn ads: 50

51 Thanks for having me! Happy to answer additional questions. @WTaliaferro63 @ SHRM11, @weknownext, @HR

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