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Multimedia and Printing IT190 Foundations in Information Technology.

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1 Multimedia and Printing IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

2 Unit 5 Checklist  Complete Assignment  Complete Discussion Board Remember to make your first post before Saturday Post on three different days Check for spelling and grammar Be professional  Flexible Learning Activity Seminar or Quiz IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

3 Unit 5 Objectives  Understand how a video card works  Understand how an audio card works  Know the longevity of data on CD and DVD  Know how to install a multi- function printer  Understand how Inkjet and Bubblejet, and laser printers work IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

4 Agenda  Optical Media  Miscellaneous Multimedia  Monitors and Dot Pitch  Flat Panel and LCD Monitors  Other types of video projection  Sound and Sound Cards  Printer Ports  Types of Printers and Troubleshooting IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

5 Optical Media  CDs  DVDs  Blu-Ray IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

6 How Optical Media Works IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

7 Rewritable Media  CD-RW  DVD-RW  BD-RE IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

8 DVD  DVD-5 – 4.37 GB (2 hours of video)  DVD-9 – 7.95 GB (4 hours of video)  DVD10 – 8.74 GB (4.5 hours of video)  DVD 18 – 15.9 GB (8 hours of video) IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

9 Blu-Ray  Uses a blue violet laser instead of red  Maximum data 50 GB IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

10 Installing an Optical Drive  Most optical drives use PATA or SATA connections  External drives use either USB or FireWire IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

11 Monitors and Dot Pitch  CRT Monitors Cathode Ray Tube  LCD Monitors Liquid Crystal Display IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

12 Putting it on the Motherboard  PCI 800 x 600 x 1 byte x 70 = 33.6 MBps  AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) One per motherboard Connects directly to Northbridge Uses Sidebanding Parallel interface  PCIe Serial interface Supports sidebanding IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

13 Troubleshooting Sound  Hardware Check volume Check power Check cables/wires  Software Configuration Application IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

14 Printers  Impact  Non-impact Ink jet Dye-sublimation Laser IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

15 Soft skills – Use Appropriate Language  As no one knows everything about technology, a technician should be humble  Do not use a condescending tone with the customer  Do not use acronyms or technical lingo.  Keep your tone professional IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

16 Soft Skills - Attitude  A good technician with a good attitude: Is proactive rather than reactive. Seeks solutions instead of excuses. Accepts responsibility. Cooperates and enjoys working with others Maintains professionalism Embraces problems as challenges. IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

17 Soft Skills – Work Ethics  Ethics – A set of morals by which you live and work.  Employers want employees with high standards of ethics; people who are honest, trustworthy, and dependable.  Always be professional.  Being ethical establishes a good reputation. IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

18 Questions? IT190 Foundations in Information Technology

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