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Pottery Vocabulary – Techniques – Processes Pottery 1.

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1 Pottery Vocabulary – Techniques – Processes Pottery 1

2 EOC – Pottery 1 Review #1 Silicosis – Is a disease caused by breathing in clay dust – Breathing in large amounts of clay dust over time is very dangerous. It causes the lungs to crystallize and lose their ability to absorb oxygen. This is why we keep the Pottery room clean!!!

3 We use Cone 5 – Stoneware – (B- Mix with Grog) #2 Must know the following (For glazing): Earthenware – fires between Cone 01-Cone 3 (2079⁰F-2134⁰F) Stoneware – fires between Cone 4-Cone 14 (2167⁰F-2530⁰F) Porcelain – fires between Cone 8-Cone 14 (2305⁰F-2530⁰F) The higher the # the higher the temperature!

4 Before Electric Kilns & Gas Kilns – what fuel was used to heat kilns? #3 Wood was used to heat Kilns before Gas and Electricity was discovered!

5 #4 What is Oxidation? Oxidation occurs inside the kiln when there is a GAIN of oxygen.

6 #5 What is meant by Reduction – when firing in a kiln? Reduction occurs in a kiln when there is a loss of oxygen – or not enough.

7 #6 Why are Oxidation and Reduction firings done??? To Create Beautiful DIFFERENT effects to glazes! – Only done in Gas / Wood fueled kilns.

8 #7 Kiln Wash Kiln wash - Is the milky white substance that is painted on the kiln shelves to protect them from running glaze – during the glaze fire.

9 When Glaze drips onto the kiln shelves it melts and adheres to the shelf – with kiln wash on the shelves you can remove your project - most of the time without breaking it.

10 Crawling is what happens when the glaze falls off of the project during firing.

11 #8 Dermatitis is what?? Dermatitis is a skin condition that can sometimes occur when working with clay – it is a rash where the skin itches and turns red. It is treated with a (hydrocortisone) cream.

12 #9 What are the THREE methods of glazing? 1.Dipping 2. Spraying 3. Painting

13 #10 - Stilt A 3 prong support that is used on projects that are completely glazed top and bottom to keep the project from sticking to the kiln shelf.

14 QUIZ – EOC – Part 1 Write answers to each question – IF YOU DON’T KNOW THE ANSWER – look it up in your notes. Turn in your quiz attached to your EOC Review notes.

15 #1 What is this in the picture below?? – Please write your answer.

16 #2 Name the 3 methods of glazing. 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________

17 #3 What is… Is the milky white substance that is painted on the kiln shelves to protect them from running glaze – during the glaze fire.

18 #4 Dermatitis is what?? Please write your answer

19 #5 What is meant by Reduction – when firing in a kiln?

20 #6 What is Oxidation?

21 #7 Why are Oxidation and Reduction firings done??? To Create Beautiful DIFFERENT effects to glazes! – Only done in Gas / Wood fueled kilns.

22 #8 Before Electric Kilns & Gas Kilns – what fuel was used to heat kilns?

23 #9 Out of the selections listed below – which clay body fires at the hottest temperature. Earthenware Stoneware Porcelain The higher the # the higher the temperature!

24 #10 What Clay do we use? Stoneware – B mix with Grog – Cone 5

25 Bonus Question – What is this called?

26 PART 2 – EOC REVIEW What is Pottery and Ceramics? Technically, The term Pottery and Ceramics are the same – they are those things made from Clay which are permanently changed when Fired in a Kiln. Clay - once dried can be dissolved in water and will become moldable clay once again. Once (fired) between 660⁰ and 2300⁰F (Cone 10), the clay is transformed into ceramic and will never dissolve again to become moldable clay. Ceramic is a clay object that has been fired in a kiln.

27 Scoring: Marking the clay before slipping when attaching two pieces together Slip: Is watered down clay used like a glue

28 Hand Building Techniques – are techniques such as Slab, Coil and Pinch. Slab – a flat piece of clay that is even in thickness.

29 Pinch – pushing and pinching to make a clay object.

30 Coil – a rope or snake shape made from hand rolling clay

31 Clay body – a general term referring to a mixture of clays/minerals used for building clay pieces. Basically a clay body is a - clay recipe. There are hundreds of different clays you can use to build clay pieces. What kind of Clay body do we use? B-Mix with Grog - Cone 5.

32 Leather Hard – Clay that is almost dry – perfect for carving and trimming. Greenware is a clay object that has not been fired yet in the kiln. Bisque – 1 st firing approximately 1800° degrees Fahrenheit – (Cone 03)

33 Cones Pyrometric cones are slender pyramids that are used to monitor a kilns’ firing temperature. Cones measure the temperature a kiln fires – for example cone 5 fires at 2150 degrees Fahrenheit – but is referred to as Cone 5 – not the temperature.

34 QUIZ – Part 2 Number your paper 1 – 10 Write your answers (The letter - A, B, or C AND also the vocabulary word) neatly on your paper.

35 Question #1 WHAT are those objects called that are made from Clay, which are permanently changed when Fired in a Kiln. A. Clay B. Ceramic C. Kiln

36 Question #2 What is a general term referring to a mixture of clays/minerals used for building clay pieces. A. Cone 5 B. Clay Body C. Leather Hard

37 Question #3 Clay that is almost dry – perfect for carving and trimming is called… A. Coil B. Ceramic C. Leather Hard

38 Question #4 A clay object that has not been fired yet is called… A. Bisque B. Glazed C. Greenware

39 Question #5 What is the name of the 1 st firing at cone 03 / about 1800 degrees Fahrenheit called? A. Burnishing B. Kiln C. Bisque

40 Question #6 What is the name of the hand building technique, that uses a flat piece of clay that is even in thickness? A.Slab B.Pinch C.Coil

41 Question #7 What does the term “Cone” mean when referring to a kiln? A.It is the term used to describe the measurement of temperature a Kiln fires. B.It is the term used to describe the shape of someone's head. C.It is the term that describes the kind of clay we use in our pottery room.

42 Question #8 What is the hand building technique that is made by pinching and molding the clay into an object with your hands and fingers? A.Slab B.Pinch C.Coil

43 Question #9 What is slip? A.Clay that is bone dry. B.Clay that is perfect for carving. C.Watered down clay used when attach- two pieces together.

44 Question #10 What is the name of the hand building technique that is made by rolling the clay into a snake like shape with your hand? A.Slab B.Pinch C.Coil

45 Bonus Question What kind of clay do we use in our pottery room? Write your answer_______________________ ______________________________________

46 PART 3 - Pottery Review The process that occurs from the beginning to completion when working with clay: 1.Wedge clay 2.Make clay object 3.Leather hard, Bone dry = Greenware 4.Grade first then Bisque Fire – 1 st firing 5.Glaze 6.Glaze Fire – Cone 5

47 Pug Mill: A machine that mixes clay – it helps to compress the clay Wedging: Compressing the clay to remove air bubbles PART 3

48 Cut off wire: Used to cut projects off of the wheel and to cut clay off of a clay block Loop tool: Used for carving and trimming

49 Foot: An appendage added on the bottom of a clay piece for aesthetic reasons and also to stabilize it Appendage: An added part, such as a spout, handle or a foot to a piece

50 Vitreous: The process that occurs during firing – where high temperatures turns the clay body into ceramic/Glass.

51 Burnishing: The process of polishing a leather-hard clay piece - to make it shiny – using a rock or metal spoon – no glaze necessary when burnishing.

52 QUIZ Part 3 Number your paper 1 – 10 Write your answers (The letter - A, B, or C AND also the vocabulary word) neatly on your paper.

53 Question #1 What is Scoring? A. Scoring is a Machine that mixes and prepares your clay to use. B. Scoring is a circular plate that fits over the wheel head. C. Marking your clay before adding slip for the purpose of attaching two pieces of clay together.

54 Question #2 What is Wedging? A. Watered down clay. B. Compressing the clay to remove air bubbles and even the moisture content. C. An appendage added on the bottom of a clay piece.

55 Question #3 What is Burnishing? A.Fired clay that is finely ground and added to a clay body to make it more stable. B.The process of polishing leather hard clay to make it shiny – using a smooth stone or spoon. C.A method of pinching used to create a clay piece.

56 Question #4 What is Vitreous? A.The process that occurs during firing – where high temperatures turns the clay body into ceramic/glass. B.A tool used for carving. C.Wax that can be added on to bisque ware.

57 Question #5 What is a Cut off wire used for? A.Tool used for carving. B.A tool used for smoothing out rough spots. C.A tool used to cut projects off a batt – that were thrown on the potters wheel.

58 Question # 6 What is a loop tool used for? Write your answer________________________ _______________________________________

59 Question #7 What is a Foot? A.An appendage that fits inside of a shoe and helps you walk. B.An appendage added on the bottom of a clay piece for aesthetic reasons and also to stabilize it. C.An added part, such as a spout or handle.

60 Question #8 What is a Pug Mill used for? Write your answer________________________ _______________________________________ _____________________________________

61 Question #9 What is an Appendage? A. Tool used for piercing ad cutting the clay. B. The term used when one is working on the potter’s wheel. C. An added part, such as a spout, handle or a foot.

62 Question #10 List the 3 missing steps in the process that occurs from the beginning to completion when working with clay: 1. Wedging the clay 2. Make the clay object 3. ______________________ 4. ______________________ 5. Glaze 6. ______________________

63 Plasticity: Clay that has enough moisture to be molded - Kiln: A machine or furnace that fires clay bodies and turns them into ceramic pieces. PART 4

64 Needle tool: Used for piercing and cutting clay Grog: Fired clay that is finely ground and added to a clay body to make it more stable.

65 Dermatitis: It is a skin condition that can sometimes occur when working with clay – it is a rash where the skin itches and turns red. It is treated with a cream (Hydrocortisone) and it usually takes a few days to a week to clear up. If you wash your hands well and work in a clean pottery room you will rarely ever encounter this skin condition.

66 Throwing: A term used when one is working on the potter’s wheel. Glaze: A coating of minerals used to decorate & color a bisque fired piece – it makes it beautiful!

67 Wax Resist: Wax that can be added on to bisque ware to resist glaze

68 Bat: The circular plate that fits over the wheel head – it is what allows you to throw clay on to create a piece on the wheel. Under Glaze – is colored slip that is painted on pottery in the leather hard stage.

69 QUIZ PART 4 Number your paper 1 – 10 Write your answers (The letter - A, B, or C AND also the vocabulary word) neatly on your paper.

70 QUESTION #1 What is a Kiln ? A.Tool used for carving and trimming. B.A special shelf used to store green- ware projects. C.A machine or furnace that fires clay bodies and turns them into ceramic pieces.

71 Question #2 Clay is considered having Plasticity when it is… A.Bone dry B.Moldable C.Bisque fired

72 Question #3 This tool is used for cutting and piercing clay. A.Cut off wire B.Loop tool C.Needle tool

73 Question #4 What is the difference between Glaze and Under Glaze? Please write your answer______________________ __________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________

74 Question #5 What is a Batt ? A.Wax that can be added onto bisque ware to resist glaze. B.The circular plate that fits over the wheel head – it is what you create wheel thrown projects on when working on the wheel. C.A small pyramid of clay that melts when certain temperatures are reached in the kiln.

75 Question # 6 What is Dermatitis? A. Watered down clay B. The process that occurs during the firing process that turns clay into ceramic. C. It is a rash where the skin itches and turns red.

76 Question #7 What does the term “Throwing” mean? Please write your answer_______________________ ____________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

77 Question #8 What is Grog? A.General term to indicate a specific mixture of clay. B.Fired clay that is finely ground and added to clay. C.Clay that has not been fired yet.

78 Question #9 Wax resist is used for what purpose? A.It is painted on to color a clay project. B.It is painted on bisque ware to resist glaze. C.It is colored slip applied to a clay object in the greenware stage.

79 Question #10 List the 3 missing steps in the process that occurs from the beginning to completion when working with clay: 1. Wedging the clay 2. Make the clay object 3. ______________________ 4. ______________________ 5. Grade then Glaze 6. ______________________

80 Answer to Question #10 1.Wedge clay 2.Make clay object 3.Leather hard, Bone Dry= Greenware 4.Bisque Fire – 1 st firing 5.Grade then Glaze 6.Glaze Fire – Cone 5

81 PART 5 – KNOW YOUR TOOLS Top (1) & bottom (2) left 1 – Metal Rib 2 – Wooden Rib (3) Needle tool (4) Pear Loop Tool (5) Wire Loop Tool (6) Wooden Tool (7) Top right Sponge (8) Bottom right Cut off Wire

82 What are the tools used for? 1.Rib tools are used for smoothing and shaping. 2.Needle tool is used for cutting & piercing NEVER carving. 3.Loop tools are used for carving & trimming. 4.Wooden tool is used for cutting and shaping. 5.Sponge is used for smoothing. 6.Cut off wire is used for cutting project off of the potter’s wheel and for cutting clay off of a block.

83 When working on the Wheel … 1.When centering the clay it helps if you do the following 4 things – (1)Have Elbows resting firmly on your thighs or tucked into your side. (2)Have shoulders over the clay. (3)Have wheel speed on medium high to high. (4)Use consistent and equal pressure of both your hands – working together as one!

84 What Culture created these works of art? 1.Where did they live? 2.How did they decorate their pottery?

85 1.Pueblo – Native American – lived in the Southwest United States of America. 2.They used colored slip to decorate their pottery – today is called under glazes. THE END

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