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12 September 2014 Annemarie Muntz Key facts and figures about TAW in Europe Roundtable in Belgrade, Serbia.

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Presentation on theme: "12 September 2014 Annemarie Muntz Key facts and figures about TAW in Europe Roundtable in Belgrade, Serbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 September 2014 Annemarie Muntz Key facts and figures about TAW in Europe Roundtable in Belgrade, Serbia

2 22 Key data on the TAW market in 2012

3 33 Country split of TAW annual sales revenues (2012)

4 4 4 Agency Work penetration rates vary considerably between EU countries

5 55 Evolution of average penetration rate of AW since 1996 Source: CIETT

6 66 Definitions: agency work (Temporary) Agency work is based on a triangular relationship, whereby workers are employed through a staffing agency. The agency worker refers to an individual engaged by a private employment agency to perform labour for one or more of the user clients. There is a contractual employment relationship between the agency worker and the private employment agency, which pays the salary. There is no contractual relationship between the agency worker and the end user client. Direction and control of the agency worker is exclusively the responsibility of the user client. Agency worker Supervision of work Direct employment contract Commercial contract Employer: Agency Client: User company where agency worker is assigned

7 77 Definitions: other key terms and acronyms Outsourcing (and/or subcontracting) the triangular relationship where – as opposed to AW – the contractor has full legal responsibility for the work done (and the workers) (Source: Staffing Industry Analysts) (Direct) fixed-term contract – FTC A standard fixed-term contract is an employment contract with a precisely specified end date at which the employment relationship is set to end (Source: OECD) Self-employed/Independent contractor an individual who operates a business or profession as a sole proprietor, independent contractor or consultant and whose remuneration is directly dependent upon the profits (or the potential for profits) derived from the goods or services produced (Source: ILO, LABORSTA)

8 88 Share flexible labour relations in total employment NO structural worldwide growth in the last decade Source: Randstad/SEO, flexibility@work2013

9 99 AW share compared with FTCs & self-employment Source: Randstad/SEO, flexibility@work2013 In all regions flexible labour constitutes less than a third of all employment

10 10 Agency work ensures job creation Most companies would not have created jobs without agency work 10

11 11 Agency work provides growth 11 German study shows companies using agency work accelerate faster out of downturn Revenue growth for agency work user organizations is 11% versus 6% without agency work Source: Ciett / BCG: “Adapting to Change”

12 12 Agency work fosters transitions 12 agency work facilitates transitions from education to work: in France 84% of under 25 entering the labor market through TAW have never worked before from unemployment to work: in Italy 40% of unemployed or inexperienced find work through TAW from temporary to permanent employment: 48% of agency workers in the UK and 33% in the Netherlands find permanent work within a year transitions for target groups: in Belgium 12% of workers with a disadvantage work through agency work Source: Eurociett / UNI Europa Project: “Temporary Agency Work and Transitions in the Labour Market”

13 13 Agency workers tend to be young

14 14 fixed-term contracts 3,8 Defining job quality Source: London Metropolitan University, ‘Study on Precarious work and social rights’ (2012) fulltime open- ended 3,9 parttime open- ended 3,8 agency work & payroll 3,7 (bogus) self- employed 1,7 informal labor 1,2 un- employed no LMU rating 3,3 seasonal work 2,7 casual work 2,5 zero- hours contracts job quality rating based on: job security job conversion working time limits discrimination protection pensions welfare training decent pay representation 0 = lowest, 5 = highest

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