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Water is Life: Protecting a Critical Resource for Future Generations Resource for Future Generations.

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Presentation on theme: "Water is Life: Protecting a Critical Resource for Future Generations Resource for Future Generations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water is Life: Protecting a Critical Resource for Future Generations Resource for Future Generations

2 Groundwater Sustainability Pollution of Lakes, Rivers and Streams

3 CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Community Clean-Ups for Water Quality Community groups clean up leaves and organic debris to fight phosphorus pollution. Minnesota FarmWise Farmer-to-farmer education network aimed at promoting conservation practices to fight runoff and erosion

4 Freshwater Society and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Pilot Project 2013-2016 Polluted runoff is greatest threat to our waters Train, certify and support community leaders o Identify pollutant sources o Education community members o Reduce pollutants o Coordinate Action Modeled after Master Gardener/Naturalist Programs 2013 Academy focuses on the lower MCWD


6 New permit 2013- In the Education and Outreach Minimum Control Measure, MS4s required to focus on actions residents can take to reduce pollutants – Change local business practices – Encourage installation of residential BMPs – Manage pet waste, yard waste, deicing chemicals – Work with lake associations to improve lakes – Other small scale storm water management measures


8 Development- Meeting #1 Imagine a committed, well-educated, competent corps of volunteers becomes available to your organization. What tasks or projects would you ask them to do for you?

9 Development- Meeting #1 What kinds of knowledge and skills would these people need for you to have confidence they could do the things you want them to do?

10 Development- Meeting #1 What dangers lie in our path?

11 Development meeting #2 If you had 4-5 hours to teach the critical concepts in the following content area, which concepts would you include? Basic Hydrology Stormwater 101 Environmental Behavior Basics Water Policy Site Assessment Basics Rainscaping Basics Chloride Management Aquatic Invasive Species

12 Development meeting #2 Impervious surfaces have created the need for stormwater management systems – Land cover affects the volume, rate and quality of stormwater runoff – Water that does not infiltrate into permeable surfaces runs off

13 Development meeting #3 Guiding question- What is the content of and the learning outcomes of your teaching? Instructor explains what they are teaching, the context, the content Compare what the instructor teaches to what is needed in the MWS program Eliminate concepts that are not relevant, add concepts that are deemed necessary. End up with a full understanding of what will be taught

14 Curriculum Year One Watershed tour Basic Hydrology Stormwater 101 Environmental Decision-making and Behavior Change Rainscaping Basics Community Engagement Advanced Rainscaping Rainscaping Design Charette Site Assessment Evaluating Existing Stormwater Management Projects Water Policy and Governance Aquatic Invasive Species

15 Curriculum Year Two Introduction to the Master Water Stewards program Basic Hydrology Stormwater 101 Water Policy and Governance Environmental Decision-making and Behavior Change Community Engagement Watershed tour Capstone Rainscaping Basics Site Assessment and Stormwater Planning Evaluating Existing Stormwater Management Projects Aquatic Invasive Species

16 National Night Out

17 Corcoran Neighborhood

18 Clean Water Summit

19 Permeable walkway

20 Rain Barrels and Raingardens

21 Recruiting

22 Peggy Knapp Director of Programs Freshwater Society 763-219-1252

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