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Treatment Engineering
Wastewater Treatment Engineering KNU Prof. Kwon
Wastewater Treatment Diagram
Wastewater Treatment Engineering
Introduction Wastewater Characteristics Wastewater Flow rates Process analysis and selection Physical Treatment Chemical Treatment Biological Treatment Advanced Treatment Unit Operation Sludge disposal and reuse Unit Process Effluent reuse
Chapter 1 – Introduction (An Overview)
▶ What is Wastewater Treatment Engineering? - Wastewater Treatment system ▶ Wastewater Treatment Flowchart - Sludge disposal (Reclamation and Reuse) - Level of Wastewater Treatment ▶ Status of Wastewater Treatment Plants
What is Wastewater Treatment Engineering?
Maintenance of good water ecology Improvement of environmental condition Good water space pollution source control water-purity control water resources conserve Recover reliability Change of treatment system concept
Wastewater Treatment System
Body part domestic wastewater industry wastewater the others vein using water artery kidneys Pretreatment supply Intercept sewage Microcirculation Sewerage Wastewater Treatment → sewer lung Sewage disposal
Wastewater Treatment Flowchart I
Wastewater Treatment Flowchart II
Level of Wastewater Treatment
Treatment Level Description Preliminary Removal of wastewater constituents such as rags, sticks, floatables, grit, and grease that may cause maintenance or operational problems with the treatment operations, processes, and ancillary systems Primary Removal of a portion of the suspended solids and organic matter from the wastewater Advanced Primary Enhanced removal of suspended solids and organic matter from the wastewater. Typically accomplished by chemical addition or filtration Secondary Removal of biodegradable organic matter (in solution or suspension) and suspended solids. Disinfection is also typically included in the definition of conventional secondary treatment Secondary with nutrient removal Removal of biodegradable organics, suspended solids, and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, or both nitrogen and phosphorus) Tertiary Removal of residual suspended solids (after secondary treatment), usually by granular medium filtration or micro screens. Disinfection is also typically a part of tertiary treatment. Nutrient removal is often included in this definition Advanced Removal of dissolved and suspended materials remaining after normal biological treatment when required for various water reuse applications
Status of Wastewater Treatment Plants
자료출처 : 환경부
Inflow Quality vs Outflow Quality
자료출처 : 환경부
Planed water Quality vs Inflow Quality
Division 2010년 2009년 BOD SS T-N T-P Planed Quality (mg/L) 150.0 149.6 32.3 4.2 149.4 148.5 30.7 3.9 Inflow Quality (mg/L) 141.2 139.5 33.8 3.8 143.5 140.9 34.4 Inflow/Planed (%) 94.1 93.2 107.4 90.5 96.1 94.9 112.1 102.7 Year Item Division Planed water Quality vs Inflow Quality Total 20% below 20~50% below 50~100% below 100% above 2010 BOD Items 465 9 53 256 147 Component ratio 100 1.9 11.4 55.1 31.6 2009 432 7 56 247 122 1.6 13.0 57.2 28.2
Chapter 2 – Wastewater Flowrates
▶ Discharge type of domestic wastewater - Combined sewer - Separated sewer ▶ Components of Wastewater flows - Infiltration and Inflow (I/I) - Treatment of Storm water - Estimations of Population
Discharge type of domestic wastewater
Combined sewer Separated sewer
Infiltration and Inflow
Infiltration steady Inflow Direct Inflow Total Inflow Delayed Inflow
Treatment of Storm Water
domestic wastewater Storm water wastewater sewer Storm intercept intercept sewer Wastewater Treatment effluent Separated sewer Storm separator combined sewer Storm intercept Rainy day Combined sewer Inflow
Variations of wastewater flowrates.
- It depend upon daily life cycle. - “Daily variations” - It is commonly observed seasonal variations - “Seasonal variations” “Variations of wastewater flowrates are rely on the variations in water use.” factors affecting municipal water use (Climate, Community Size, Density of development, Economics… ) Short term variations Long term variations
Estimating wastewater flowrates from water supply data
▶ Typical municipal water use (Domestic : 36.4%, Industrial : 42.4%, Public : 6% Unaccounted system loss and leakage : 5.2%) ▶ Unaccountde system loss and lakage - Less them 25 years old : form 10 to 20 percent of production for water distribution system - Older system : from 15 to 30 percent - In small water systems : as much as 50 percent of production - Attribution of meter error : as much as 50 percent
Estimations of Population
Method of least squares
Estimations of Population
Method of logistic curve Time(t) Geometric growth Arithmetic growth Declining, Logic growth Populations(y) T T2 Y1 Y2 Limit line
Estimations of Population
Geometric growth Arithmetic growth
Estimations of Population
Declining growth
Chapter 3 – Wastewater Charateristics
▶ Source of pollution - Point Source - Non – Point Source ▶ Sampling - Representative : The data must represent the sample - Reproducible : same sampling and analytical protocols Defensible : accuracy and precision Usefulness : monitoring plan ▶ Method of sampling Grab Composite Continuous
Constituents of concern in Wastewater Treatment
Reason for importance Suspended solids Suspended solids can lead to the development of sludge deposits and anaerobic conditions when untreated wastewater is discharged in the aquatic environment Biodegradable Organics Composed principally of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, biodegradable organics are measured most commonly in terms of BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) and COD (chemical oxygen demand). If discharged untreated to the environment, their biological stabilization can lead to the depletion of natural oxygen resources and to the development of septic conditions Pathogens Communicable diseases can be transmitted by the pathogenic organisms that may be present in wastewater Nutrients Both nitrogen and phosphorus, along with carbon, are essential nutrients for growth. When discharged to the aquatic environment, these nutrients can lead to the growth of undesirable aquatic life. When discharged in excessive amounts on land, they can also lead to the pollution of groundwater Priority pollutants Organic and inorganic compounds selected on the basis of their known or suspected carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, or high acute toxicity. Many of these compounds are found in wastewater Refractory organics These organics tend to resist conventional methods of wastewater treatment. Typical examples include surfactants, phenols, and agricultural pesticides Heavy metals Heavy metals are usually added to wastewater from commercial and industrial activities and may have to be removed if the wastewater is to be reused Dissolved inorganics Inorganic constituents such as calcium, sodium, and sulfate are added to the original domestic water supply as a result of water use and may have to be removed if the wastewater is to be reused
Physical characteristics
Test (solid) Description Total solids (TS) The residue remaining after a wastewater sample has been evaporated and dried at a specified temperature (103 to 105°C) Total volatile solids (TVS) Those solids that can be volatilized and burned off when the TS are ignited (500 ± 50°C) Total fixed solids (TFS) The residue that remains after TS are ignited (500 ± 50°C) Total suspended solids (TSS) Portion of the TS retained on a filter (see Fig. 2-4) with a specified pore size, measured after being dried at a specified temperature (105°C). The filter used most commonly for the determination of TSS is the Whatman glass fiber filter, which has a nominal pore size of about f.Lm Volatile suspended solids (VSS) Those solids that can be volatilized and burned off when the TSS are ignited (500 ± 50°C) Test Fixed suspended solids (FSS) The residue that remains after TSS are ignited . (500 ± 50°C) Total dissolved solids (TDS) (TS - TSS) Those solids that pass through the filter, and are then evaporated and dried at specified temperature. It should be noted that what is measured as TDS is comprised of colloidal and dissolved solids. Colloids are lypically in the size range from to 1 f.Lm Total volatile dissolved solids (VDS) Those solids that can be volatilized and burned off when the TDS are ignited (500 ± 50°C) Fixed dissolved solids (FDS) The residue that remains after TDS are ignited (500 ± 50°C)
Interrelationships of solids found in water and wastewater
TS = Total Solids TSS = Total Suspended Solids TDS = Total Dissolved Solids VSS = Volatile Suspended Solids FSS = Fixed Suspended Solids VDS = Volatile Dissolved Solids FDS = Fixed Dissolved Solids TVS = Total Volatile Solids TFS = Total Fixed Solids
Turbidity and color ▶ Turbidity Unit : NTU(Nephelometry Turbidity Unit) - TSS, mg/L = (TSSf)(T) Where, TSSf : factor used to convert Turbidity → suspended solids, (mg/L)/NTU - Absorption/Transmittance ▶ A = log(Io/I) Where, A : absorbance, a.u/cm Io : initial detector reading for blank I : final detector reading for sample Transmittance T, % = (I/Io) × 100 Where, T = 10-(a.u)/cm → T, % = 10-(a.u)/cm × 100
Temperature ▶ Van’t Hoff – Arrhenius relationship : Where, K = reaction rate constant T = temperature, K or Co E = constant characteristic of the reaction, J/mole R = ideal gas constant, J/mol.K
Integration of given Eg., between the limit T1 and T2
Nitrogen ▶ Sources of Nitrogen ▶ Forms of Nitrogen
The nitrogenous compounds of plant and animal origin NaNO3 Atmospheric Nitrogen ▶ Forms of Nitrogen Organic Nitrogen ↓ Ammonia Nitrogen (NH4+) Nitrite Nitrogen (NO2-) Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-) Atmospheric Nitrogen ( N2 ) Total kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN) Nitrification Denitrification
Distribution of ammonia (NH3) and Ammonium ion (NH4+) as a function of pH
Generalized nitrogen cycle in the aquatic and soil environment
Alkalinity ▶ Results from presence of hydroxides (OH-), Carbonates(CO3-2) and bicarbonates (HCO3-) ▶ Relation pH and alkalinity
Basis for BOD test ▶ Oxidation ▶ Synthesis ▶ Endogenous Respiration
CHONS + O2 + bacteria → CO2 + H2O + NH3 + Other products + energy ▶ Synthesis CHONS + O2 + bacteria + Energy → C5H7O2N(New cell tissue) ▶ Endogenous Respiration CHONS + 5O2 → 5CO2 + NH3 + 2 H2O These oxygen demands are Known as ultimate carbonaceous or first – stage BOD (UBOD)
Procedure for setting up BOD test bottles : with unseeded dilution
Procedure for setting up BOD test bottles : with seeded dilution water
Definition sketch for the exertion of the carbonaceous and nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand in a waste sample
Nitrification in BOD test
▶ Conversion of ammonia to nitrite (by Nitrosomonas) NH O2 → HNO2 + H20 ▶ Conversion of nitrite to nitrate (by Nitrobactor) HNO O2 → HNO3 + H20 ▶ Overall conversion of ammonia to nitrate NH3 + 2 O2 → HNO3 + H20 ⇒ This reaction is called the nitrogenous biochemical Oxygen demand (NBOD or NOD). ⇒ We have to know “competition of microbe”
Functional analysis of the BOD test : idealized representation of the BOD test
Modeling of BOD reaction
▶ The amount of organic material remaining at any time “t” is governed by “first – order” function dLt/ dt = -kLt (1) Where, Lt : BOD remaining at time t K : reaction rate, day-1 Lo : BOD remaining at time, t = 0 (Ultimate BOD)
Modeling of BOD reaction
▶ Intergrating between limits of UBOD and Lt and t = 0 and t = t Lt = Lo • e -kt (2) ▶ The BOD exerted up to time t is given by Y(t) = Lo - Lo • e -kt = Lo (1 - e -kt) ▶ For example, the BOD exerted up to time 5 days is BOD5 = Lo (1 - e -kt)
Effect of the rate constant K1 on BOD (for a unit UBOD value)
Other Organic Organic Matter
▶ COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand) CnHaObNc + dCr2O7-2 + (8d+c) H+ → nCO H2O + CNH4+ + 2dCr +3 where, d = ⇒ COD data for sample is always higher than BOD data. Some of reasons are as follows : COD = BDCOD + NBDCOD where BDCOD = UBOD (BOD20) if NBDCOD = O ⇒ COD = BOD20
Example BOD-COD-TOC A wastewater contains the following :
- ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) : 150 mg/L - phenol (C6H6O) : 100 mg/L - sulfide (S-2) : 40 mg/L - ethylene diamine hydrate (C2H10N2O) : 125 mg/L (NBD) If, BOD20 = 0.92COD 1) Compute the COD and TOC 2) Compute the BOD5 (k10 : 0.2 day-1) 3) After biological treatment, BOD5 is 25 mg/L. Estimate the COD (k10 : 0.1 day-1)
Example BOD-COD-TOC - ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) C2H6O O2 → 2CO2 + 3H2O - phenol (C6H6O) C6H6O + 7O2 → 6CO2 + 3H2O - sulfide (S-2) S-2 + 2O2 → SO4-2 - ethylene diamine hydrate (C2H10N2O) C2H10N2O + 2.5O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O + 2NH3
Loading rate ▶ Statistical Analysis of wastewater flowrate.
▶ Statistical parameters used for the analysis of wastewater data. Parameter Definition Mean value(S) = mean value fi = frequency(for ungrouped data fi = 1) Xi = midpoint of the ith data rang (for ungrouped data Xi = the ith observation) n = number of observations (Note Σ fi = n) Median value The middlemost observation data. (if two middlemost observed , the arithmetic mean to the two)
Loading rate parameter Definition Standard deviation
n = number of observations (Note Σ fi = n) S = standard deviation Xi = midpoint of the ith data rang (for ungrouped data Xi = the ith observation) = mean value Coefficient of variation Cv = coefficient of variation, percent S = standard deviation Mode The value occurring with the greatest frequency in a set of observations is known as the mode. If a continuous graph of the frequency distribution is drawn, the mode is the value of the high point, or hump, of the curve. In a symmetrical set of observations, the mean, median, and mode will be the same value
Loading rate Using the following daily data obtained from dischanger.
▶ Example Using the following daily data obtained from dischanger. determine the statistical characteristics and predict the mixmum daily flowrate. Day no. Flowrate, m3/day 1 2,900 8 3,675 2 3,040 9 3,810 3 3,540 10 3,450 4 3,360 11 3,265 5 3,770 12 3,180 6 4,080 13 3,135 7 4,015
Loading rate ▶ Solution plot the flowrate data using the log-probability method. Rank Serial no, m Flowrate, m3/day Plotting position, % 1 2,900 7.1 2 3,040 14.3 3 3,135 21.4 4 3,180 28.6 5 3,265 35.7 6 3,360 42.9 7 3450 50.0 8 3,540 57.1 9 3,675 64.3 10 3,770 71.4 11 3,810 78.6 12 4,015 85.7 13 4,080 92.9 m3/day
Typical wastewater constituent for various countries
Contry/ constituent BOD, g/capita.d TSS, TKN, NH3-N Total P, Korea 48.6~50.7 10.6~13.0 1.24~1.45 Germany 55~68 82~96 11~16 ND 1.2~1.6 India 27~41 Italy 49~60 55~82 8~14 0.6~1 Japan 40~45 1~3 0.15~0.4 Palestineb 32~68 52~72 4~7 3~5 0.4~0.7 Sweden 68~82 0.8~1.2 United StatesC 50~120 60~150 9~22 5~12 2.7~4.5
Typical probability plots for flowrate, BOD, and TSS
Illustration of diurnal wastewater flow, BOD, and mass loading variability
Typical ratios of averaged sustained peak and low daily fiowrates to average annual daily flowrates for time periods up to 30 days
Peaking factor curve (ratio of peak hourly to average daily flow)
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