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Presentation on theme: "THYROID RELATED OPHTALMOPATHY"— Presentation transcript:

Dr. RANJAKUMAR M.S, DO, MBA Professor of Ophthalmology, Kannur Medical College, Anjarakandy PO, Kannur – India

2 Thyroid Related Ophthalmopathy
Thyroid Ophthalmopathy is a disease wherein eye manifestations march on relentlessly & often independently of the systemic disease Ophthalmologist assesses, monitors, evaluates and intervenes in an ailing or cured dysthyroid to safeguard sight

3 Definition Ocular and orbital pathology occuring as a part of an autoimmune process affecting thyroid gland -‘Graves ophthalmopathy’

4 Thyroid disorders Hyperthyroidism - 70% graves disease
toxic multi nodular goitre toxic adenoma thyrotoxicosis factitia Hypothyroidism - 10% primary hypothyroidism hashimotos disease Euthyroidism – 20%

5 In graves disease eye signs may precede, coincide with or follow hyperthyrodism Eye signs seen without detectable thyroid abnormality

6 Epidemiology 4th to 5th decade female:male - 4:1 to 8:1
males prone to severe disease severe disease in older age group strong family history

7 Immunology Autoimmune disease Both humoral & cellular mediated
Target tissue-orbital connective tissue particularly fibroblasts & extra ocular muscles Antibody to 64-kd eye muscle membrane antigen-60% Antibody to 23-kd fibroblast antigen-50% Most of cellular infiltrations are T-lymphocytes

8 Pathophysiology Active phase of inflammation
Quiescent fibrotic phase –scarring of orbital tissue stable phase (5-6mnths) burnt out phase(> 5-6mnths)

9 Changes in the orbit Increased secretory activity of orbital fibroblast which secrete collagen & glycosaminoglycans –causes the muscle to swell EOM tendons & ON sheath uninvolved

10 Extra Ocular Muscles Swelling due to inflmmn & GAG accumuln
Involves endomysium,perimysium & interstitial connective tissue A/c phase-lymphocyitc infiltrn,progressive fibrosis & fatty infiltrn C/c phase – restrictive myopathy

11 Proptosis 30% pts with TRO have proptosis Axial proptosis
4ml change in orbital content – 6mm proptosis EOM enlargement Venous stasis Orbital fat hypertrophy (?)

12 Eye lid changes lid swelling hypertrophy, alopecia
upper lid retraction lower lid retraction lid lag

13 Upper eye lid retraction
SR/LPS over action to counter IR tethering Increase sympathetic stimulation – mullers muscle overaction Protruding globe pushing up the upper lid Levator infiltration,tethering & scarring

14 Conjunctiva Congestion & Chemosis over insertion of horizontal recti muscles

15 Cornea Exposure ,Sup.limbic keratoconjunctivitis
Inadequate lid closure from proptosis & lid retraction Compromised bell’s reflex Dry eye from infiltrn of lacrimal gland

16 Optic nerve Nerve compression in the crowded orbital apex
If EOM volume >11%of total orbital volume optic neuropathy occur No inflammatory process

17 Lacrimal system Enlargement of lacrimal gland Tearing
inflmmn of lacrimal gland reflex tearing lower lid retraction interference with lacrimal pump blockage of puncta

18 Intra Ocular Pressure Increase in 30% of TRO Restrictive myopathy
Proptosis & increase in orbital volume Increase in episcleral venous pressure Steroid induced

19 Clinical features Non infiltrative ophthalmopathy

20 Non infiltrative ophthalmopathy
Minimal ocular inflmmn & myopathy Any combination of lid lag,stare & lid retrn With/without exophthalmos No threat to cornea or optic nerve

21 Infiltrative ophthalmopathy
Soft tissue changes Myopathy Orbital apex syndrome

22 Soft tissue changes Aching behind eyes,eye strain, burning, redness,gritty feeling,excess mucus & intermittent blurring Lid edema,retraction & lid lag Conj.congestion & chemosis Corneal dryness,dellen,epithelial breakdown Choroidal folds

23 Myopathy Fatigue,discomfort on reading,vertical diplopia
IR>MR>SR-LPS>LR Obliques rare- pseudo 4thnerve palsy 30-50% pts with TRO have myopathy

24 Dysthyroid optic neuropathy
5% of pts-potentially blinding Disc oedema / atrophy Usually bilateral (70%) Older males prone Impairment of central vision Defective red green color appreciation Field defects-central, centrocecal, paracentral scotoma, gneralised constriction

25 Classification-Werner-NOSPECS
No signs,symptoms Only signs Soft tissue changes Proptosis EOM involvement Corneal involvement Sight loss Pt falls into many class,progression not in order, no prognostic value,used in many endocrine studies

26 Classification -Vandyk
Resistance to retropulsion Edema of conjunctiva Lacrimal gland enlargement Inflammation of conjunctiva Edema of lids Fullness of lids

27 Thyroid eye signs Darlymples -35-60% lid retraction
Von Graffe’s-40-50%- lid lag on down gaze Enroth’s- lower lid edema Joffroy’s- abscent forehead creases Kocher’s- spasmodic retraction of upperlid Mobius-defective convergence Stellawag’s-infrequent blinking

28 Systemic features Increase appetite, loss of weight
Tremor,palpitation,heat intolerance Diarrhoea , amenorrhoea Warm moist hands Diffuse thyroid swelling Skin changes in hand & feet- thyroid acropatchy

29 Differential diagnosis
Pseudotumour Orbital cellulitis C/c orbital myositis Cysts Systemic disorders-lymphoma,sarcoidosis,amyloidosis Vascular malformations

30 Lab investigations Endocrine evaluation Imaging studies
Electro diagnostic tests

31 Endocrine evaluation Biochemical tests for serum T4,T3,TSH
Immunological tests for antithyroglobulin & antimicrosomal antibodies

32 Ultrasonography Enlargement of EOM with high internal reflectivity
Reduplication of ON sheath due to expansion of subarachnoid space Irregular post: outline of RB fat pattern

33 CT Scan Thick muscles with tendon sparing Proptosis
Lacrimal gland enlargement Nasal bowing of medial orbital walls-coca cola sign Thinning of optic nerve Tenting of posterior globe

34 MRI Better delineation of compressive optic neuropathy
Greater soft tissue spatial resolution

35 Natural history Spontaneous remission in 3-36mths
Eye lid retraction resolves Proptosis remain stationary Diplopia resolves in majority Optic neuropathy does not improve spontaneously Euthyroid has more benign course

36 Response to therapy Acute active inflammatory phase responds to treatment with steroids, immunosuppressants & local irradiation Chronic stable cases need surgical options

37 Management Local measures Medical therapy Radiation Surgical options

38 Local measures Sun glasses, moist chamber goggles
Sleep in supine position with head elevated Taping of lids at night Prisms in diplopia

39 Medical therapy Topical tear substitutes Topical adrenergic blockers
Systemic diuretics-minimal role Corticosteroids Immunomodulators, cytotoxic agents

40 Corticosteroids Indications A/c inflammatory phase
Compressive optic neuropathy Prior to orbital decompression Non responsiveness to irradiation / surgery Effect may be temporary Rebounds can occur

41 Corticosteroids -regimen
60-100mg orally prednisolone in divided doses for several days followed by slow taper Pulse intravenous therapy of methyl prednisolone 1gm every other day for 3-5 cycles

42 Immunosuppressives Cyclosporin – 7.5 to 10mg/kg for 4-12 months
Methotrexate / azathioprim / cyclophosphamide Bromocryptine – decreases TSH & has anti lymphocyte activity Somatostatin analogue- octreotide Anti tumour necrosis factor drugs-infiximab / daclizumab Plasmapheresis Pentoxiphylline & nicotinamide Botulinum toxin s/c inj for lid retraction

43 Radiation therapy Substitute or adjunct to steroids & surgery
Less dramatic,more prolonged effect Donaldson’s protocol rads in 10 fractions over 2 weeks- mainly to posterior orbit

44 Surgical management Orbital decompression Starbismus surgery
Eye lid surgery

45 Orbital decompression
Done in c/c stable cases Severe exophthalmos Globe luxation Exposure keratopathy Optic nerve compression Cosmetic purpose

46 Surgical approaches Lateral orbitotomy Coronal approach- all 4 walls
Floor & medial walls Trans frontal( nafzigers) Ethmoidal / maxillary Conjunctival / Skin approach

47 Strabismus surgery Done in stable inactive TRO
To minimise diplopia in primary & reading position To under correct hypo & exo tropia To over correct hyper & eso tropias Muscle recession with marginal myotomy Adjustable suture surgery

48 Eye lid surgeries Lateral tarsorrhaphy Muller’s & LPS lenghthening
Blepharoplasty with orbital fat excision Lower eyelid elevation / lenghthening Spacer materials / grafts

49 to conclude… TRO is a common ocular entity
Rarely sight threatening complications can occur Ophthalmologist has a key role in diagnosing & directing the patient for proper evaluation and treatment In monitoring the patient to prevent complications

50 Major issues remaining unresolved
What is the relationship between autoimmune thyroid disease and eye sign Why do some patient with hyperthyroidism develop eye signs while others do not What is the relationship between the cause of treated thyroid disease & thyroid oph’pathy What is the role of thyroid in the development of euthyoroid ophthalmopathy

51 thank You


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