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Marine Core Service MY OCEAN GMES Towards an EU GDAC: The MyOcean SST Thematic Assembly Centre (SST-TAC) Craig Donlon and Herve Roquet Presented at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Core Service MY OCEAN GMES Towards an EU GDAC: The MyOcean SST Thematic Assembly Centre (SST-TAC) Craig Donlon and Herve Roquet Presented at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Core Service MY OCEAN GMES Towards an EU GDAC: The MyOcean SST Thematic Assembly Centre (SST-TAC) Craig Donlon and Herve Roquet Presented at the 7 th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18 th May 2007

2 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Overview n The MyOcean Project n The SST-TAC n Timeline for activities n Issues for GHRSST-PP n Summary

3 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007  Climate  Marine Environment  Seasonal and weather forecasting  Offshore  Maritime transport and safety  Fisheries  Research  General Public Card 1: “WHY?”  Areas of Benefit  MyOcean will “provide the common denominator data for all users in the marine sector, in other words the information for existing & new downstream services.”

4 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Areas of benefits & major products

5 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Operational Implementation GMES (EU+ESA) schedule 00010203040506 07080910111213 Initial GMES Phases... Demonstrate the European maturity of oceanography Build the GMES marine system, integrating the “core” capacities Run the GMES marine core service, on an operational basis Launch of Sentinel-3 Preparation of Sentinel-3

6 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Core service Provider OBSERVATIONS END - USERS MY-OCEAN European Core Service downstream to our service:... is done (duty), or will be better done (skill) by a specialized agency, a European agency or a national center ; usually already in place Example : COASTAL SYSTEMS The down stream Cut off upstream to our service... is done (duty) by an observation agency or center (raw data) Example : Eumetsat SAF or the ESA PAC The upstream cut-off Data, Model European added-value

7 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Core values of the Project 1. GMES is about developing the European added- value : build and set up the “European Core” service 2. Joining up and making it all work together 3. Start from existing core systems (Medspiration, MARCOAST, GlobColour, MERSEA…) 4. Be service oriented (GDAC) 5. Be simple but fully operational 6. Ensure full connection with the Regional and International networks (GHRSST-PP, MISST, AU- RDAC…) 7. Involve users in the success of the project 8. Ensure quality, and make sure to link operational / research MCS

8 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Card 2: “WHAT ?” (Raw matter)  MyOcean will  “deliver regular and systematic reference information (processed data, elaborated products) on the state of the oceans and regional seas:  at the resolution required by intermediate users & downstream service providers, of known quality and accuracy,  for the global and European regional seas.”  Physical state of the ocean, and primary ecosystem  For global ocean, and main European basins and seas  Large and basin scale ; mesoscale physics  Hindcast, Nowcast, Forecast  Data, Assimilation and Models

9 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Model Forecast Centres and regions n 1. Global n 2. Arctic n 3. Baltic n 4. NWS n 5. IBI n 6. Med Sea n 7 Black Sea MOON & MedGOOS GOOS/ Godae NOOS BOOS Arctic GOOS Black Sea GOOS 6 IBI-ROOS 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Card 2: “WHAT ?” (Service)  MyOcean will  “deliver regular and systematic reference information (processed data, elaborated products) on the state of the oceans and regional seas:  at the resolution required by intermediate users & downstream service providers, of known quality and accuracy,  for the global and European regional seas.” Data handling, Modelling and Assimilation Variables: T, S, UV, SSH, ice, Chl-a,... Products: Catalog of reference products : pre- defined data fields, reanalysis, reports,... Service: Real time, Delayed Mode, On request,

11 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Card 6: “HOW ?” Service Interface n 6 TAC : Thematic Assembly Centers –“Observations” n 1 global and 6 regional MFC: Monitoring and Forecasting Centers –“Model / Assimilation” n Each Production Unit –under operational commitments to deliver a service –Conducting R&D, Integration, Operations, and Assessment Sea Level SST Ice Wind Color In Situ TAC Arctic Baltic Atl. NWS Atl. IBI Med Sea Black Sea Global MFC 13 PRODUCTION UNITS

12 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Card 5: “WHEN ?” n A 3-year project n Starting before summer 2008, ending in 2011 n 2 phases : –First 18 months: qualification of Service Version 1 –Last 18 months: qualification of Service Version 2 2006200720082009201020112012 (prototyping core system) MY OCEAN (core service) CALLPROPOSAL MCS Workshop KICK-OFF GMES ImplementationGMES Operations Qualif Service V1 Qualif Service V2 QUALIF MCS V1QUALIF MCS V2

13 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007

14 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 WP1 Cross Cutting WP2 Central Engineering WP4 to WP10 PRODUCTION MFCs (Monitoring and Forecasting Centers) WP11 to WP16 PRODUCTION TACs (Thematic Assembly Centers) WP17 to WP19 Service, and Users WP3 R&D 45Million € over 3 years!!

15 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Service types & characteristics n Service types –Routine (bulk delivery) –Expert forecaster interpretation (usually to schedule) –Human support for emergencies –Response to queries (non-emergency) –User training n Sample Characteristics –Speed of response, percentage availability –Standardisation (look/feel & interoperability) –Monitoring of service use and feedback –Business continuity, incident handling n Facilities –Service desk –Search, view and download (web) services ESSENTIAL BULK SPECIFIC ON REQUEST EMERGENCY

16 Marine Core Service MY OCEAN Example

17 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Example

18 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 NSP / oil spill SMITH XX Met Office John Oil spill Arctic English Ftps:// Ocean forecast Oil spill Arctic permanent Institution. Ftps:// SST Oil spill Arctic permanent Institution. Ftps:// SLA –currents Oil spill Global permanent Institution. Opendap Reanalysis Environment Arctic On request Institution. Ftps:// Ocean forecast Emergency Global On request Institution. Ftps:// SSH Emergency ibi-portugal On request Institution. Ftps:// SLA –currents Emergency Global On request Institution. Opendap Ocean forecast Safety at sea Global permanent restricted Opendap Example

19 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Rationale for Services Break-down Services Service Agreement and Monitoring (S1) Service Provision (S2) User Engagement (WPS3- WPS5) n Separation of –definition of service (S1) from delivery (S2) –Delivery (S2) from exploratory engagement (S3-S5) n Teams involved differ n Opportunities for discussion forums involving all TACs/MFCs

20 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Nature of Service Level Agreements n Provider: either a TAC or an MFC n Receiver: an external user or a production unit n SLA supervisor: independent but internal to project: has facilitating, coordinating, monitoring and policing roles n Each SLA is a simple unit (enables scaleable distributed system) n SLAs should enable flexibility and autonomy within defined constraints n SLAs are a well established discipline Production unit provider Service receiver SLA supervisor SLA

21 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 The Thematic Assembly Centers : an essential component of the MCS n TACs will feed the global and regional components of the MCS in observation products for space and in situ data. n From observation systems to the service centres. Specific requirements from modelling and data assimilations centers as well as from users and downstream services.

22 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Transition of EXISTING SST services GHRSST-PP Medspiration MERSEA

23 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 SST TAC Production Centre (1) n Aim: Operate a European Service providing comprehensive SST products for GMES applications n Constraint 1: MCS services should be available from 2008 (V0). There shall be no interruption of on going products delivery when My Ocean starts: MERSEA, Medspiration, GHRSST, GlobColour, PolarView, … products remain available for the community. –L2P, L4, L3 n Constraint 2 : EC requires a rigorous development and qualification logic to guarantee the operationality of the MCS service and system.

24 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 L2P and L4 SST data products NOPP/USA AustraliaJapan Regional Data Assembly Centres (RDAC) NAVONCDCESA/EU Met Office RSS PO.DAAC EUMETSATOSPD The GHRSST-PP Regional/Global Task Sharing Framework (R/GTS) User Access and Feedback Long Term Stewardship and Re-analysis Facility (LTSRF) Perpetual Archive SST CDR production Perpetual Archive Data ingest Data access Delayed mode L4 SST CDR products Global Data Analysis Centre (GDAC) Rolling Archive Data Ingest Data Access Data Tools User Services MMR System HR-DDS MDB GMES/European GDAC Mirror

25 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 SST-TAC Components L4 Med Sea L4 Caspian L4 Black Sea L4 Global 2 L4 Global 1 L4 Arctic L4 Baltic L4 IBI L4 Galapagos L4 MARCOAST HRDDSMDB Anomalies QC Toolbox L4 Toolbox IceT Toolbox DV Toolbox Long term Reanalysis Satellite bias correction GDAC Deep Archive Rolling Archive Helpdesk Controller L3/L3P production L2Pc ->L2P production Catalogue MMR like Messaging SST-TAC interface Verification suite Verification Toolbox Validation suite QC suite Climatology System Documentation Product Documentation Indicator toolbox SLA management

26 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 n GDS-v1.7 L2P SST data products WP-ID2 Generate L2P data products WP-ID4 Generate L4 analysed data products (e.g., SSTfnd) based on L2P data input. Satellite SST data WP-ID1 Ingest & QC input data streams Auxiliary data Referenc e data fields Real time dissemination of L2P data files to GHRSST-PP users Referenc e data fields Analysed L4 SST data products GHRSST-PP Deep Archive & Re-Analysis (LTSRF) Real time dissemination of analysed data products to users at GDAC and RDAC Derive Single Sensor error statistics (SSES) GHRSST-PP Satellite and in situ MDB Single Sensor Error Statistics Generate MDB records MDB/SSES system MDB recor ds WP-ID5 GHRSST-PP, diagnostics, metrics and GDS data product validation HR-DDS archive GDAC &RDAC L4 SST HR- DDS data granules L2P HR- DDS data granules Extract HR- DDS L2P granules User data access through LAS/DODS HR- DDS server Extract HR-DDS L4 SST granules GHRSST-PP HR-DDS system In situ data CDR SST data products GHRSST-PP Re-Analysis Project (RAN) RAN project Main data flow HR-DDS data flow MDB/SSES data flow RAN data flow

27 Marine Core Service 7th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Melbourne Australia, 14-18th May 2007 Issues for GHRSST-PP n Interoperability and standards (netCDF CF-1.0, MMR, L2P, L3P (?), L4, HRDDS, MDB) n Interface standards (ICD, SIS, SLA) n Operational GHRSST-PP messaging and system status ‘dashboard’ n Operational redundancy for GDAC services But separation of some services (MDB, HRDDS, MMR, LTSRF) n GDAC  GDAC should be the same from a user perspective. n User registrations (note MyOcean data will be freely available) n Need to have JPL GDAC and EU GDAC discussions this week (stared already…)

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