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COUNTING OF POSTAL BALLOT PAPERS Ref :1) Handbook of Returning Officers,2016 2) ECI No. 470/INST/2014-EPS Dated 30.04.14 3) ECI NO 470/2014/SDR dt 14.5.2014.

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Presentation on theme: "COUNTING OF POSTAL BALLOT PAPERS Ref :1) Handbook of Returning Officers,2016 2) ECI No. 470/INST/2014-EPS Dated 30.04.14 3) ECI NO 470/2014/SDR dt 14.5.2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 COUNTING OF POSTAL BALLOT PAPERS Ref :1) Handbook of Returning Officers,2016 2) ECI No. 470/INST/2014-EPS Dated 30.04.14 3) ECI NO 470/2014/SDR dt 14.5.2014

2 Counting of votes received by post Legal provisions Sec.64 of R.P. Act, 1951 Rule.54A of C.E. Rules, 1961 Counting of PBs to be done under the supervision and direction of the RO. Candidate/ election agent/ counting agents have right to be present.

3 HALL ARRANGEMENT  Preferably to be counted in main counting Hall at RO’s table,  If counted in separate hall, prior approval is to be taken from ECI,  Ideally one table is to be earmarked for counting 500 postal ballots,  Not more than 4 counting tables be allotted for an AC,  Every table of counting is to be provided with :- (a) One ballpoint pen of blue ink, (b) A paper knife for breaking open the seals of envelops, (c) Proforma for recording votes secured by each candidate and NOTA, by Micro Observers(PREPRINTED) (d) Format for recording of tally of votes polled by postal ballot paper(PREPRINTED)

4 COUNTING PERSONNEL Table in charge- ARO Sl N o Category of personnel NumberSourceConditions 1. Counting Supervisor( to be appointed by RO) One per counting table (as approved by ECI) +20% reserve Gazetted /Supervisory Officer of the Central or State Government. 1. Not to appoint anyone who has been employed by or on behalf of, or has otherwise been working for a candidate in an election. 2. Staff of local bodies should not be used. 3. Must not be deployed in the AC where he resides or works. 2. Counting Assistant ( to be appointed by RO) Two per counting table (as approved by ECI) +20% reserve. 3. Micro Observer ( to be appointed by Observer) One per counting table (as approved by ECI) +20% reserve. Central Govt./ Central Govt. PSU employee

5 COUNTING AGENTS One counting agent for each table (to be duly appointed through filling up of Form 18 and display Identity Card), Advance intimation to candidates on number of counting tables.

6 Some Basic Practices in the counting hall Date of Counting: 19.5.2016 Reporting time for all counting personnel: 6 am To take seat in counting hall : at earmarked table To display : Identity Card Not to do: ×Carry mobile ×Smoking in the hall ×Eating in the hall ×Talking in loud voice Complete discipline and decorum to be maintained. None to leave counting hall without expressed consent of the Retuning Officer.

7 COUNTING PROCESS Returning Officer to read aloud excerpts of sec 128 vowing secrecy of counting procedure. Also to explain and demonstrate requirement of valid declaration to all CS/CA/MO, No inordinate delay in scrutiny of the declaration by the AROs and CSs.

8 COUNTING PROCESS All covers received before the hour fixed for poll for commencement of counting shall be counted. Covers in Form 13C containing PB received after fixed hour shall not be opened. Covers in Form 13 C received late to be kept in sealed separate packets with particulars noted on it. To be done before proceeding further.

9 STAGES OF COUNTING Covers in Form 13C received in time to be opened one after another, Cover in Form 13 C contains two documents: (1) Declaration of voter in Form 13 A, (2) Cover in Form 13 B containing postal ballot paper. Declaration in Form 13 A to be checked first,

10 Contd… Do not open (Form13B) containing the PB,if declaration in Form 13A not found inside Form13C.Form13BForm 13A Reject the PB by making suitable endorsement on the cover (Form13B) containing the PB. Declaration in Form 13A not to be treated as valid declaration in following cases---- Declaration is not signed by the elector; Declaration is not attested; Declaration is not attested by competent person ( any Gazetted Officer or Presiding Officer); Declaration is substantially defective, Serial No. of ballot paper is different from the Serial No. written on the cover in Form13B.

11 Contd… No rejection of Form 13 A: If seal of attesting officer is not found but particulars like name & designation are given, If elector has not put his signature on Form 13 C, but identity of the sender is verifiable on the basis of his declaration in Form 13 A.

12 Contd… Also do not open (Form13B) containing the PB unless the declaration in Form 13A is found to be proper,Form13BForm 13A Declarations in Form 13A found not in order to be put back inside the respective cover in Form 13C,Form 13C All such covers in Form 13C to be kept in a separate packet and sealed with endorsement by RO/ARO having particulars of AC, date of counting and brief description of content.

13 Procedure for counting of PBs Place all declarations in Form 13A found in order in a separate packet and seal it before taking out the polled PBs from the covers in Form13B,Form 13A Form13B To protect secrecy of votes,all declaration in Form 13 A (found as valid) to be placed in separate packet and sealed, Record name of the constituency, date of counting and a brief description of its content on the packet, Then open each Form13B and take out the PB and scrutinize to decide its validity.

14 Grounds for rejection of PB  No vote is recorded.  Votes given for more than one candidate.  It is spurious ballot paper.  It is damaged/mutilated so that its identity as genuine ballot paper can not be established,  Not returned in cover sent along with it to elector by RO,  Mark made in such a way that it is doubtful for which candidate vote has been given,  It bears any mark apart from vote or writing by which voter can be identified.

15 POINTS TO REMEMBER No particular mark to be made by voter to record vote on PB, Any mark is valid, if the intention of the voter to vote for a particular candidate is clear beyond any reasonable doubt, It should not be rejected if mark has been made more than once to clarify choice.

16 RECORDING TALLY OF VOTES Valid votes will then be counted and each candidate will be credited with votes given to him, After completion of counting of votes polled in each table, the tally shall be entered in a tally sheet. To be made in duplicate, using carbon paper. Both the copies should be signed by Counting Supervisor and Counting Agents and ARO. Photocopies of the Second copy to be given to counting agents.

17 RECORDING TALLY OF VOTES Grand total of all rounds at each table shall be put in an envelope superscribed “copies of Formats used for counting and compilation of Postal ballot Papers”, Then compilation of tally sheets will be made in result sheet in Form 20, Announcement to be made after postal ballot counting is over.


19 POINTS TO REMEMBER All cases of rejection of postal ballot due to defects in Declaration in Form 13 A to be verified by RO, Penultimate round of counting of votes in EVMs shall not commence till counting of postal ballot is completed,

20 POINTS TO REMEMBER In case the victory margin is less than the total number of postal ballots received then there should be mandatory re verification of all postal ballots, To be done in presence of RO & Observer, All rejected as well as counted postal ballots counted in favour of each and every candidate shall once again be verified and tallied, Entire process is to be videographed without compromising the secrecy of ballot Video cassettes/CD should be sealed in separate envelope for future reference.

21 SEALING OF POSTAL BALLOT PAPERS Cover in Form 13 C containing invalid Form 13 A & Form 13B, Valid Form 13 A, Cover in Form 13 B containing no ballot paper or spurious ballot paper, All valid ballot papers, Rejected ballot papers. will be separately bundled and kept together in a packet and sealed with the seal of RO,candidates & secret seal of the Commission.

22 MUST BE DONE Proceeding for counting with signatures of counting agents. Separate videography,if postal ballot counting is done in a separate hall.

23 Form 13 C

24 Form 13 C ( service voters)

25 FORM 13 A

26 FORM 13 B

27 Thanks

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