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Financial Literacy Month We encourage everyone to take part in Financial Literacy Month and have outlined a few ideas for how to get involved on the next.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Literacy Month We encourage everyone to take part in Financial Literacy Month and have outlined a few ideas for how to get involved on the next."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Literacy Month We encourage everyone to take part in Financial Literacy Month and have outlined a few ideas for how to get involved on the next few slides. At the end of the month, please share what you’ve been up to with April ( and Elizabeth ( – we’d love to see any pictures and press! 1

2 Suggested Activities 1.Request a proclamation –Lead efforts to request a proclamation of April as Financial Literacy Month by your state governor, treasurer, or legislature –Many states make an event out of the signing ceremony and circle pictures to their constituents – it’s a great opportunity for visibility! 2.Conduct teacher workshops –Conduct one or more financial literacy-themed teacher workshops during April and promote them as a Financial Literacy Month activity. 3.Actively promote the month via media and your digital channels –Use your Blog, Facebook and Twitter pages to highlight your Financial Literacy Month efforts. Take advantage of the sample tweets and posts that we sent through, and please join us in promoting our #MySavingsStory campaign (see the next page for more info)! –Plus check our pages and let’s cross promote each other’s content! Throughout the month, we will also be checking everyone’s sites (web/social) to share to the mass audience and highlight what you’re doing to help push #FinLit in your states. –Write an op-ed about the importance of financial literacy and submit to your local newspapers/online channels. –Invite local media to your events, and send a press release describing your Financial Literacy Month efforts. 2

3 CEE #MySavingsStory Video Campaign On April 1, we will be launching a powerful video campaign #MySavingsStory with celebrities, artists, economists, journalists, and more who will share their stories to inspire our kids today about the importance of understanding and taking control of their financial lives. –The #MySavingsStory campaign will be promoted throughout our social media channels. –Please do share/retweet the inspiring videos with the hashtag. –And, you can use this in your workshops and encourage the teachers to share with their students. It’s a great way to “hook” them in and start your conversation. All videos will be made available on our Facebook page when they are released throughout the month. Backup 3

4 Additional Ideas for FLM Spread the WordGet EngagedTake the Lead Request Proclamation Lead efforts to request a Proclamation of April as Financial Literacy Month by Governor, Treasurer, or Legislature – participate in any ceremonies Write Letters to Elected Officials Highlight local and national accomplishments and thank for support of education PR Outreach Press Releases to local media on FLM events Twitter –teachers tweet favorite lessons, retweet CEE tweets Facebook – highlight FLM events; showcase teachers, lessons, best practices Blog - Share your blog with CEE; link to CEE blog for posts Promote CEE Materials Share info on EconEdLink, Gen i, FFFL, via teacher newsletters, social media, etc. Conduct Teacher Workshop(s) Conduct one or more Fin Lit themed teacher workshops during April and promote as FLM activity Collaborate with Fed Cross promote activities w regional Fed or develop joint activity Publish Op-Eds or letters to editor President/Board Members highlight importance of Fin Lit & Econ. Arrange Classroom Visits Invite elected officials to visit schools teaching FinLit or greet teachers at a workshop Conduct District Advocacy Week Meet w/ Members of US Congress at home offices during district work weeks – engage teachers Engage Parents Host a family financial literacy night or conduct parent outreach on Fin Lit subject – college savings, budgeting, etc. Conduct a Policy Luncheon/Forum Promote adoption/revision of standards and course requirements in a policy event for state elected officials or state board of education Financial Literacy Summit Collaborate with other orgs to conduct a day-long event highlighting best practices and engaging high level leaders for max visibility District Wide FLM Program Identify one school district to implement a month long program including: teacher workshops at each grade level; student programs; classroom visits; parent engagement activities Be Creative Conduct your own unique event and let everyone know about it Backup 4

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