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UNIT A: THE MIX AND FLOW OF MATTER 1. OVERVIEW OF THE UNIT SECTION 1 1.1: WHMIS Symbols and Lab Safety 1.1: WHMIS Symbols and Lab Safety 1.2: The Many.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT A: THE MIX AND FLOW OF MATTER 1. OVERVIEW OF THE UNIT SECTION 1 1.1: WHMIS Symbols and Lab Safety 1.1: WHMIS Symbols and Lab Safety 1.2: The Many."— Presentation transcript:


2 OVERVIEW OF THE UNIT SECTION 1 1.1: WHMIS Symbols and Lab Safety 1.1: WHMIS Symbols and Lab Safety 1.2: The Many Uses of Fluids 1.2: The Many Uses of Fluids SECTION 2 2.1: The Particle Model of Matter (Mixtures and Pure Substances) 2.1: The Particle Model of Matter (Mixtures and Pure Substances) 2.2: Concentration and Solubility (Solutes and Solvents) 2.2: Concentration and Solubility (Solutes and Solvents) 2.3: Factors Affecting Solubility 2.3: Factors Affecting Solubility 2.4: Particle Model of Matter 2.4: Particle Model of Matter SECTION 3 3.1: Viscosity and Effects of Temperature 3.1: Viscosity and Effects of Temperature 3.2: Density of Fluids 3.2: Density of Fluids 3.3: Density, Temperature and Buoyancy 3.3: Density, Temperature and Buoyancy SECTION 4 4.1: Technologies Based on Solubility 4.1: Technologies Based on Solubility 4.2: Technologies Based on Flow Rates and Moving Fluids (Pumps and Valves) 4.2: Technologies Based on Flow Rates and Moving Fluids (Pumps and Valves) 4.3: Designing a Model of a Fluid-Using Device (Submarines) 4.3: Designing a Model of a Fluid-Using Device (Submarines) 2

3 SECTION 1.1 LAB SAFETY RULES 1. READ all written instructions before doing an activity. 2. LISTEN to all instructions and follow them carefully. 3. WEAR all required safety equipment such as goggles, gloves, an apron.**Remember to tie back long hair. 4. NEVER TASTE OR SMELL unknown substances because they could be very harmful to you. 5. THINK! If you think you shouldn’t be doing something, chances are you’re not supposed to be. When in doubt, ask me! Here is a little tip to remember the rules: (Randy Loves Wicked New Treats) 3

4 WHMIS AND LAB SAFETY Some materials we work with in the lab are hazardous. All hazardous materials have a label called a hazard symbol. The hazard symbol uses color and shape to indicate how hazardous the material is. A yellow triangle means caution, an orange diamond means warning and a red octagon means danger. 4

5 WHMIS WHMIS stands for: WHMIS WHMIS contains 8 symbols, each separated into classes of potentially harmful materials that must be memorized because you may come in contact with them at home, work or school. WHMIS contains 8 symbols, each separated into classes of potentially harmful materials that must be memorized because you may come in contact with them at home, work or school. 5

6 6

7 SECTION 1.2 THE MANY USES OF FLUIDS A Fluid is anything that has no fixed shape and can flow. Common examples include water, soft drinks and detergents. Can you think of some more? Fluids are useful because they can mix with other materials (Ex: Juice), they can change to solids (Ex: Glass) and they can move materials, even if they are solid. (Ex: River) Fluids are useful because they can mix with other materials (Ex: Juice), they can change to solids (Ex: Glass) and they can move materials, even if they are solid. (Ex: River) 7

8 FLUIDS Flow is the movement of a fluid. A fluid is usually a liquid or a gas because liquids and gases can easily flow or move. A solid has a fixed shape, making it nearly impossible to flow. Ex: Water. When you pour water into a jug, it flows out. When you heat the water up on the stove, the water is released as steam, which flows into the air. But if you take a block of ice and try to make it flow, you won’t succeed. 8

9 Gas Liquid Solid Total disorder Lots of empty space Disorder Some space Particles closer together Order Particles fixed in position 9


11 A A pure substance: A pure substance: - is always homogeneous - has the same properties no matter where in the world it is found. 11

12 MIXTURES AND PURE SUBSTANCES PURE SUBSTANCES are made up of 1 type of matter and have a unique set of characteristics or properties. For example, Aluminum foil, baking soda and water are all pure substances because you cannot separate them into other substances. Pure substances cannot be broken down! MIXTURES hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... cccc oooo rrrr rrrr eeee ssss pppp oooo nnnn dddd eeee nnnn cccc eeee.... ssss cccc hhhh oooo oooo llll.... nnnn zzzz //// dddd eeee pppp aaaa rrrr tttt mmmm eeee nnnn tttt ssss //// ssss cccc iiii eeee nnnn cccc eeee //// cccc hhhh eeee mmmm iiii ssss tttt rrrr yyyy //// wwww eeee bbbb //// hhhh oooo mmmm eeee //// cccc hhhh eeee mmmm iiii ssss tttt rrrr yyyy //// ssss uuuu bbbb ssss tttt aaaa nnnn cccc eeee ssss //// mmmm iiii xxxx tttt uuuu rrrr eeee ssss.... hhhh tttt mmmm llll 12



15 HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURES Heterogeneous Mixtures When a heterogeneous mixture contains 2 or more visible substances, it is also known as a Mechanical Mixture. Can you think of any more examples? 15

16 A mechanical mixture When materials are mixed together but we can still see the different parts we call it a mechanical mixture When materials are mixed together but we can still see the different parts we call it a mechanical mixture 16

17 Heterogeneous Mixtures Suspensions A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture where droplets or pieces of one substance are held within another substance. Suspensions are usually cloudy (like muddy water or coffee) because you can actually see both substances, even though they are mixed. If you leave a suspension undisturbed, it will usually settle into separate parts. A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture where droplets or pieces of one substance are held within another substance. Suspensions are usually cloudy (like muddy water or coffee) because you can actually see both substances, even though they are mixed. If you leave a suspension undisturbed, it will usually settle into separate parts. 17

18 HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURES Colloids A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture made up of tiny particles. Colloids are usually cloudy like suspensions, but because the particles are so small you cannot see the separate parts of the mixture and it cannot easily separated out. Some examples of colloids are hair gel, clouds and creamy milk. A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture made up of tiny particles. Colloids are usually cloudy like suspensions, but because the particles are so small you cannot see the separate parts of the mixture and it cannot easily separated out. Some examples of colloids are hair gel, clouds and creamy milk. 18

19 HOMOGENEOUS MIXTURES Homogeneous Mixtures Homogeneous mixtures are also known as Solutions because one substance is dissolved in the other. Homogeneous mixtures are also known as Solutions because one substance is dissolved in the other. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between solutions and pure substances so tests like boiling point and melting point are used. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between solutions and pure substances so tests like boiling point and melting point are used. 19

20 Some examples of common solutions: Solid solution: Gas solution: Liquid solution: The Matter Bop 20

21 SECTION 2.2 CONCENTRATION AND SOLUBILITY Forming a solution by mixing 2 or more materials together is called Dissolving Solute 21

22 Concentration and Solubility Solvent 22

23 Concentration and Solubility Depending on the solution, the amount of solvent and solute will be different. A concentrated solution has a larger amount of solute in a solvent. A diluted solution has a small amount of solute in a solvent. For example: if you’re making juice and put too much juice crystals in the juice will be too sweet (concentrated). But if you add more water to the juice, it will become less sweet (diluted). 23


25 Measuring Concentration The Concentration of a solution is the actual amount of solute dissolved in a specific amount of solvent. For example: 50g of solute dissolved in 100mL of water has a concentration of 50g/100mL of water. The amount of solute is measured in grams and it is always the first number. The amount of solvent is measured in milliliters and is always the last number. Example: Solution ASolution B 10 g solute25 g solute 50 mL solvent100 mL solvent How do you write this in proper concentration format? 25

26 Comparing Concentrations To compare concentrations, you need the same amount of solvent. To compare concentrations, you need the same amount of solvent. Example: Example: Solution A 10 g solute/50 mL solvent Solution B 25 g solute/100mL solvent 25 g solute/100mL solvent Which solution is more concentrated? Step 1: Make the amount of solvent equal! Step 1: Make the amount of solvent equal! change Solution A 50mL  100mL  50ml x 2 = 100mL Step 2: Whatever you do to the solvent, you must do to the solute! Step 2: Whatever you do to the solvent, you must do to the solute! take 10g x 2 = 20g Re-write concentrations per 100mL! Re-write concentrations per 100mL! Solution A 20g/100mL Solution B 25g/100mL 26

27 SATURATED VS. UNSATURATED SOLUTIONS The limit to how much a solution can be concentrated is called solubility, which is the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a fixed amount of solvent at a certain temperature. The limit to how much a solution can be concentrated is called solubility, which is the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a fixed amount of solvent at a certain temperature. If you take a frozen can of juice and mix it with a jug of water, the water would dissolve the frozen juice to make a solution. But if you put 2 cans of frozen juice in the same size of jug, what would happen? If you take a frozen can of juice and mix it with a jug of water, the water would dissolve the frozen juice to make a solution. But if you put 2 cans of frozen juice in the same size of jug, what would happen? 27

28 SATURATED VS.UNSATURATED SOLUTIONS If you have a solution where more solute can be dissolved, the solution is known as unsaturated. If you have a solution where more solute can be dissolved, the solution is known as unsaturated. If you have a solution where no more solute can be dissolved, the solution is known as saturated. Every solution has a saturation point—a point where the maximum amount of solute is dissolved at a given temperature. If you have a solution where no more solute can be dissolved, the solution is known as saturated. Every solution has a saturation point—a point where the maximum amount of solute is dissolved at a given temperature. Ex: When you put Kool-Aid in a jug of water, the Kool-Aid will dissolve, so the solution is unsaturated and you can add more Kool-Aid. If you put even more in to the point where no more Kool-Aid can be dissolved or added, the juice will be saturated. Ex: When you put Kool-Aid in a jug of water, the Kool-Aid will dissolve, so the solution is unsaturated and you can add more Kool-Aid. If you put even more in to the point where no more Kool-Aid can be dissolved or added, the juice will be saturated. 28

29 SECTION 2.3 FACTORS AFFECTING SOLUBILITY Solubility depends on 3 main factors: Solubility depends on 3 main factors: 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. The most common solvent is water. Anytime you read the term aqueous solution on a product, it means water is the solvent. The most common solvent is water. Anytime you read the term aqueous solution on a product, it means water is the solvent. But Remember: solutions do not have to always be made up of liquids But Remember: solutions do not have to always be made up of liquids 29

30 FACTORS AFFECTING SOLUBILITY SoluteSolventSolution GasGas GasLiquid LiquidLiquid LiquidSolid SolidLiquid SolidSolid Here are some examples: 30

31 Solubility Changes With Temperature Solubility increases as the temperature of the solvent increases, because more space is provided between the particles for the solute particles to fit (dissolve) into. The reverse is true for a gas though - as the temperature increases, the solubility of a gas, in a liquid solvent decreases. Solubility increases as the temperature of the solvent increases, because more space is provided between the particles for the solute particles to fit (dissolve) into. The reverse is true for a gas though - as the temperature increases, the solubility of a gas, in a liquid solvent decreases. 31

32 Thermal Pollution This decrease in the solubility of gases can have a serious effect on the environment. If the temperature of water increases (warm industrial waste water poured directly into lakes and rivers) then there is less oxygen that can be dissolved in the water – thus, affecting the living organisms in the water. This is called thermal pollution. This decrease in the solubility of gases can have a serious effect on the environment. If the temperature of water increases (warm industrial waste water poured directly into lakes and rivers) then there is less oxygen that can be dissolved in the water – thus, affecting the living organisms in the water. This is called thermal pollution. 32

33 melting  freezing  solid  liquid boiling  condensing  liquid  gas temperature time solid liquid gas Changes of state – heating curve Changes of state – heating curve 33

34 Changes of state – cooling curve activity Changes of state – cooling curve activity 34

35 Changes of state activity Changes of state activity 35

36 1. 2. 3. 4. The Particle Model of Matter The Particle Model of Matter TIME FOR A SONG 36

37 Factors Affecting The Rate Of Dissolving The speed at which the solute dissolves in a solvent is called the rate of dissolving and can be affected by: The speed at which the solute dissolves in a solvent is called the rate of dissolving and can be affected by: 37

38 SECTION 3 VISCOSITY AND THE EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE One property that all fluids have is their ability to flow How quickly fluids flow is called Viscosity. Viscosity is determined by Fluids with a high viscosity do not flow easily, but fluids with a low viscosity flow easy 38

39 SECTION 3.1 TEMPERATURE AND VISCOSITY A fluid’s viscosity depends on its amount of internal resistance or friction. A fluid’s viscosity depends on its amount of internal resistance or friction. As the temperature of a liquid increases, its viscosity decreases. The opposite is also true. As the temperature of a liquid decreases, the viscosity increases. This can be explained using the Particle Model: As the temperature of a liquid increases, its viscosity decreases. The opposite is also true. As the temperature of a liquid decreases, the viscosity increases. This can be explained using the Particle Model: 39

40 SECTION 3.1 TEMPERATURE AND VISCOSITY A liquid is made of particles that roll and slide over each other. When energy or heat is added, the particles move around more quickly ( less viscous; moves faster). But when the temperature drops, the particles slow down (more viscous; moves slower). A liquid is made of particles that roll and slide over each other. When energy or heat is added, the particles move around more quickly ( less viscous; moves faster). But when the temperature drops, the particles slow down (more viscous; moves slower). 40

41 SECTION 3.2 DENSITY Density of Fluids Density of Fluids Density is the amount of matter in a given volume. Every substance has a different density, because each substance is made up of different particles. The density of a substance depends on the particles it is made up of. When we talk about density, it's usually mass density we're referring to. The mass density of an object is simply its mass divided by its volume. Density is the amount of matter in a given volume. Every substance has a different density, because each substance is made up of different particles. The density of a substance depends on the particles it is made up of. When we talk about density, it's usually mass density we're referring to. The mass density of an object is simply its mass divided by its volume. 41

42 SECTION 3.2 DENSITY Density depends on whether the object is solid, filled with air pockets, or something in between. Substances that have a higher density than the density of the substance it is placed in will sink; substances that have a lower density than the density of the substance it is placed in will float. Density depends on whether the object is solid, filled with air pockets, or something in between. Substances that have a higher density than the density of the substance it is placed in will sink; substances that have a lower density than the density of the substance it is placed in will float. 42

43 SECTION 3.2 CALCULATING DENSITY Calculating Density Calculating Density Density is the mass of a substance divided by its volume, which changes as temperature changes. Density is the mass of a substance divided by its volume, which changes as temperature changes. This is shown in the following equation form: This is shown in the following equation form: ** Density is measured in units of g/mL for liquids and g/cm cubed. ** Density is measured in units of g/mL for liquids and g/cm cubed. 43

44 SECTION 3.3 DENSITY, TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCY Changing Density Can we can the density of a substance? The answer is yes. We can change the density of a substance by changing its concentration or by changing the temperature of a substance. 44

45 SECTION 3.3 DENSITY, TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCY A fluids density may be changed by altering its concentration. A solution with a higher concentration will have greater density than one with a lower concentration. For example in a fresh water lake you would find it more difficult to float in than the Dead Sea, which has a high salt content. You can float more easily because the water has more particles per unit, thus is more dense. 45

46 SECTION 3.3 DENSITY, TEMPERATURE AND BUOYANCY By changing the temperature you can alter a substances density. When a substance is cooled the particles move closer together. This results in more particles in a given area, thus, an increased density. When particles are heated they move further apart. This results in fewer particles in a given area, thus, lower density. By changing the temperature you can alter a substances density. When a substance is cooled the particles move closer together. This results in more particles in a given area, thus, an increased density. When particles are heated they move further apart. This results in fewer particles in a given area, thus, lower density. 46

47 BUOYANCY Buoyancy works on the principles of gravity and buoyant force. 47

48 SECTION 3.4 COMPRESSION OF FLUIDS Different fluids have different compressibility, which is the ability of a substance (solid, liquid or gas) to be compressed, or squeezed. For example you can compress air a lot more than you can compress water. This is because gases have greater room between the particles than fluids. Thus, by using force we can push gas particles closer together more easily than fluid particles. Different fluids have different compressibility, which is the ability of a substance (solid, liquid or gas) to be compressed, or squeezed. For example you can compress air a lot more than you can compress water. This is because gases have greater room between the particles than fluids. Thus, by using force we can push gas particles closer together more easily than fluid particles. 48

49 SECTION 3.5 PRESSURE IN FLUIDS Pressure is the amount of force applied on an area. Pressure is the amount of force applied on an area. To calculate pressure we use the following formula: To calculate pressure we use the following formula: The units are in kilopascals or N/cm The units are in kilopascals or N/cm 49

50 SECTION 3.5 PRESSURE IN FLUIDS Depth and Pressure Depth and Pressure The force of a fluid on a container is equal on all sides at equal depth. However, the pressure increases at greater depth. This is why hydroelectric damns water intake is from the bottom of the damn not the top. The force of a fluid on a container is equal on all sides at equal depth. However, the pressure increases at greater depth. This is why hydroelectric damns water intake is from the bottom of the damn not the top. When a container is enclosed, however, the pressure that is exerted is equal in all directions. This is known as Pascal’s Law. When a container is enclosed, however, the pressure that is exerted is equal in all directions. This is known as Pascal’s Law. 50


52 4.1 Technologies Based on Solubility Most detergents are liquids or powders that are soluble in water. They contain a cleaning agent called a surfactant. Soap (the surfactant) encapsulates the fat & dirt molecules in the water, removing them from the fabric. In this way the dirt and water forms an emulsion, which can then be drained away. 52

53 SECTION 4.1 TECHNOLOGIES BASED ON SOLUBILITY The closer you are to the bottom of a body of water, the greater the pressure is. The greater the pressure, the more nitrogen gas there is to dissolve in our blood. If a diver swims to the surface slowly, the nitrogen will naturally release out of the body, but if the diver swims to the surface too quickly, the nitrogen can’t release from the body. Instead, the nitrogen bubbles release into your body and organs, causing pain. This is called Decompression Sickness, a.k.a. The Bends. The closer you are to the bottom of a body of water, the greater the pressure is. The greater the pressure, the more nitrogen gas there is to dissolve in our blood. If a diver swims to the surface slowly, the nitrogen will naturally release out of the body, but if the diver swims to the surface too quickly, the nitrogen can’t release from the body. Instead, the nitrogen bubbles release into your body and organs, causing pain. This is called Decompression Sickness, a.k.a. The Bends. 53

54 SECTION 4.2 TECHNOLOGIES BASED ON FLOW RATES A Pump is a device that moves fluid through or into something. A Pump is a device that moves fluid through or into something. Ex: A bicycle pump moves fluid (air) into your tire. Ex: A bicycle pump moves fluid (air) into your tire. Ex: Your heart pumps fluid (blood) to your body. Ex: Your heart pumps fluid (blood) to your body. 54

55 4.2 The Many Uses of Pumps... Pumps in a city to move water to an elevated reservoir (so the force of gravity can allow the water to flow into all the homes - you see this in a small town as well - a water tower is usually the tallest structure in this town).... Pumps are also use to move oil, natural gas and other fluids through pipelines.... Pumps are located in automobiles to get the gasoline from the fuel tank to the engine.... Pumps are also use to force air into tires.... Your mouth is also a pump that can be used to draw a fluid up a straw and into your mouth. 55

56 SECTION 4.2 TECHNOLOGIES BASED ON FLOW RATES Valves are devices used to control or regulate the amount of flow. Valves are devices used to control or regulate the amount of flow. Ex: Think about what would happen if the valves in your heart weren’t working properly. Ex: Think about what would happen if the valves in your heart weren’t working properly. 56

57 4.2 The Many Uses of Valves … It is essential to virtually all manufacturing processes and every energy production and supply system. Yet it is one of the oldest products known to man, with a history of thousands of years. … Each time you turn on a water faucet, use your dishwasher, turn on a gas range, or step on the accelerator of your car, you operate a valve. Without modern valve systems, there would be no fresh pure water or automatic heat in your home. There would be no public utilities, and beyond wood and coal, almost no energy of any kind. Plastics would be unheard of, as would many inexpensive consumer products. 57

58 SECTION 4.2 TECHNOLOGIES BASED ON FLOW RATES macaulay/valve.gif macaulay/valve.gif 58

59 4.3 Designing a Working Model of a Fluid-Using Device Submersibles are any machines that are capable of going under water, specifically deep into the ocean. Bathyscaphs and submarines are examples of submersibles. Submersibles are any machines that are capable of going under water, specifically deep into the ocean. Bathyscaphs and submarines are examples of submersibles. 59

60 4.3 How Submarines Work Inside a submarine there are containers called ballast tanks. If these are full of air, the submarine will float. Even though it is made of steel, the average density of the submarine is less than that of water. By pumping water into the ballast tanks, the submarine can sink. This is because when its ballast tanks fill with water, the submarine has a greater density than water. Then, when the sub wants to rise again, it pushes the water out of the ballast tanks, which allows air to fill them once more. 60

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