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Deposition. Particles dropped from an erosional system due to a decrease in velocity of the agent  Dominant agent of erosion is running water  Most.

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Presentation on theme: "Deposition. Particles dropped from an erosional system due to a decrease in velocity of the agent  Dominant agent of erosion is running water  Most."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deposition

2 Particles dropped from an erosional system due to a decrease in velocity of the agent  Dominant agent of erosion is running water  Most sediments final resting place is in large bodies of water

3 Factors Affecting Deposition 1. Particle size – if particles are the same density, larger particles will deposit faster than smaller particles because they are heavier.

4 Factors Affecting Deposition: 2. Particle shape – if particles are the same density, round particles deposit faster than flat or angular particles because there is less drag (friction) of the water on the round particles. These particles are sorted based on shape.

5 Factors Affecting Deposition: 3. Particles density – if particles are the same size and shape, more dense particles will settle and deposit faster than less dense particles because they are heavier. These particles are sorted based on density differences.

6 Horizontal sorting – large particles are deposited at the source of the stream and small particles are deposited at the mouth and in the water body it drains into.

7 Glacial Deposits 1. Direct deposit of sediment by the glacier is known as till and is highly unsorted and angular.

8 Glacial Deposits 2. When the glacier melts, a meltwater stream develops and deposits sediments known as outwash that are sorted and rounded.

9 Wind Deposits Most deposits by wind are sorted  Usually found in deserts and along shorelines

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