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Tom Fernandez Co-founder and Secretary, SASE Associate Director, P&G or

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1 Tom Fernandez Co-founder and Secretary, SASE Associate Director, P&G or October 30, 2010

2 SASE Mission Statement Prepare Asian heritage scientists and engineers for success in the global professional world Celebrate diversity on campuses and in the workplace Provide opportunities for members to make contributions to their local communities

3 SASE Corporate Gold Sponsors Annual corporate sponsorships available* Gold level: $30,000 Silver level:$5,000 Student membership: Free * Sponsorships benefits and details available in the appendix section

4 SASE Board of Directors Dr. Shekhar Mitra SASE President P&G Sr. VP R&D Tom Fernandez SASE Secretary P&G Associate Dir. Dow Board member to be finalized Suyin Copley SASE Board Member GE Senior HRM

5 SASE Enables Talent Development RecruitHire Train and Develop Promote Leverage your investment Retire and Legacy Individual Point of View: Individuals need more coaching, role models and access to “real world” skills, to achieve their career potential. Individuals establish a forum to give back to the Asian community, as well as their local community. Corporate Point of View: Recruiting and retaining top technical talent is critical to business success. Companies need easier access to students ready to contribute from Day 1, need to train and develop their strongest employees. Companies need more talent to support growth in emerging Asian markets.

6 SASE Key Milestones Nov. 2007:SASE founded by P&G employees and registered in the State of Ohio as a 501(C)3 Non-Profit Organization Jul. 2008:Dow Sponsors SASE Oct. 2008:Carnegie Mellon becomes first SASE Collegiate Chapter Dec. 2009:Cincinnati becomes first SASE Professional Chapter Mar. 2010:General Electric Sponsors SASE

7 SASE Vision By 2015, SASE will: Have 20,000 members a $2 Million operating budget 50 campus organizations globally Celebrate its 4th annual conference for leadership development and recruiting / networking Be recognized as the NSBE and SHPE equivalent for Asian heritage scientists and engineers

8 SASE Today 23 collegiate and 1 city chapters, with 1,500+ members and growing!

9 SASE Collegiate Activities Examples MIT EventUniversity of Cincinnati Event Cornell SASE Asia NightOhio State University Event

10 Harnessing the Diversity of Our Asian Heritage SASE value proposition Access to top talent Student and professional career development Making a difference in our community Contact: Tom Fernandez or

11 Appendix

12 SASE Gold Level Corporate Sponsorship a)Annual dues: $30,000 b)One employee from the member company joins the SASE Executive Board i.Influences the direction and development of the entire SASE organization c)Two employees of member company join the SASE Collegiate Leadership Team i.Influence the national SASE strategy for the establishment and retention of collegiate chapters ii.Develop and access “best in practice” database of trainings, workshops, recruiting tools, etc. d)Up to two employees of member company join the SASE Collegiate Coordination Team i.Become corporate sponsors at each SASE collegiate chapter ii.Direct access to SASE leadership and members at more than 19 college campuses d)Unlimited access to SASE résumé database for 12 months (under development) e)Allowed up to 30 job postings on SASE website for 12 months f)Given up to 20 registrations to annual convention with special convention benefits (to be specified) g)Colored corporate logo displayed under Gold Member section of Corporate Sponsorship page in quarterly newsletter h)Company listed as Gold Member on SASE website i)Corporate logo and 500 character description of company j)Corporate logo displayed in all SASE materials sent to collegiate and professional chapters

13 SASE Silver Level Corporate Sponsorship a)Silver Member: $5,000 annual membership b)One employee of the member company joins the SASE Collegiate Coordination Team i.Become a corporate sponsor at each SASE collegiate chapter ii.Direct access to SASE leadership and members at more than 19 college campuses c)Unlimited access to SASE résumé database for 12 months (under development) d)Allowed up to 10 job postings on SASE website for 12 months e)Given up to 5 registrations to annual convention with special convention benefits (to be specified) f)Company listed under Silver Member section of Corporate Sponsorship page in quarterly newsletter g)Company listed as Silver Member on SASE website

14 SASE Corporate Sponsorship Application To apply for a sponsorship, please e-mail Tom Fernandez at For more information:

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