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Franklin Park School Parent PARCC NIGHT Monday, March 21, 2016 Presented by: Kim O’Brien, Math Coach Lori Gross, Literacy Coach.

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Presentation on theme: "Franklin Park School Parent PARCC NIGHT Monday, March 21, 2016 Presented by: Kim O’Brien, Math Coach Lori Gross, Literacy Coach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Franklin Park School Parent PARCC NIGHT Monday, March 21, 2016 Presented by: Kim O’Brien, Math Coach Lori Gross, Literacy Coach

2 What does PARCC stand for?  The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. The Belief...  Assessment should work as a tool for enhancing teaching and learning  Fully aligned to the CCSS  Ensure that every child is on a path to college and career readiness  Provide parents and teachers with timely information to  Identify students who may be falling behind and need extra help

3 PARCC Year One Performance Based Assessment: (March 2- 27)  Given after 75% of the school year  Extended tasks, applications of concepts and skills  Solving multi-step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance and strategic use of tools  Research simulation, narrative writing, and literary analysis tasks End Of Year: (April 27- May 22)  Given after 90% of the school year  Innovative, short-answer items  Short response items that address both concepts and skills  Evidenced based multiple choice and technology enhanced questions

4 PARCC Year Two PARCC 2016 has been shortened into one testing window in April. The multiple choice, short answered and extended tasks are combined. PARCC’s time has been reduced by 90 minutes Grade 3 ELA Times: (April 11-14)Math Times: (April 18-21) Day 1– 90 mins.Day 1– 60 mins. Day 2-75 mins.Day 2- 60 mins. Day 3-90 mins. Day 3- 60 mins. Day 4- 60 mins. Grade 4 ELA Times: (April 11-14) Math Times: (April 18-21) Day 1- 90 mins. Day 1- 60 mins. Day 2- 90 mins. Day 2- 60 mins. Day 3- 90 mins. Day 3- 60 mins. Day 4- 60 mins.

5 Expectations for PARCC Math  Reason mathematically  Solve problems: content and mathematical practice  Model real world problems  Have fluency in mathematics Literacy  Read and understand complex passages  Write persuasively  Conduct research and present findings  Demonstrate speaking and listening skills

6 How are we preparing our students?  Curriculum is aligned to the Common Core State Standards  Administering quarterly benchmark assessments similar to the PARCC format in Edonnect  Implementing the Iready online Diagnnostic & Instruction program  Teachers have been provided professional development  Standards  Assessments  PARCC

7 PARCC Math Components

8 Overview of PARCC Mathematics Task Types


10 What does the PARCC Look Like?










20 PARCC Literacy Components

21 PARCC ELA: Types of PBA Tasks PERFORMANCE-BASED COMPONENT Literary AnalysisNarrative TaskResearch Simulation Task The Literature Task plays an important role in honing students’ ability to read complex text closely, a skill that research reveals as the most significant factor differentiating college-ready from non-college ready readers. This task will ask students to carefully consider literature worthy of close study and compose an analytic essay. The Narrative Task broadens the way in which students may use this type of writing. Narrative writing can be used to convey experiences or events, real or imaginary. In this task, students may be asked to write a story, detail a scientific process, write a historical account of important figures, or to describe an account of events, scenes or objects, for example. The Research Simulation Task is an assessment component worthy of student preparation because it asks students to exercise the career and college readiness skills of observation, deduction, and proper use and evaluation of evidence across text types. In this task, students will analyze an informational topic presented through several articles or multimedia stimuli, the first text being an anchor text that introduces the topic. Students will engage with these texts by answering a series of questions and synthesizing information from multiple sources in order to write two analytic essays. END-OF YEAR ASSESSMENT: On the End of Year Assessment, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to read and comprehend complex informational and literary texts. Questions will be sequenced in a way that they will draw students into deeper encounters with the texts and will result in more thorough comprehension of the concepts.
















37 Grade 3


39 Grade 4


41 Additional Resources Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core

42 What Parents Can Do to Support Their Child?  Go to : In addition to this, the FTPS website has a portion dedicated to PARCC, which includes keyboarding resources.

43 Let’s take a look…

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