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Turnover, Layoff, and Reduction in Force Group 4: Atul Bector Marta Suriaga Pauline Nguyen Vivian Nguyen Parkash Kaur Jason Song.

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Presentation on theme: "Turnover, Layoff, and Reduction in Force Group 4: Atul Bector Marta Suriaga Pauline Nguyen Vivian Nguyen Parkash Kaur Jason Song."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turnover, Layoff, and Reduction in Force Group 4: Atul Bector Marta Suriaga Pauline Nguyen Vivian Nguyen Parkash Kaur Jason Song

2 Overview 1.Relation Between RJP and Turnover (Atul) 2.Identity Strain Perspective on Turnover (Marta) 3.Voluntary Turnover in Post-layoff Jobs (Pauline) 4.Boomerangs (Vivian) 5.Impact of Motivation, Empowerment, & Skill-Enhancing Practices (Parkash) 6.How Job Satisfaction Trajectory Leads To Individual Turnover (Jason) 7.Group take home message 8.Fun quiz for goodies!

3 Mechanisms Linking Realistic Job Previews With Turnover: A Meta-Analytic Path Analysis By: Atul Bector

4 Realistic Job Preview (RJP) Voluntary Turnover Terms

5 Moderators Met Expectations Role Clarity

6 Moderators Continued... Perception of Honesty Attraction Perceptions

7 Results

8 -.48* Significant Results Role Clarity Voluntary Turnover.15* Realistic Job Preview Perceptions of Reality.11* --

9 Take Home Message (ATUL) Provide realistic job description with clarifying overall job experience rather than role clarity. During interview and orientation, show employees the actual job process.

10 No Place Like Home? An Identity Strain Perspective on Repatriate Turnover By: Marta Suriaga

11 Terms ●Expatriate & Repatriate ●Identity Strain ●International Employee Identity ●Perceptions of Job Deprivation

12 The Identity Theory ●Individual’s self-concept is derived from their position in an organized structure of relationships

13 Measures Surveys Data Collection Procedures

14 International Employee Identity with Job Deprivation Perceptions on Identity Strain +/- *Severity of Identity Strain depends on level and extent of deprivation* Moderator=Relationships International Employee Identity Identity Strain Job Deprivation

15 ●Repatriates who experience and perceive high amounts of job deprivation feel more identity strain ●Feelings of severe identity strain eventually leads to turnover Results

16 ●Recognize and validate repatriates adopted international employee identity: ○Involve repatriates in international operations and strategizing ○Use expatriate as resource for preparing others for transitions ○Offer tangible credentials and rewards Take Home Message (Marta)

17 Creating a More Quit-Friendly National Workforce? Individual Layoff History and Voluntary Turnover By: Pauline Nguyen

18 Voluntary Turnover Notoriously expensive Predictor of a variety of organizational performance

19 Voluntary Turnover in Post-Layoff Jobs

20 Hypothesis and Results Hypothesis 1: “A layoff history increases the probability of voluntary turnover” NLSY97 Over 4,900 laid off 56% would quit if they previously had layoff history

21 Take Home Message (Pauline) Administer job satisfaction review Pre-employment screening Provide RJP

22 Gone Today But Here Tomorrow: Extending The Unfolding Model Of Turnover To Consider Boomerang Employees By: Vivian Nguyen

23 Different Types of Employees Boomerangs Alumni

24 Not all Turnover is Bad… End state Employees will never return

25 The Study Unfolding Model

26 Hypothesis (a) Boomerangs who left because of plans to leave will report returning because their plans ended (b) Boomerangs who left for alternative job offer will report returning because the subsequent job was not as expect PredictorsDV = Returned as planned DV = Alternate job not as expected Plans to leave- Alternate Job Opportunity - Dissatisfaction-

27 Take Home Message (Vivian) Different Retention Strategies One-on-one meetings Exit Interviews

28 The Impact of Motivation, Empowerment, and Skill Enhancing Practices on Aggregate Voluntary Turnover: The Mediating Effect of Collective Affective Commitment By: Parkash Kaur

29 Terms Collective Affective Commitment Motivation-Enhancing Practices Empowerment-Enhancing practices Skill-Enhancing practices

30 Skill-Enhancement Empowerment Motivation Collective Affective Commitment Aggregate Voluntary Turnover (-) (+) Results (+) (-)

31 Company Specific Training Offer Career Development Increase Commitment

32 How Job Satisfaction Trajectory Leads To Individual Turnover By: Jason Song

33 Terms Individual-level of Job Satisfaction Unit-level of Job Satisfaction Dispersion


35 Results Individual-level satisfaction varies on dispersion Unit-level satisfaction is most influential

36 Take Home Message (Jason) Pay close attention to individual-level satisfaction Weekly and Quarterly reviews Immediate adjustment on unit-level satisfaction Identify clear goals

37 Group Take Home Message Use different retention approaches towards employees Value and appreciate employees Setting expectations

38 Fun Quiz! When should a company start the RJP process? Name one psychological spillover of turnover in post-layoff jobs? Provide an example of how your company is dealing with turnover. How would you retain employees?

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