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ICHA PATIENT SURVEY 2016 April 26, 2016. Logistics/Methodology  Completed in March – April, 2016  10 Hospice Toronto volunteers assisted in collecting.

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Presentation on theme: "ICHA PATIENT SURVEY 2016 April 26, 2016. Logistics/Methodology  Completed in March – April, 2016  10 Hospice Toronto volunteers assisted in collecting."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICHA PATIENT SURVEY 2016 April 26, 2016

2 Logistics/Methodology  Completed in March – April, 2016  10 Hospice Toronto volunteers assisted in collecting written surveys  English only  Volunteers could assist in reading survey and inputting answers if the respondent requested help

3 Survey details  52 completed surveys from 5 sites Covenant House (FP and Psychiatry) Sistering (FP and Psychiatry) Sanctuary (FP) St Stephens (FP and Psychiatry) Womens Residence (FP)  Included:  32 responses were from patients seeing a FP  14 responses were from patients seeing a Psychiatrist  2 indicated they saw both FP and Psychiatry  Excluded:  1 saw a resident but unsure if FP or Psychiatry  2 did not specify FP or Psychiatry  1 had no location indicated

4 Quantitative Results

5 ICHA, % of responses for FP visits (N=34)

6 ICHA, % responses for Psychiatry visits (N=16)

7 Psychiatry Qualitative Results

8 Why did you choose to see the doctor here instead of going somewhere else? ; N=17

9 How could we make it easier for you to see a doctor here? N=18

10 What did you like about your doctor’s visit today?; N=7 I want to check in w/ a psychiatrist, as I have to ensure my own mental health wellness and this verified it for me dr..____ is always very receptive to my needs. I feel as though I'm constantly making progress She help me a lot she give me too much attention make me feel better. he is great

11 What else can we do to improve the care we provide? N=13 Perfect now. I feel happy with dctor's here. more availability encourage holistic health ask and address abuse issues. This is a big area for me and women like me. not much, but thank Just keep asking. Get more doctors and counsellors. more public knowledge

12 Family Medicine

13 Why did you choose to see the doctor here instead of going somewhere else? ; N=37

14 How could we make it easier for you to see a doctor here? N=28

15 What did you like about your doctor’s visit today?; N=39

16 What else can we do to improve the care we provide? N=23 keep on being amazing!! :) if the doctor was here more often or another one "They're on top of things. If anyone needs help, they help!" my family doctor is the best please don’t change her I would like a physiotherapis t that could help me everyday prescribe narcotics please, drs need to Not forget about our body. Both are important for women mind and body

17 Overall  Most patients happy with quality of care provided  Suggestions for improvement include more access to physicians:  Better wait times  Extended hours  Some would prefer the option to book appointments at walk in only sites  Pain management?

18 Limitations  Did not reach intended sample size of 100 surveys  Clinics had lower number of patients than anticipated  Psychiatry under-represented  Fewer patients per clinic

19 Lessons Learned  Volunteers, although keen, were not always reliable. Training and coordination for the large number of volunteers was time consuming.  Hiring 1-2 individuals for a period of one month or two weeks to complete the surveys will be logistically efficient.  Document of physician clinic times were not always accurate. It is important to communicate with the site directly and ICHA's outreach coordinator simultaneously to verify both date and clinic times.  Continue to provide information of the patient experience survey to the physicians and sites directly, including the survey itself. Physicians knowing about the survey helped with survey uptake.

20 Lessons Learned Part 2  Attach a cover page to each survey that asks the survey person to input site and date, a few surveys did not have this information.  Site that had onsite staff administer the surveys had low completed surveys. Encourage use of survey administrators at all sites.  The surveys should be conducted in warmer weather.

21 Next Steps  Continue to conduct semi-annual patient surveys across ICHA sites  Spring and fall? Vs Once annually?  What suggestions can we incorporate?

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