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Chronic Illness, Participant Direction and Well-Being Nancy L. Wilson, MA, LCSW.

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Presentation on theme: "Chronic Illness, Participant Direction and Well-Being Nancy L. Wilson, MA, LCSW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chronic Illness, Participant Direction and Well-Being Nancy L. Wilson, MA, LCSW

2 Why I toast this union…and its future Aging Network and Veterans Health Administration

3 Chronic Care Challenges of Veterans and Families Medical management of a condition: diet, meds, monitoring, physical routines Creating and maintaining meaningful life roles regarding jobs, family and friends (Corbin and Strauss, 1988) Coping with the anger, fear, sadness of having one or more chronic conditions-many “suddenly life altering.” (Corbin and Strauss, 1988)

4 Common Medical Illnesses and Depression Major Depression Stroke Multi- condition Seniors Diabetes 23% 11-15 % 30-50% Heart Disease 15-20%

5 What we are learning.. Patients, clients are experts in their lives-so we need to “build better versions”: work collaboratively Active engagement in identifying goals and learning how to solve problems builds “self-efficacy” or confidence to address today’s and tomorrow’s problems

6 Feeling Better by Doing Better..with support Mr. Wilson- 58 year old veteran of Vietnam War with diabetes, vision loss, amputation—lifelong health issues Chronic, recurring depression Lives alone in subsidized housing-strong ties to friends, other former vets Struggles with trusting “strangers” from home care.

7 How could participant directed approaches to care help?

8 “Out of town-Out of luck” Mr. Bell-42 and married with 2 children (9,13) Returns from Iraqi service with significant hearing damage, spinal cord injury (paraplegia), post-traumatic stress disorder Wife’s work requires shifts-unpredictable Reside in mobile home community approximately 125 miles from nearest VAMC SPI Center After rehab, family and friends wants to offer him “care that he deserves” yet barriers abound

9 Self-Direction Aligned with Recovery and Rehabilitation VA Health and Mental Health Services can offer treatment, teach skills, etc. Veteran needs support to apply skills Involves work outside of “8-4:30” Involves “home based” follow-up in daily routines of veteran: meds, relationships, self- identity Invaluable role of peer support Environmental adaptation

10 “Who knows best?”

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