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數位三維視訊 楊 家 輝 Jar-Ferr Yang 電腦與通信工程研究所 電機工程學系 國立成功大學 Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering National Cheng.

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Presentation on theme: "數位三維視訊 楊 家 輝 Jar-Ferr Yang 電腦與通信工程研究所 電機工程學系 國立成功大學 Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering National Cheng."— Presentation transcript:

1 數位三維視訊 楊 家 輝 Jar-Ferr Yang 電腦與通信工程研究所 電機工程學系 國立成功大學 Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Designs of 3D Displays Digital 3D Video: Chapter 11

2 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-2 Stereo3DVideo History of Visualization Tools B&W2DVideoColor2DVideoEmulated3DVideo Multiview3DVideo FullParallax3D LightWavefront3D Volumetric Rotating LED Color TV B&W TV 3D in Motion Parallax Naked-eye 3D Multiple views Multilayer LED/LCD Holography Glasses 3D Integral 3D Imaging VR/AR 3D 3D- iHolo 8D%E8%B5%B7%E7%9A%843d%E7%AB%8B %E9%AB%94%E7%85%A7%E7%89%87/

3 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-3 Structure of 3D Integral Imaging Original Object Elemental Lens Array Recording Media Elemental Images Elemental Images Recording Media Elemental Lens Array Reconstructed 3D Image Recording Reconstructing

4 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-4 True 3D Integral Imaging 雲端媒體服務整合中心雲端媒體服務整合中心

5 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-5 World Largest 200” Multiview 3D Display

6 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-6 World Largest 200” Multiview 3D Display

7 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-7 World Largest 200” Multiview 3D Display

8 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-8 Holographic 3D Imaging System - Recording Mirror Lens Split Beam Laser Beam Beam Splitter Split Beam Illumination Beam Reference Beam ObjectBeam Holographic Plate

9 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-9 Holographic 3D Imaging System – Reconstruction Lens Holographic Plate Reconstruction Beam Virtual Image Reconstruction Wavefronts Viewer

10 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-10 Holographic 3D Imaging System GE holographic system

11 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-11 Holographic 3D Imaging System

12 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-12 3D iHolo – Jay Chou’s Concert: 3D LED RGB Cubic: fVisiOn Technical Introduction and Demonstration Motion Parallel (3D Video Microscopy) : Sony Ray Modeler: Huge 200-inch FHD 3D Display Is World's Largest 3D Display viSio volumetric 3D - POV display 3D Visualizations in YouTube

13 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-13 3D Visualization Techniques Stereoscopic 3D Concept - a degenerated Integral Imaging Simplest, based on “psychological visual perception” Production of Viewer discomfort Glass-based stereocopic and autostereoscopic displays Integral Imaging 3D Concept Lens arrays: A principle known since 1908 (Gabriel Lippmann) Based on “capturing a scene from different angles” And then reverse projection from corresponding angles Variants can be classified under “holographic techniques” Holographic 3D Concept Basic holographic principle -1948, (Dennis Gabor, 1971 Nobel Prize Winner) Based on physics : duplication of light field Less colorful and limited size Digital holographic techniques and Holographic cameras Experimental holographic motion pictures – 1989

14 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-14 Multiview Stereoscopic Display Principle Stereo Parallax: Viewing a scene in real life Autostereoscopic 3D Display with finite number of images Video objects Infinite number of views Video objects Finite number of views Video objects Autostereoscopic Display 3DTV Encoder 3DTV Decoder

15 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-15  Non-Stereoscopic Methods Holography Volumetric (3D Pixels) Laser-Beam Scanning Psychological  Stereoscopic Methods Eye-Glasses Stereoscopic –Color filters –Polarizing filters –shutter glasses 3D Displays with Optical Properties –Projection-Type Fresnel Lenz Holographic Screen Spherical Mirror Autostereoscopic:Autostereoscopic: –Display-Type Lenticular Parallax Barrier Integral Photography Grating Array Plates

16 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-16 Eye-Glasses Stereoscopic Red-blue anaglyph PC shutter-glasses Polarizing glasses

17 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-17 Principle of Stereoscopic Vision Binocular Parallax : Vertical Parallax should be zero when viewing Horizontal Parallax to perceive the distance from the eyes 眼球視差圖 Availability of Acceptable 3D Display 3D TV Display for Multiple Users! User Friendly! No Glasses! Autostereoscopic Displays

18 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-18 3D Video Display Techniques 3D Displays Volumetric Displays Volumetric Displays Holographic Displays Holographic Displays Parallax Barrier Lenticular Displays Lenticular Displays Holo- Stereogram Holo- Stereogram Stereoscopic Displays Reduced Parallax Reduced Parallax Full Parallax Full Parallax Virtual Image Virtual Image Real Image Real Image Multilayer LCD Lenticular Display Real Image Real Image Virtual Image Virtual Image Head Mount Head Tracking Auto-stereo scopic Displays Glass Control Displays LC Shutter Glasses Polarizer Glasses Anaglyph Glasses

19 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-19 b) on pixel level This process is known as interleaving, or interzigging, and depends on the parameters on the optical filter used. Two topologies are most commonly used. One is interleaving on pixel level, where odd and even pixel columns belong to alternative views. The other is interleaving on a sub-pixel level – where sub-pixel columns belong to alternative views. In the second case, differently colored components of one pixel belong to different views. Image Interleaving: a) on sub-pixel level Interlaced Pixels for Autostereoscopic

20 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-20 Parallax Barrier

21 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-21 Lenticular

22 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-22 b) Parallax Barrier Lenticular sheet which works by refracting the light, and parallax barrier which works by blocking the light in certain directions. In both cases, the intensity of the light rays passing through the filter changes as a function of the angle, as if the light is directionally projected. a) Lenticular Sheet Autostereoscopic Displays

23 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-23 c) view repetition Image Separation in Multiview Display a) slanted lenticularb) visibility zones For horizontally-ordered visibility zones in a fan-shaped configuration, the repetitive structure of the optical filter creates several observation zones for any view. After the visibility zone of the last view, the first view becomes visible again. This creates one central set of visibility zones straight in front of the screen, and a number of identical sets to the side as shown in Fig. b. An example for two observation angles from which the same set of sub-pixels is visible is shown in Fig. c. The observation angles marked as “1” and “1R” are optimal observation angles of the view marked with “1” in Fig. b. However, angle “1” belongs to the central set of viewing zones, while angle “1R” belongs to the set in the right.

24 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-24 If the lenticular sheet were placed vertically atop the LCD, then horizontal resolution would drop by a factor equal to the number of views. (9-view vertical lenticular causes a 9-fold decrease in horizontal resolution & unbalanced pixels shape.) Why Slanted Lenticular? A sheet of slanted lenticules, by contrast, distributes the resolution loss in vertical and horizontal planes. (9-view slanted lenticular, causes only a 3-fold decrease in both vertical and horizontal resolution and maintains a more balanced pixel shape.) The slanting allows for the interspersing of odd & even views. Without interspersing, the gaps between the pixels would be magnified along with the images. Because of interspersing, observers perceive a viewing zone without gaps. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

25 Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-25 1838, Charles Wheatstone: Wheatstone stereoscope 1849, David Brewster: Brewster stereoscope (lenses) – lenticular stereoscope 1861, Oliver Windel Homes, Holmes stereoscope Wheatstone stereoscope Charles Wheatstone Brewster stereoscope First 3D Visualization Holmes stereoscope

26 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-26 1903, Lumiere brothers: First 3D Movies, L'arrivee du train 1922, First Commercial 3D Movies, The Power of Love 1936, Audioscopiks earned an Academy Award – Best Short Subject, Novelty Category 1934, Edwin H. Land (Polaroid), polarizing sheet + silver screen, at New York Museum of Science and Industrial Exhibition, “Polaroid on Parade” First 3D Movies First 3D Commercial Movies (Red and Cyan – Anaglyph Glasses) First Stereoscopic 3D Movies

27 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-27 3D Display Made by Stream TV Networks

28 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-28 3D Display Made by Stream TV Networks

29 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-29 3D Display Made by Stream TV Networks How does Ultra-D generates stereopsis? It does so by using a stack of layers of refractive and diffractive optical elements, optically transparent, bonded to a liquid-crystal display. The light of individual sub-pixels is projected into space in such manner that it generates something similar to a light-field. Virtual and partial sub-pixels merge in the space and form complete and separate views for each eye of the viewer (then the viewer’s brain takes over; processing them in the same natural way, as it is used to in the real world, creating a natural 3D experience. It is very different to 3D display technologies with glasses, which only project two discrete views of a scene. With the Ultra-D technology the viewing areas (light-fields) are repeated in a horizontal way and the transitions between these areas are smooth. So, a viewing area is not divided in discrete viewing zones (cones) as is done in most other technologies, but the optical system creates an almost continuous light-field in front of the screen. (see image) The technology does not need special equipment as sensors for eye or head tracking. This means there is no limitation to the number of viewers and there is no fixed viewing position with respect to the screen. It allows a viewer to move freely in the range of recommended viewing angle of approximately 120 degrees and feel as if looking at the world through a window.

30 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-30

31 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-31 Design of Two-View Barrier Layout of LED Emitters (2.0mm width and 0.8mm spacing) Generate a dot-matrix film, such that it can show 2-view 3D image 。

32 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-32 I 、 Z 、 E are known parameters Find G 、 W 、 B Principle of Barrier (2 views) Known Viewing Distance Known Eye distance Known LED width Barrier Gap Barrier Space Barrier Width Barrier Design : Principle of Similar Triangles : Formulation Derivation :

33 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering 1-33 Designed 3D 2-view Barrier Barrier Parameters ( ) : To improve the visual resolution, we can design interlacing structure:

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