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Brain storm birth + day = birthday song cake gift card candl e wishe s party.

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2 Brain storm birth + day = birthday song cake gift card candl e wishe s party

3 Game: Pin the tail on the donkey

4 Skimming Choose the best outline( 提纲 )of the text. D 1. How to prepare the party 2. What to do in the party B 1. Who is in the USA 2.Who is in the party C 1. Why to miss friends 2. How to play games A 1. How to stay in the USA 2. What to do in the party

5 1. decorate the room 2. play some games 3. watch TV 4. take photos 5. blow the candles out 6. sing Karaoke 7. serve the cakes 8. dance 9. have some drinks 10. sing birthday songs Scanning What did they do at the party?

6 Careful-reading 1. Who threw a party for him? 2. They decorated the room with flowers, didn’t they? 3. How did he feel when friends sang birthday song? 4. Did he serve the cake himself? 5. What often remind him of his birthday party in the USA? My American friend No. … balloons and banners …felt embarrassed. Mrs. Karen Rosby Those photos taken in the party. Read Para1-3-4, then answer some questions.

7 Read Para 2, then do some exercises. (1)They played only one game at the party. ( ) (2) I was the first man to play the game. ( ) (3) I did not expect that my tail would be the closest to where a donkey’s tail should be. ( ) 1.Decide the following statements are T(true) or F (false). One of the games is… After… I wanted to have a go To my surprise…, How lucky… F F T

8 1. Ask him to place the tail as close as possible to where a tail of donkey should be. 2. Put a blindfold on someone. 3. Put a picture of a donkey without a tail on the wall. 4. The man whose “tail” is the closest to where a donkey’s tail should be the winner. 5. Turn him around several times. 6. Make a picture of a donkey without tail and some tails. 2. How did they play this game Pin the tail on the donkey? Please arrange the orders of the game. Keys: 6 3 2 5 1 4

9 1. Complete each sentence with proper words. ⑴ Have you ________ your room with balloons? ⑵ Thousands of people carried ______ and flags in the street. ⑶ The waiter ________ them tea and cake. ⑷ To my __________, the hotel was very nice. ⑸ I need the notes to _______ me what to say. ⑹ Alice felt _________ about her mistakes. Consolidation serve, decorate, banner, remind, embarrassed, surprise decorated banners served surprise remind embarrassed

10 (1)Do your parents know when is your birthday? (2)Do your parents often give you a birthday gift? (3)Do your parents sometimes buy a birthday cake for you? (4) Do you know when is your parent’s birthday? (5)Do you often give your parents birthday gifts? (6)Do you sometimes buy birthday cakes for your parents? 2. A survey. Why can parents keep our birthday in their mind, but we can’t? Discussion:

11 Enjoy some birthday cards,then design one for your friends or families.

12 Discussion On your birthday, your parents will give you one hundred yuan, what will you want to buy? Why? A. Buy a birthday cake and something you like B. Buy a gift for your parents to show your deep love to them. C. Buy some books to open your eyes. D. Buy some books or pencils to some poor children. E. ……

13 1. Fill in the blanks with proper words. my stay England, my friends threw a party me my birthday. the party, they decorated the room flowers and put a banner on the wall. After everyone arrived, we began to play some games. Mrs. Pat Tailor put a picture a donkey tail on the wall. Pat put a blindfold on me, turned me several times and asked me to place the tail as close as possible where a tail of a donkey should be. my surprise, I was the winner. How lucky! Homework Duringin forBefore with ofwithout around To on To

14 The story of how the song "Happy Birthday to You" came to be, began as a sweet one, that later soured (变酸). Two sisters, Mildred Hill, a teacher at the Louisville, Kentucky Experimental Kindergarten (幼儿园), and Dr. Patty Hill, the principal of the same school, together wrote a song for the children, entitled "Good Morning to All." When Mildred combined her musical talents, as the resident expert on spiritual songs, and as the organist for her church, with her sister‘s expertise in the area of Kindergarten Education, "Good Morning to All" was sure to be a success.The sisters published the song in a collection entitled "Song Stories of the Kindergarten" in 1893. 2. Reading comprehension “Happy birthday to you” Where did that song come from?

15 Thirty-one years later, after Dr. Patty Hill became the head of the Department of Kindergarten Education at Columbia University‘s Teacher College, a gentleman by the name of Robert H. Coleman published the song, without the sisters‘ permission. To add insult (侮辱) to injury (损害), he added a second verse (诗词), the familiar "Happy Birthday to You."Mr. Coleman‘s addition of the second verse popularized (使流行) the song and, eventually (最终的), the sisters‘ original (最初的) first verse disappeared. "Happy Birthday to You," the one and only birthday song, had altogether replaced the sisters‘ original title, "Good Morning to All."After Mildred died in 1916, Patty, together with a third sister named Jessica, took Mr. Coleman to court. In court,they proved that they, indeed, owned the melody. Because the family legally owns the song, it is entitled to royalties (版税) from it, whenever it is sung for commercial (商业的) purposes.

16 Answer the following questions. 1. Where did the song “Happy birthday to you” come from? 2. Why did Patty together with Jessica take Mr. Coleman to court?

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