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2009 Program & Training Conference Cub Scout Anniversary Theme Happy Birthday, B.S.A.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 Program & Training Conference Cub Scout Anniversary Theme Happy Birthday, B.S.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 Program & Training Conference Cub Scout Anniversary Theme Happy Birthday, B.S.A.

2 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Name That Merit Badge (1911 Handbook)

3 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Welcome  Session 9 Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A.  Class Instructors  Greg Helwick – Assistant Scoutmaster, District Membership Chair, and former Cubmaster  Wendy McBride – Day Camp Director, Round Table Staff, Cub Master, and former den leader.

4 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Learning Objectives  Learn the history of Scouting in the United States.  Get ideas for this year’s Cub Scout Anniversary theme.  Play birthday games and make party decorations.

5 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1911 Merit Badges AutomobilingCivicsChemistryBlacksmithingAviationFirst Aid AnglingPrintingBee FarmingSignalingFiremanshipArchitecture BusinessPioneeringDairyingCraftsmanshipAstronomyStalking

6 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. What a Good Deed Can Do  This is a story of the founding of the Boy Scouts of America.  This is an interactive story.  We’ll divide into groups.  Each group will respond to their text when the story is read.  ASSIGNED TEXT: Group Response

7 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Story Responses  SCOUT: “Do a Good Turn daily.”  ROBERT BADEN-POWEL: “Scouting is a game with a purpose.”  ERNEST THOMPSON SETON: “I have an idea”  DANIEL CARTER BEARD: “Uncle Dan!”  WILLIAM D. BOYCE: “I’m lost.”  JAMES E. WEST: “Thank you!”  BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA: “Hip, hip, hooray”

8 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Disclaimer  The history to be presented:  Relies too heavily on web-based sources.  Has not been thoroughly researched.  May contain incorrect information.  May contain contradictory information.  May, in fact, contain myths, legends, and events modified by historical hind-sight.  However, some of it may actually be true.

9 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Historical Perspective  In 1910…  The Wright Brothers had made their historic flight just 6 years earlier.  Henry Ford’s Model T had only been in production for 2 years.  Martin Luther King, Jr. would not be born for another 19 years.  It would be another 51 years until the first manned space flight was launched.

10 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Scouting’s Founders  William D. Boyce, incorporator  Colin H. Livingstone, president  Daniel Carter Beard, national Scout commissioner  Ernest Thompson Seton, Chief Scout  James E. West, Chief Scout Executive  President William Howard Taft, honorary president  Former President Theodore Roosevelt, honorary vice president and Chief Scout Citizen

11 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1910 – 1912  February 8, 1910:  The Boy Scouts of America incorporated.  1911:  The Scout Oath and Scout Law adopted.  Handbook for Boys published.  1912:  First Eagle Scout.  Boy’s Life became official BSA magazine.

12 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1913 – 1919  1913:  First local charters issued.  Scouting becomes BSA volunteer magazine  1914:  First Scout Sunday celebrated.  1915:  57 merit badge pamphlets issued.  Order of the Arrow founded.  The Handbook for Scoutmasters issued.

13 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1920 – 1929  1920:  301 BSA members attend first World Jamboree.  International left handshake adopted.  1926:  First BSA Silver Buffalo Award presented to Robert Baden-Powell.

14 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1930 – 1935  1930:  Cub Scout program formally launched.  1935:  BSA Silver Jubilee (25 years).  Membership passes 1 million.  Explorer Scouts founded.

15 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1936 – 1945  1937:  First national jamboree.  1938 – 1941:  Philmont Scout Ranch established.  1941:  Webelos program started.  1943:  First Blue and Gold Banquet.

16 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1946 – 1952  1949:  Exploring program consolidated.  1950:  First BSA postage stamp issued.  1952:  20 millionth member joins.

17 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1953 – 1959  1954:  Over 100,000 Scout units.  More than 1 million adult volunteers.  1955:  First Pinewood Derby.  1959:  Bobcat pin introduced.

18 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1960 – 1968  1960:  BSA Golden Jubilee (50 years).  1965:  500,000 th Eagle Scout honored.  40 millionth member registered.  1967:  BSA hosts 12 th world jamboree.

19 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1969 – 1980  1969:  First female Explorers.  1972:  National Eagle Scout Association formed.  1980:  Cub Scouting 50 th anniversary.  30 millionth Cub Scout.

20 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1981 – 1985  1982:  1 millionth Eagle Scout.  Tiger Cubs started.  1984:  Varsity & Venturing programs introduced.  1985:  BSA 75 th anniversary.

21 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 1986 – 1999  1988:  First Scouting for Food National Good Turn.  1991:  Learning for Life program established.  1992:  Cub Scout Academics and Sports program started.

22 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. 2000 – 2009  2000:  100 millionth youth member.  2002:  National Scouting Museum built.  2009:  2 millionth Eagle Scout.

23 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Craft Ideas  Some to see.  Some to make.

24 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Craft Ideas  Brownsea Campsite centerpiece  Square Knot neckerchief slide  Fleur-de-lis luminary  Birthday Cake invitation  Fleur-de-lis tin can lantern  Garland  Den scrapbook.  Fleur-de-lis scout law picture frame

25 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Blue and Gold Ideas  Birthday Menu  Campout-style hot dogs and hamburgers.  Camp oven cooking (Dutch oven)  Cake and ice cream  Campfire cake: recipefinder/display?id=50383 recipefinder/display?id=50383  Camping cake: recipefinder/display?id=50109 recipefinder/display?id=50109

26 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Happy Birthday BSA!  “BSA Birthday.doc” has:  A list of resources.  Ideas for Den and Pack activities.  Instructions for invitations, decorations, and crafts.  Menu suggestions.  Games, ceremonies, skits, and songs.  And more…

27 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Where to get it  To view or print “BSA Birthday.doc”, along with this presentation and other PTC material, go to: then click on Resources and select the program area in which you are interested.

28 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Song  “Scouting is for All”  From Cub Scout Program Helps 2009-2010 (page 30, Pack Meeting Program Helps – February 2010)  Tune: I’ve Been Working on the Railroad

29 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Song: Scouting is For All I am proud to be in Scouting, When the day is done. Gee, it’s great to be in Scouting, Making friends and having fun. Meetings, camping, hiking, singing; Feeling good ‘bout all I do. I am proud to be in Scouting. Why not join us too. Scouting is for you, Scouting is for me, Scouting is for all, you see, you see. Scouting is for you, Scouting is for me, Scouting is for all you see!

30 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Game  “Blow Ball”  From Lord Baden-Powell’s book “Scouting Games”  Instructions in “BSA Birthday.doc”

31 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Centennial Resources  100 Years of Scouting B.S.A. web site   Year of Celebration Award Program  100years/ayearofcelebration.aspx 100years/  1911 B.S.A. Handbook for Boys  29558/29558-h/29558-h.htm

32 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. History Resources #1  Boy Scouts of America – A timeline:  BSA_History.aspx  History of Cub Scouting:  Cub Scout Leader Book (No. 33221), Chapter 6  AboutCubScouts/history.aspx AboutCubScouts/history.aspx  Cub_Scouting_(Boy_Scouts_of_America)

33 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. History Resources #2  Scout Timelines and BSA Beginnings (p36)   Boy Scouts of America:  History_of_the_Boy_Scouts_of_America History_of_the_Boy_Scouts_of_America  World Scouting:   The first Scout Camp:  wwas.html wwas.html

34 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. History Resources #3  Baloo’s Bugle:  2000 “Turn Back the Clock”:  2007 “A Century of Scouting”  Santa Clara Pow Wow Book:  2000 “Turn Back the Clock’: CubScouts/PowWow00/Feb00.pdfttp:// CubScouts/PowWow00/Feb00.pdf  2007 “A Century of Scouting” 07/SCCC_2007/CubScoutThemes/Aug_2007.pdf 07/SCCC_2007/CubScoutThemes/Aug_2007.pdf

35 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Idea Resources  Cub Scout Program Helps 2009-2010 (Book No. 34409)  Cub Scout Leader How-To Book (Book No. 33832)  Cub Scout Leader Book, Den and Pack Activities (Chapter 29)  Group Meeting Sparklers (Book No. 33122)  Cub Scout Song Book (No. 33222)  Cub Scout Ceremonies for Dens and Packs (Book No. 33212)

36 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Graphics Resources  Cub Scout Clip Art  CubScouts/CubScoutingForms/ ClipArt.aspx  Scouting Clip Art: 

37 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Cubmaster’s Minute  One Hundred Scouts  From 2000 Baloo’s Bugle “Turn Back the Clock”  Included in “BSA Birthday.doc”

38 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Wrap Up  Start now to get ready for the Cub Scout Anniversary Theme in February 2010.  You should now:  Know the history of the B.S.A.  Have some ideas for the theme.  Know how to play some games and make some decorations.

39 Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Anniversary Theme: Happy Birthday, B.S.A. Wrap Up  Questions? Comments?  Contact us…  Greg Helwick:  Wendy McBride:  For this presentation & other PTC material, go to, then click Resources and select a program area.  Please fill out your evaluation form!

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