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Geography The science of studying Earth as the home of humans. Geography is divided into two main branches: the human geography and the physical geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography The science of studying Earth as the home of humans. Geography is divided into two main branches: the human geography and the physical geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography The science of studying Earth as the home of humans. Geography is divided into two main branches: the human geography and the physical geography. The study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these. Physical geography focuses on geography as an Earth science. Human geography is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape the human society. It encompasses the human, political, cultural, social, and economic aspects.

2 Absolute Location The location of a point on the Earth's surface that can be expressed by a grid reference such as latitude and longitude.

3 Latitude and Longitude Latitude - A measure of distance north or south of the equator. One degree of latitude equals approximately 110 kilometers (68 mi). Imaginary lines that cross the surface of the Earth parallel to the Equator, measuring how far north or south of the Equator a place is located. Longitude - A measure of distance east and west of a line drawn between the North and South Poles and passing through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. Imaginary lines that cross the surface of the Earth, running from north to south, measuring how far east or west of the prime meridian a place is located.

4 Relative Location A location of a place in relation to another place. It is using things like landmarks to help identify a place. Describing a location by using directions (North, East, West, or South NEWS).

5 GPS System used to determine latitude, longitude, and elevation anywhere on or above the Earth's surface. This system involves the transmission of radio signals from a number of specialized satellites to a hand held receiving unit. The receiving unit uses triangulation to calculate altitude and spatial position on the Earth's surface.

6 Climate The statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological elemental measurements in a given region over long periods. Climate can be compared to weather, which is the present condition of these elements and their variations over shorter periods.

7 Climate Types Scientists have broken down the world's climates into a few types: Polar: Ice Caps Polar: Tundra Subtropical: Dry Summer Subtropical: Dry Winter Subtropical: Humid Subtropical: Marine West Coast Subtropical: Mediterranean Subtropical: Wet Tropical: Monsoon Tropical: Savannah/Grasslands Tropical: Wet

8 Birth Rate The average annual number of births during a year per 1,000 persons in the population at midyear; also known as crude birth rate. The birth rate is usually the dominant factor in determining the rate of population growth. It depends on both the level of fertility and the age structure of the population.

9 Death Rate The average annual number of deaths during a year per 1,000 population at midyear; also known as crude death rate. The death rate, while only a rough indicator of the mortality situation in a country, accurately indicates the current mortality impact on population growth. This indicator is significantly affected by age distribution, and most countries will eventually show a rise in the overall death rate, in spite of continued decline in mortality at all ages, as declining fertility results in an aging population.

10 Literacy Rate There are no universal definitions and standards of literacy. Unless otherwise specified, all rates are based on the most common definition - the ability to read and write at a specified age. Detailing the standards that individual countries use to assess the ability to read and write is not standardized. Information on literacy, while not a perfect measure of educational results, is probably the most easily available and valid for international comparisons. Low levels of literacy, and education in general, can impede the economic development of a country in the current rapidly changing, technology- driven world.

11 Arable Lands Land that can be used in growing crops. Although constrained by land mass and topology, the amount of arable land, both regionally and globally, fluctuates due to human and climatic factors such as irrigation, deforestation, desertification, terracing, landfill, and urban sprawl. Researchers study the impact of these changes on food production.

12 Demographics Includes gender, age, ethnicity, knowledge of languages, disabilities, mobility, home ownership, employment status, and even location. Demographic trends describe the historical changes in demographics in a population over time (for example, the average age of a population may increase or decrease over time). Demographics are very essential about the population of a region and the culture of the people there.

13 Map Distortion A distortion on a map is when you transfer information from a curved surface to a flat surface losing some accuracy. Distortion is a change in shape, size, or position of a place when it's shown on a map.

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