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The Big Bang … more like the big buzz? 4/LISTENING-TO-THE-BIG-BANG-IN-HIGH-FIDELITY- AUDIO/

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Bang … more like the big buzz? 4/LISTENING-TO-THE-BIG-BANG-IN-HIGH-FIDELITY- AUDIO/"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Big Bang … more like the big buzz? HTTP://WWW.WASHINGTON.EDU/NEWS/2013/04/0 4/LISTENING-TO-THE-BIG-BANG-IN-HIGH-FIDELITY- AUDIO/

2 General Announcement:  NO bathroom breaks this whole week- go now!  No WHOT this week

3 Pre- Assessment: Write complete answers to the following questions 1.How can light teach us information about the stars and/or about galaxies? 2.How are ‘color’ and wavelength related? 3.How are temperature and color related? 4.What is cosmic background radiation? 5.How are distance and brightness related? 6.How far away are stars and/or galaxies and do they move? 7.The visible spectrum of hydrogen is four distinct bands of light that are red (656.2nanometers) to blue-green (486.1nanometers) to blue-violet (434.0 nanometers) to violet (410.1nanometers). This spectral “fingerprint” is well-known. If this “fingerprint” is compared to the spectrum of a star: What is one possible similarity that may be observed? Explain the reason for this similarity. What is one possible difference that may be observed? Explain the reason for this difference. 8.What is Hubble’s law?

4 Relationship of DISTANCE and BRIGHTNESS

5 Light and heat Describe similarities and differences of the flame where it is hottest and coolest How does this relate to stars?

6 Blue stars are hotter- they produce more energetic light waves

7 Stargazers You are outside at night at look up- it is a clear night! You see 3 shooting stars in 2 minutes and think there must be a meteor shower tonight.  Your friend says, “that star is so bright, it is so much closer than the others.”  Do you agree? Can you tell the star is closer based on brightness alone?

8 The Big Bang … more like the big buzz? HTTP://WWW.WASHINGTON.EDU/NEWS/2013/04/0 4/LISTENING-TO-THE-BIG-BANG-IN-HIGH-FIDELITY- AUDIO/

9 Wednesday 2/24  We can’t see a black hole, so how do we know its there?  into-a-black-hole.html into-a-black-hole.html  We cant see dark matter or energy? How do we know IT is there???

10 Thursday 2/25  Finish Presentations and go over Hubbles law, HR diagrams, Dark Matter, Dark energy.  How do we see what we see?  reflects-the-cosmos.html reflects-the-cosmos.html



13 Hubble’s Law  Stuff is moving away from the Earth.  The further away the object is from Earth, the faster it moves.

14 HR Diagram  Catalog of all stars showing:  Brightness  Size  Temperature  Lifecycle stage  Age The Sun

15 Dark Matter/Dark Energy  Composition of the universe.  Only ~5% is matter  Dark Matter  We detect its gravity, but we don’t know what “it” is.  Dark Energy  Without it, gravity would be pulling everything towards the center, not expanding outwards.

16 Cosmic Background Radiation  Heat left over from the big bang.  Its there, we can see it.

17 Distance VS Brightness Luminosity Constellations – To us the stars are 2D in the sky, why does it look like that to us?

18 Age of the Universe How did we come up with a our estimate? What was the sequence of events that led to the universe we know now? 13.8 Billion years.


20 Doppler Effect pitch gets higher as the object approaches

21 Red shift

22 How are we currently exploring the universe? Physically Visually Other? What are we currently able to explore? Where will we be in 10 years? 25? 100?

23 Gamma Ray Burst, they’re cool  Crashcourse   Discovery 

24 Types of Media  PowerPoint/Prezi  Poster  Brochure  Tri-fold Presentation  Skit  Play  Movie (film or stop motion)  3D Model  Song

25 Big Bang 13.7 billion ya  brary/resource/1921/big-bang-evidence


27 Fun Facts: (from NASA website)

28 Research  Decide Roles:  Leader – Teacher liaison  Organizer/Scribe/works cited  Technology expert  Design

29 Due Dates:  Wednesday Artifact Due:  Outline of project:  -Include the group member who is responsible for each item.  Thursday Artifact Due:  Individual Progress Report of each student’s portion of the work  What?  Who?  When?  Where?  Why?  How?

30 Due Dates  Friday Artifact Due:  What is done? Provide evidence.  What needs to be done? Provide Plan.  (Only Tuesday (55min) remains to work on project during class.)  Monday: Hand in completed project.  (slides, picture of poster, lyrics, video, etc.)

31 Outline  Authors, Title of Project  We are doing a presentation using ___________.  Layout the organization of what you will be doing  I.E. If slides… primary layout of slides (10 minimum)  IF poster, what sections will there be? Start laying them out?  If movie, what will you be showing?  If song, how will you be getting the info to everyone?  If Model, how will you be getting all of the info to everyone?  Who will be doing what???

32 Vocabulary:  Big Bang Theory  Doppler red shift  Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation  cosmology  Hubble’s Law  galaxy  stellar spectrum  spectral “fingerprint”  inverse square law  dark matter  Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (H-R Diagram)  NASA space probes that collect astronomical data

33 Vocabulary:  Big Bang Theory  Doppler red shift  Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation  cosmology  Hubble’s Law  galaxy  stellar spectrum  spectral “fingerprint”  inverse square law  dark matter  Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (H-R Diagram)  NASA space probes that collect astronomical data

34 ELL Vocab List  Big Bang Theory  red shift  Background Radiation  cosmology  galaxy  space  dark matter  space probes  astrology  Sun  Stars  Earth  Space Shuttle  Solar system  Orbit  Satellite

35 Web Resources General on almost all (Khan Academy)  astronomy/universe-scale-topic/big-bang-expansion-topic/v/big-bang- introduction astronomy/universe-scale-topic/big-bang-expansion-topic/v/big-bang- introduction  2. astronomy/universe-scale-topic/big-bang-expansion-topic/v/hubble-s-law 3. Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe Website 4. Dark Matter dark-energy/ dark-energy/

36  Water and carbon cycles:  NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Website 

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