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South Central Louisiana June 30, 2015. What is the Advance Program? What are the Program benefits What’s it mean to this area? How can it help us stay.

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Presentation on theme: "South Central Louisiana June 30, 2015. What is the Advance Program? What are the Program benefits What’s it mean to this area? How can it help us stay."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Central Louisiana June 30, 2015

2 What is the Advance Program? What are the Program benefits What’s it mean to this area? How can it help us stay in attainment? Your Path Forward Examples Q/A and contact information 2 Overview

3 The Advance Program is a collaborative effort between EPA, states, tribes, and local governments to encourage emission reductions in areas designated as attainment, to help these areas continue to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). Currently, the Advance program addresses ground level ozone and particulate matter (PM). Program Goals: (1) Help participating areas take action to keep ozone and PM levels below the level of the standard, (2) Better position areas to remain in attainment, (3) Efficiently direct available resources toward actions to address ozone and PM problems quickly. 3 What is the Advance Program?

4 Shared goal: air quality Cause for communication and collaboration Stakeholders: LDEQ; 6 Parishes: Assumption, LaFourche, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, Terrebonne; EPA; Regional community members: commercial, industrial, educational, citizen orgs Establish and maintain working relationships Modeling work, emission profiles 3 Benefits: What does the Advance Program mean to this area?

5 The Path Forward (Stakeholder involvement)! List of measures, programs already in place List of measures, programs to be implemented the first year who, when List of measures, programs, ideas (urgent action; future) (1) Help participating areas take action (2) Better position areas to remain in attainment Path Forward (3) Efficiently direct available resources toward actions to address ozone problems quickly. 3 Benefits: How can the Advance Program help us stay in attainment?

6 DERA grant preference Advance areas have been on the list of priority counties eligible for funding Search by category, agency, eligibility EPA Support 4 Benefits: More?

7 Website: This site includes the Ozone and PM Advance Programs Basic information, Eligibility, Participation, Participants, Ozone Flex, Resources, FAQs Resources: Advance materials (guidance, sign-up letter), Websites (emission inventories, emission reduction strategies, state & local transportation resources, funding sources) Documents (SIP guidance, EE/RE, sustainable communities, transportation/mobile sources, reducing residential wood smoke, manual of control measures) Webinars (recording, materials and Q&A; mobile sources, wood smoke, EE/RE, school flag program) Calculator to determine emissions reductions from EE/RE projects Emissions Inventories, using 2011 National Emissions Inventory Let us know what else you need 6 EPA Support

8 List of measures, programs already in place Results where possible Goals - what is next? Measures, programs Who, where and when Periodic check-ins/annual updates “living” document List stakeholders (team) and roles, if applicable Questions & answers 7 Your Path Forward

9 Shreveport Joplin, MO Corpus Christi, TX Cumberland County, NC Austin, TX (local government programs) 9

10 10

11  EPA Region 6 Ozone Advance Contact Carrie Paige (214) 665-6521  OAQPS Ozone Advance Program Lead Laura Bunte (919) 541-0889 Contacts 9

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