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Mankato East Football Parent/Athlete/Coach Meeting August 6, 2015 Play hard! Play Smart! Have Fun! Be on time. Do things Right.

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Presentation on theme: "Mankato East Football Parent/Athlete/Coach Meeting August 6, 2015 Play hard! Play Smart! Have Fun! Be on time. Do things Right."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mankato East Football Parent/Athlete/Coach Meeting August 6, 2015 Play hard! Play Smart! Have Fun! Be on time. Do things Right.

2 Head Coach / QBs Eric Davis Wide Receivers / JV OC Joe Johnson Offensive Line Dusty Julius RBs / 9 th Grade OCTony Ball Tight Ends Rick Mielke

3 Defensive Coordinator / LBsMark Stewart Defensive Backs / JV DCShawn Robbins Defensive Line /9 th Grade DCPat Griffiths

4 Paper record of a physical (Every 3 yrs/Can not expire during the season) Fee - $160 per sport (Credit Card Only) Registration must be complete to participate the first day of practice. Please complete at home. Can also purchase activities and parking pass

5 Login is your students Google ID and Google Password Trouble finding username and ID - Ask your son or daughter - Log into Parent Portal and go to the “Profile Information” page. See Handout for directions as well. Please call or email any questions.

6 1.Ride to & from all away contests 2.Pick up students in a timely fashion 3.Load & unload areas 4.Buses do not stop on the way home to eat 5.Busing is a privilege!

7 Grade 9 End of 1 st semester1 credit (Probation) End of 2 nd semester 3.5 credits Grade 10 End of 1 st semester7 credits End of 2 nd semester10 credits Grade 11 End of 1 st semester 13.5 credits End of 2 nd semester 17 credits Grade 12 End of 1 st semester 20.5 credits End of 2 nd semester 24 credits

8 Must be in school the entire day of the contest or performance to be eligible for participation in the scheduled event. Excusable Events: School Functions Family Emergencies Religious Observances Doctors Appointment

9  Entering 9 th grade for the first time  Moving with a parent(s)  Move due to a court order  Move due to joint physical custody (One time only)  Foreign exchange students  Failure to meet any of the above means the athlete is ineligible for all varsity competition for one calendar year.

10 4 Step Process 1. Athlete meets with Head Coach 2. Parent/Athlete meet with Head Coach 3. Request a meeting with AD Head Coach, AD, Parent, Athlete will meet together 4. Request to meet with the Principal – Head Coach, AD, Parent, Athlete and Principal. Keys: Privately contact the coach to set up a meeting – don’t approach before or after a game. Student must be present – parents and students need to be on the same page. You are entitled to your opinion – we ask that you don’t negatively affect the opinion of others. **Decision making and mistreatment are very different concerns.

11 Leadership Team

12 Cougar Football Numbers have been rebuilt Respectability regained Time to take the next step(s)


14 Coaches 1. Be positive role models for players and spectators in keeping with the athletic and academic mission of Mankato East High School. 2. Be positive, fair, and consistent with players. Make sure team rules and expectations are clear. 3. Protect the safety and health of all athletes (Troy Hoehn). 4. Make sure the team is prepared for any situation likely to arise in the game of football by conducting organized and productive practices. Also, continue to increase our own knowledge of the game. 5. Maintain open lines of communication.

15 Parents 1. Support your son. Be a positive influence emotionally, as well as in the areas of sleep, hydration, nutrition, and “fun”. 2.Be a fan of everyone on the team. 3. Avoid doing or saying things that will negatively impact Mankato East Football in the short term or the long term. 4. Understand that you and your son’s coach view the team and your son from different perspectives. 5.Avoid talking to coaches: about complaints on game days (24 hour rule) about playing time about other players on the team

16 Players 1. Be on time. Do things right. Attend all practices and meetings. * Family (spiritual) and school come before football. 2. Play hard. Play smart. Have fun. Maintain a positive attitude. 3. Do everything in your power to control things you can control. Do not expend physical or mental energy worrying about things you cannot control. 4. Communicate with your coaches / Be a Great Teammate 5.Challenge yourself as a student, an athlete, and a person – it’s worth it! 6.Academic and attendance policy; PE on Game Day

17 Practice Attendance is Not Optional! High School sports are different than Youth Sports Football Off-Season Missed practices have declined every year This needs to be a priority in order for you to have a positive experience Practice Schedule Lifting

18 Training Camp Installation

19 Sample Practice Plan

20 Sample Script (Tuesday)

21 Sample Special Teams Depth Chart

22 Practice Attendance is Not Optional! Unexcused Absence: Will miss all or part of a game Excused Absence: May not start Tardiness: will be handled by Position Coach and/or Head Coach

23 Communication Protocol Player – Leadership Team Player – Coaching Staff Parent – Head Coach –Varsity: Coach Davis –JV: Coach Johnson –9 th Grade: Coach Ball Activities Director Quitting the Team

24 Handouts Athletic Training Website Doctor Visits & Surgeries Impact Software/Concussion protocol Mankato Clinic Foundation iPad grant – new sign in process Athletic Trainer Schedule Heat Acclimatization/Heat Illness Awareness Supplement Usage

25 Injured / Ineligible Players If you want to remain a part of the team and finish the year in good standing with the coaching staff, you are expected to attend practices and meetings unless excused by your coach or trainer (no cell phones, food, etc.) Game Day attire

26 State High School League Violation Areas: ChemicalTobacco HazingHarassment Social Media First Violation: 2 weeks or 2 contests whichever is longer Second Violation: 3 weeks or 6 contests whichever is longer

27 Media / Social Media There’s a reason coaches speak in clichés to the media. Anything other than general positive comments is usually a bad idea. Once you as a parent or player hit “Send”, it’s public and permanent. Sometimes these things end up on my desk. Videos and comments that you find humorous and/or private may be offensive to others and this can have negative consequences for you and the team.

28 9-12 Program Philosophy

29 Varsity Competitiveness:Top Priority (Goals) Player Development:High Priority Participation:Low Priority Bringing Up Younger Players: As needed (only if the kid will get significant playing time) Schedule:8 Games+ playoffs Varsity football is not a participation sport. Players lacking the skill or commitment required of Cougar Football players are not guaranteed varsity playing time.

30 Junior Varsity / B-Squad Competitiveness:High Priority Player Development:Top Priority Participation:High Priority Bringing Up Younger Players: must be right for the team and the player Schedule: Mirrors Varsity (usually Monday after) Junior Varsity football is designed to get our athletes ready for varsity competition, either later this year or next year.

31 9 th Grade / C-Squad Competitiveness:Medium Priority Player Development:Top Priority Participation:High Priority Bringing Up Younger Players: Rarely Schedule: 8 Games (mirrors Varsity except for Winona) C-Squad football emphasizes basic fundamentals. Our athletes are introduced to the expectations of Cougar Football.

32 Mankato East Football Lettering Criteria 1. If you have completed all of your high school football seasons during your time at Mankato East, you will letter during your senior year. 2. If you appear in a post-season game, you will letter. 3. If you play in at least 8 regular season varsity quarters, you will letter. 4. If you serve a MSHSL violation during the football season, you are ineligible to letter. (Big 9 Conference Rule) 5. If our team wins the Big 9 Championship, everyone who dressed during a varsity game and finishes the season in good standing with the coaching staff will letter. 6. If our team wins the Section 2AAA A Championship, everyone on the post-season roster will letter. 7. Coach Davis reserves the right to award letters under special circumstances, such as injury.

33 Schedules (Handout) Updated schedules are available online at the Mankato East Football Website (Scroll to Athletics / Fall Sports / Boys / Football). Game Schedules for Varsity, B-Squad/JV, and C-Squad are also available online at – there is a link on our website (Scroll to Member Schools / Mankato East, and choose your preferred team) If you wish to receive our newsletter, e-mail Coach Davis Typical Week

34 Apparel Gun Show Shirts Game Socks ($5) Camp T-Shirts ($5) Camp Shorts ($10)

35 Help Needed Cougar Cards – Coach Seiler – awesome job last year Youth Football Concessions JV / 9 th Grade Games (Scoreboard) – Athletics Pass may be available Applebees?

36 Wrap Up (Part 1) Online Registration / Up to Date Physicals Schedule –Equipment Handout Saturday You can ONLY get equipment if you are registered online and your physical is up to date –Meeting in Auditorium, Monday, August 10, 8:15 a.m.... Be On Time! –Pictures: Black / Gold Scrimmage on Monday, August 17 (SPX Sports) –No Scrimmage

37 Wrap Up (Part 2) –Labor Day Practice –Freshmen Typical Week –MEA Practices (Different in 2015; Section Quarterfinals is Wednesday before) East Cafeteria – Breakfast / Lunch Hudl – Playbook Monday morning Tailgating – Eric Geisthardt Sr. Questions

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