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A Ganar / Vencer Youth Workforce Development Program using sports to motivate and train youth At-risk youth ages 16 – 24 in Brazil, Ecuador and Uruguay.

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2 A Ganar / Vencer Youth Workforce Development Program using sports to motivate and train youth At-risk youth ages 16 – 24 in Brazil, Ecuador and Uruguay Boys and Girls Goals: Prepare youth to enter the workforce Demonstrate to communities and businesses that investing in youth workforce development through sports is worthwhile Goals: Prepare youth to enter the workforce Demonstrate to communities and businesses that investing in youth workforce development through sports is worthwhile

3 Partners of the Americas Network of volunteer organizations linking the US with Latin America and the Caribbean Started in 1964 Promotes citizen participation Mobilizes collaboration to address economic and social development issues Trains leaders Strengthens non- governmental organizations

4 A Ganar/Vencer History Inter-American Development Bank

5 Institutional Support Inter-American Development Bank – Multilateral Investment Fund Nike Foundation Ministries of Sports and Tourism Football Clubs and Players Ecuador Oil Pipeline Company (OCP), Microsoft, Foundations, others

6 How do we get from here? Poverty – Low employment rates Poor Education Low Self-Esteem Lack of Opportunities

7 To here? Formal Jobs Economic Empowerment High Self-Esteem Opportunity to Study

8 Learn from and utilize sports “Sport can contribute to economic and social development, improving health and personal growth in people of all ages -- particularly those of young people. Sport-related activities can generate employment and economic activity at many levels. “ -- United Nations Sport for Development and Peace Mandate

9 Sports- Employment Skills Teamwork Communication Discipline Respect Focus on Results Continued Self-Improvement

10 How? *Specialized Methodology *Emphasis on Employment Skills not Sports Skills *Language, Math and Computer Skills through Sports

11 Vocational-Technical Skills *Market-Driven *Interesting for Youth *Practical Training *Integrated Use of Sports

12 Internships Practical Experience

13 Mentors – Volunteerism Guidance for Youth Learning through Service

14 Results Brazil: 909 youth trained Ecuador: 922 youth trained Uruguay: 585 youth trained Average 80% completion rate Approximately 45% have jobs

15 Lessons Learned Have a Sport Identity – Work and Life Focus “Make it Fun. Explain the why.” Sport breaks barriers, builds confidence Sport helps youth redefine their lives and overcome limits Sport teaches a “sense of life” through work Transforms NGOs

16 Lessons Learned Sport teaches that goals are reached through hard work and dedication The inclusion of sport stars motivates youth and reinforces important lessons Sport teaches excellence Sport helps youth transform existing skills vs. building only new skills

17 Paul Jumbo - Ecuador 21 years old “I didn’t realize that I could learn skills and values playing sports” Currently builds KIA cars at AMEYSA in Quito, Ecuador “These youth are different. Their behavior and training creates a positive influence on their co-workers.” AMEYSA Director of Human Resources

18 Evelyn de Paula - Brazil

19 Nike Foundation-Vencedoras Focus on Employment, Entrepreneurship, Access to Loans and Return to School Strong Emphasis on Mentoring and M&E Build a Replicable Model with Worldwide Impacts 3 Year Economic Empowerment Model 1400 Brazilian Girls 3 Brazilian States Based on enhanced A Ganar/Vencer model

20 Join, Play, Learn, Win

21 Paul Teeple Partners of the Americas (202) 637-6227

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