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Supporting economically challenged meritorious students for higher education & employment thereafter Vidya Poshak, India.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting economically challenged meritorious students for higher education & employment thereafter Vidya Poshak, India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting economically challenged meritorious students for higher education & employment thereafter Vidya Poshak, India

2 Vidya Poshak It is virtually impossible for many students from economically backward families to pursue higher education Despite difficulties and living in poverty, there are thousands of meritorious students, who need to be nurtured and provided opportunities. We provide life-changing opportunities to India’s youth, when they need it

3 On an average 600 students employed every year and that number of families will be out of poverty and once for all. 4000 students progress to next level of literacy each year. Nearly 600 Volunteers are giving variety of services to the organization and students covering 5000 villages and small towns. 60 rural book banks and more in coming years will continue to serve the students. Currently we are training 20,000 students every year and it will continue with more numbers. Successful use of technology – is recognized as “The best Technology user in social sector” by Microsoft. Impact ….

4 Vision Empowering the Student Community We do this through: -Nurture Merit Program Integrated services including (Scholarship + Books + Residential Bridge Camps) – Graduate Finishing School only initiative in India of its kind assuring 100% employment for disadvantage community – Centre for Development of Soft Skills (C-DOSS) – Youth Centers & CHANGE Ambassadors

5 Nurture Merit Programme Nurturing the merit of students from disadvantaged families to enable them to realize their potential. Scholarship: Assistance in the form of college fees, examination fees and in some cases, additional assistance is provided towards tutorials and coaching for meritorious and needy students. Books: Text and career related books, computer facilities, career guidance, and training's are given to the students. Training through Residential Bridge Camps: 9 days of intensive (12 hrs. a day) training to enhance their education and career prospects.

6 Unique Identification Process - Volunteers visits students home - One on one sponsor connection to student - Programs led by volunteers- Support extended till student achieves highest degree of academic excellence

7 Unique intervention process Equal focus on merit and poverty Intensive selection process – academic performance, economic situation, and house visits Verification of economic status through visits ensures high level of integrity in selection Scholarships are given for all disciplines and all the way up to a post graduate degree Transparency in the whole process of selection and disbursement of scholarships

8 Intervention process contd.. Volunteers are involved in nearly every component of Vidya Poshak from generating scholarship applications, home visits and conducting the Nurture Merit Test to acting as resource persons in the training programs and raising funds. Students are given prescribed text books on requisition through a decentralized network of 7 Libraries and 60 Book Banks managed by volunteers free of cost in their own homes 9 days residential camps for developing a broad range of capabilities among students receiving a Vidya Poshak scholarship and trainings for skill building for employment

9 Graduate Finishing School “Empowering Disadvantaged College Graduates to Secure Employment” An unique effort to bridge the gap and empower the non technical graduates (BA, BCom, BSc, BBA & BCA) Training period for three months at the rate of 12 hours (8AM to 8 PM) per day Rigorously trained in the areas of “English Language, Communication Skills, Basic Computer Skills, Analytical Skills and Personality development etc. On successful completion of the training, they will be provided with the placements. Three Graduate Finishing Schools – Dharwad, Gulbarga and Mysore

10 Achievement- Graduate Finishing School 100% placed till date 91% students families have moved out of poverty All the 850 students trained so far are from economically challenged and first time gradates of the families Highest salary of Rs.22,000 per month Average salary – Rs. 8,500 100% students are from vernacular medium till Class X Students got placed in more than 50 corporate MNCs like Nokia, JP Morgan, Samsung, Deutsche Bank, Mphasis, IBM, Infosys, I- Gate, First Source, Genpac, etc

11 Our Presence 23 districts in Karnataka and 3 districts in Maharastra (Pune, Sangli & Ahmednagar)

12 Quantifying –Data & Statistics Timely support has made it possible for many students to choose right courses and professional courses like engineering/medicine Over 3000 girls marriage date has been shifted by over 3 years Over 11,000 students from families who earn less than 5$ a day are supported More than 55,000 text books have been lent through libraries/ learning centers Over 2000 meritorious students will graduate by 2012 and 1500 will be employed 5000+ students given employment opportunities through various training/projects 100% placement offered to students trained from Graduate Finishing School of Vidya Poshak. Till date all 600 students trained have got job offers.

13 Benefits to students…. Access to an opportunity that they would otherwise not have Access to training for employability Access to jobs thorugh VP netowrk of employers Access to Libraries, and other programs through Vidya Poshak’s ecosystem Access to high and potential network which VP has built in last 8-years (for mentoring, guidance etc)

14 How can you get involved Thousands of bright students are awaiting your generous gift. Your contribution makes a significant difference in the students‘ lives. All donations to Vidya Poshak are exempted under 80G of the Income Tax Act, India and 501(C)(3) in USA. With your assistance, we can support many more deserving students Vidya Poshak is a channel for you to connect and give back to the society & we have the necessary instruments and capabilities to do this.

15 How can you help? Note: Donors can opt to sponsor one or more students and for one or more years. Fees indicated are average which varies from one college to another. Donors can also opt to sponsor single intervention for student. 10% of the donation will be utilized towards academic follow-up and program support expenses Assistance to Engineering & Medicine student is only for 1 st & 2 nd year. Bank loans will be facilitated for 3 rd and 4 th year

16 How to make donation? Donation through cheque /DD: The cheque / DD to be drawn in favor of "Vidya Poshak" payable at Dharwad and sent to the coordinating office at Dharwad. Wire transfer: Transfer your donation amount to the following Vidya Poshak‘s bank account directly. A/c name: Vidya PoshakBank: ICICI A/c no: 017001004742; Branch: Dharwad Donate online: More details at

17 and many more institutional and individuals donors…. I really like their effort in finding out the bright but economically backward students. They keep accounts very transparent. They are sincere in their efforts. They have touched different parts of the society and those children without Vidya Poshak help probably would have perished. - Smt. Sudha Murty, Chairperson Infosys Foundation, Bangalore

18 Contact Information Vidya Poshak 1 st Floor, Yashoda Sadan, Vidyagiri, Dharwad – 580 004 Karnataka, India Phone: +91-836-2747357 E-mail: Website:

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