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Musical Time Part I. Objectives Students will be able to define and perform steady beat Students will be able to perform steady beat activities Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Musical Time Part I. Objectives Students will be able to define and perform steady beat Students will be able to perform steady beat activities Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Musical Time Part I

2 Objectives Students will be able to define and perform steady beat Students will be able to perform steady beat activities Students will be able to define rhythm Students will be able to identify music that has a steady beat compared to music that does not Students will be able to sing and perform rhythm to simple children’s song, following along with a touch chart

3 Review Thus far we have covered: Course Intro-Ways to use music in the classroom and overview of musical Elements General Teaching Techniques for Music (all teaching really) And the following Musical Elements Timbre Expressive Elements Music Listening

4 New Musical Element We will now move onto the musical element of Musical Time.

5 Musical Time The definition of musical time is simply the timing of music. # From a theoretical perspective everything uses or takes time in some manner. # Different sounds have different durations (lengths), thus music uses time to give each sound a specific duration. # When we put the sounds and durations we get a piece of music or a song.

6 Musical Time Musical Time has two components: # Steady Beat # Rhythm

7 Musical Time-2 Parts Let’s begin with an example to experience both steady beat and rhythm, then we will define each component later. We will use the Name Game from our first Module to experience both steady beat, rhythm. When we learned the name game we were actually learning the rhythm of the chant.

8 Activity # 1 For this activity: # First preview the discussion questions on the next slide # Then open the Activity #1 video clip and watch and participate in rhythm and steady beat. # Finally answer the discussion questions in your word document for this module.

9 Discussion Questions What do you think the difference between rhythm and steady beat is? (Just attempt to explain in your own words) We will be answering this question later so I am just looking for your thoughts based on experiencing each component of musical time.

10 Steady Beat Now let’s look at steady beat more specifically.

11 Steady Beat We define Steady as the Big Beat---a Continuous Pulse in a piece of music. # As it is best to learn music through experience we will partake in several activities to experience steady beat.

12 Activity # 2 Steady Beat Experience For this activity: # Preview the questions on the next slide. # Then click on the sample video to make sure you understand what to do. # Next, click on each of the 4 audio files and attempt to walk the steady beat with the music. # Finally, answer the discussion questions in your word document for this module. Walking Beat Activity Irish Reel Beseme Mama Zydeco Example Cotton Eyed Joe

13 Activity # 2 Discussion Questions Steady Beat Experience What do you notice about the speed of the steady beat from piece to piece?

14 Steady Beat-Key Ideas The key ideas for steady beat are: # Definition---the big beat or continuous pulse in the piece of music. Think of it like a regular, healthy heartbeat. Most pieces have some kind of steady beat--NOT ALL The speed of steady beat is different for each piece The speed of steady beat can change within a piece

15 Activity # 3 More Steady Beat Examples Obowisan-na Rock/Rhythm Stick Game For this activity: # Watch the video of the Steady Beat game and answer the discussion questions on the following slide in your word document for this module.

16 Debrief Questions What was the sequence of instruction? What developmental level is this activity appropriate for When might you include this activity in your classroom--- relate to content areas? How else could you use/adapt this activity or one like it?

17 Teaching Steady Beat First, why should you teach students to create and feel a steady beat? Why is this important?

18 Teaching Steady Beat It is important that students physically understand steady beat because music is all around us and we utilize steady beat as a basis for participating in cultural activities. Especially if there is no music teacher in your building it will be very important for you to provide your students practice utilizing steady beat. #

19 Teaching Steady Beat For example, #Have you ever been in an audience and asked to clap along with the music? You are clapping a steady beat. # When we dance informally we are usually dancing with the steady beat of the music # When we participate in cheers or chants at a sports venue we are utilizing our understanding of steady beat # When we decide to sing with a group or learn to play an instrument a fundamental understanding of steady beat is essential.

20 Teaching Steady Beat Students/people who can not move easily to a steady beat could have a much more difficult time participating in many activities such as those listed in the examples on the previous slide. So….provide them opportunities to practice steady beat and they will be more well rounded, educated people.

21 Teaching Steady Beat The first thing to know about teaching steady beat is that we work on it with children for years. # It is NOT one or two lessons # Music teachers work on steady beat and feeling pulse from early childhood through upper elementary and on up in some capacity. # It is taught through providing musical experiences and activities that allow students to feel the beat with their body, participate in creating a beat in some way and later identify it as steady beat.

22 Teaching Steady Beat Also, it is very important to know that not everyone can simply clap a steady beat. It can be very difficult for some students SO…..

23 Teaching Steady Beat You should/must: Teach using direct instruction, lots of modeling Break down the task---if students can’t clap a steady beat with music First have them clap matching you Say, clap exactly when I clap Make sure you hands come together when mine do, with drum etc—same for feet

24 Teaching Steady Beat Use text of some kind to help students know exactly when to clap, tap, place their feet etc. # Use proximity for students who struggle to move to or keep a steady beat Takes years of practice/development Music teachers work on steady beat throughout elementary school….don’t expect students to master it completely in several minutes!!!!!!!!

25 Teaching Steady Beat Remember it Takes years of practice/development for many students to have a secure concept of it. Music teachers work on steady beat throughout elementary school….so DON’T expect students to master it completely in several minutes!!!!!!!

26 Steady Beat-Common Problems and Solutions The most common problem with performing and identify the steady beat is not being able to find or stay with the beat of the music.

27 Steady Beat-Common Problems and Solutions To solve this problem in student you can: For the whole group Simplify the task---give them text, or a guidepost----make sure your hands come together when mine do Proximity---For an individual student stand near them and overtly model where they should clap, stamp, step etc. Actively Assist---especially when using instruments. Go to the student and actually manipulate their hands for them until they seem to grasp where to clap or play their instrument. Try to avoid stopping the whole class as much as possible--- unless there are many, many people who are not able to produce the steady beat.

28 Rhythm The second component of musical time is Rhythm.

29 Rhythm Rhythm is the pattern of long and short durations of sounds that make up a song or piece of music. There are many different rhythms and many, many combinations of rhythms. Rhythm for children’s songs can often be thought of as “how the words go”

30 Steady beat vs. Rhythm Let’s experience the difference between rhythm and steady beat.

31 Activity # 4 For this activity: # Open the bumble bee touch chart and print it # Next, preview the discussion questions on the next two sides. # Then participate in the video example for activity #4 # Finally, answer the discussion questions in your word document for this module.

32 Bee Bee Debrief What do you notice about rhythm compared to steady beat? What was sequence of instruction What is the purpose of the Bee Bee chart? How might you incorporate this activity or this kind of activity with other content? What developmental level is this appropriate for? How might you adapt it?

33 Rhythm Words Since for children’s songs rhythm is often the way the words go to a chant or song we can use different words to help us create different rhythms.

34 Rhythm Words Example Click on the video for an example. Example: Walk and running

35 Picture Rhythm Cards Now Open the picture rhythm cards and print them

36 Picture Rhythm Cards The rhythms on the picture rhythm cards are rhythms that you would commonly find in children’s songs and chants Speaking the text can help you produce the correct rhythm.

37 Activity # 5 For this activity: # Make sure you have printed the picture rhythm cards # Open the video and speak the rhythms with my instruction. # There is nothing to submit for this activity but completing it will help you with future activities.

38 Picture/Text Rhythms We can take the picture rhythm cards and make our own rhythms by simply changing the order of the pictures/words.

39 Activity # 6 For this activity: # Open the picture rhythm practice sheet # 1 # Then open the video clip and practice each rhythm with me. # There is nothing to submit for this activity but completing it will help you with future activities.

40 Practice Activity Now you can create your own picture rhythms using your picture rhythms cards. In fact one great idea is to cut out your cards and mix and match them like flash cards. You can make your own pattern and practice it to learn the rhythms that the words represent.

41 Activity # 7 For this activity: # You will create your own picture rhythm practice sheet # Start by opening the picture card word document or PDF # Then simply cut and paste the word pictures into your own patterns using word or another program if you prefer. # Next practice your rhythm patterns # Then find a friend, family member etc. to teach your rhythm patterns to using direct instruction (I do, we do) # Record yourself teaching and upload it to youtube for me to view. # Submit your video link and picture rhythm practice sheet in the submission area for this activity.

42 Congratulations! You have completed Module #6 Part I You may now move onto Module #6 Part II

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