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Preparation for late entries (unofficial guide) Elverum Round April 23-24, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparation for late entries (unofficial guide) Elverum Round April 23-24, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation for late entries (unofficial guide) Elverum Round April 23-24, 2016

2 Don’t worry! There is a lot to learn, but this 18-slide powerpoint will give you a need to know approach. There are four events – but the most important is to know about the six subjects (and learn related words). Use this powerpoint - and you’ll be good to go for the first time in the World Scholar’s Cup! Estimated study time: 4 hours (can be shortened or extended). We will help you to: Get an overview Dive into the six subjects We also recommend that you join the Facebook community: Learn more: If you still want to worry, the complete resource bank is found here (warning – it’s a lot you may study): Freshen up your English skills: Use a online translator when needed, for example: How to use this powerpoint

3 1.Scholar's Challenge (kunnskapstest) Individual multiple choice test 2.Collaborative Writing (samskriving, lag) Write an essay – with help from your team 3.Team Debate (debatt, lag) Intense debate with support from your team 4.Scholar’s Bowl (quiz, lag) Really fast multiple choice – as a team effort! Four Events OVERVIEW

4 2016 theme: AN IMPERFECT WORLD En uperfekt verden One Theme OVERVIEW

5 1.Special Area - Crime and Justice Spesialfelt: Kriminalitet og rett 2.History - A History of Cheating Historie: En historie om juksing 3.Science - Disease and Public Health Vitenskap: Sykdom og folkehelse 4.Literature - Words to Light the Darkness Litteratur: Ord som lyser opp i mørket 5.Arts - Flawed Visions, Broken Sounds Kunst: Mangelfulle visjoner, ødelagte lyder 6.Social Studies - When States Falter Samfunnsfag: Når stater svikter Six Subjects OVERVIEW

6 Watch these videos to get a better understanding of the World Scholar’s Cup and the events: Introduction to WSC (8.55) Introduction to WSC The Scholars Debate (0.50) The Scholars Debate The Scholars Bowl (0.50) The Scholars Bowl The Scholars Challenge (0.50) The Scholars Challenge Alpacas (0.48) Alpacas The Experience OVERVIEW

7 Special Area: Crime and Justice Important words: Crime - kriminalitet Justice - rett Law - lov Prison - fengsel Guilty - skyldig Judge - dommer Jury - jury Victim - offer Penalty – straff Criminal – forbryter Fraud – bedrag/svindel Evidence – bevis Discuss: What is a crime, and who decides how serious a crime is? Who should? What is the purpose of sending someone to prison? Can a criminal be a hero? 1. SPECIAL AREA 1

8 Special Area: Crime and Justice Read the article on National Geographic, and discuss: Have you understood each of the five facts? Any difficult words you need to learn? Use norwegian if needed. What do you think of the death penalty? 1. SPECIAL AREA Link: ws/2013/13/130412-death-penalty- capital-punishment-culture-amnesty- international/ 1

9 History: A History of Cheating Important words: Cheating – juks Lying – løgn Punished – straff Prevent – forhindre False – falsk Corporate – forretning Espionage – spionasje Tax evasion – skatteunndragelse Insider trading – innsidehandel Plagiarism – plagiat Forgery – falskneri Discuss: What is cheating? How is it different from lying? Is cheating ever justified? How can schools prevent cheating? 2. HISTORY 2

10 History: A History of Cheating Maradona (the player that scored) later claimed it had been scored "a little with the head of Maradona and a little with the hand of God". That was how the goal would come to be known. Discuss: What do you think of Maradona’s actions? What should have happened? Why did no one get punished, not in the game and not afterwards? Is this fair? 2. HISTORY Watch the video. ‘Hand of God’ effort is one of the most controversial goals in soccer history. Argentina won over England in the quarter final of the World Cup in 1986, because of this goal. 2

11 Science: Disease and Public Health Important words: Sickness/illness/ disease – sykdom Epidemic – epedemi Epidemiology – Public health – folkehelse Patient – pasient Doctor – doktor Society – samfunn Medicine – medisin Hospital – sykehus Obesity – fedme Infection – infeksjon Mortality - dødelighet Discuss: What is a disease? What is an epidemic? What are the greatest threats to public health in Norway vs. worldwide? 3. SCIENCE 3

12 Science: Disease and Public Health Read this article about obesity from BBC: ervice/learningenglish/newse nglish/witn/2008/02/080220 _obesity.shtml After reading about obesity, discuss: What role should governments play in ensuring public health? Are we all ultimately responsible for our own health? 3. SCIENCE 3

13 Literature: Words to Light up the Darkness Important words: Poem – dikt Poet – dikter Short stories – novelle Novel – roman Writer - forfatter Read and listen: Justice, poem by Langston Hughes m/poem/justice/ Justice, poem by Langston Hughes m/poem/justice/ Analyze the poem, what does it mean? Do you know any other famous poets and writers? Who? (you may take a peak at this page for some examples: 4. LITERATURE 4

14 Arts: Flawed Visions, Broken Sounds Important words: Art – kunst Artist – kunstner Artworks - kunstverk Painting – maleri Print – trykk Drawing - tegning Sculpture - skulptur Music - musikk 5. ARTS 5 Use 10-20 minutes to check out some of these different examples: ubjects/2016/art-music/ ubjects/2016/art-music/ Optional video about scary paintings:.. Decorative art: The four horsemen of the apocalypse

15 Social studies: When States Falter Important words: Falter – svikte Failed – mislykket Fragile – skjør Purpose – mening State – stat (nasjon) Democracy – demokrati Society - samfunn Politics – politikk Globalization – globalisering Citizen – innbygger Civil war – borgerkrig Colonialism – kolonialisme Climate change – klimaendringer Economy - økonomi Refugee - flyktning Discuss: What are the “best” and “worst” states you can think of? How are you measuring them? What is a NGO (non- governmental organization)? Search the web to find the answer. 6. SOCIAL STUDIES 6

16 Social Studies: When States Falter Do your best to understand the current refugee crisis, also sometimes called the "Syrian" refugee crisis. Resource: Discuss: Should all nations open their borders to people in need - or are nations right to reject any, many, or all of them? 6. SOCIAL STUDIES 6 Photo: Wikipedia

17 Good job! Now you should enjoy a good movie as a reward. We recommend (not necessary, but fun) «The Lego Movie». The movie adress some of the topics related to subject 6. Social Studies. Rent and watch it as a team building before the event Social Studies: When States Falter 6. SOCIAL STUDIES 6

18 There you go! Now we’ll see you at ELVIS on April 23-24!

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