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Elements of Theatre. Plot Theme Character Dialogue Sight Sound.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of Theatre. Plot Theme Character Dialogue Sight Sound."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of Theatre

2 Plot Theme Character Dialogue Sight Sound

3 Plot answers the question…

4 1

5 1.BEGINNING BALANCE What is normal for the characters at the beginning of the play. Revealed to us through *Exposition *Flashback

6 1 2

7 2. Inciting Incident Event that destroys the beginning balance Creates two things: *Objective – the attempt to restore the the beginning balance, usually made by the protagonist *Obstacle – the main stumbling block that prevents the protagonist from reaching his goal

8 1 2 3

9 3. Rising Action The attempt to overcome the obstacles and reach the objective. Increasing conflict. *Complications-anything that happens within the plot that causes a change in the course of action *Crisis-any time two forces are engaged in active conflict. *Sub-plot-a less important story that is related the main plot.

10 1 2 3 Crisis Sub-plot Complications 4

11 4. Climax The moment when the beginning balance is either restored or destroyed completely

12 1 2 3 Crisis Sub-plot Complications 4 5

13 4. Climax The moment when the beginning balance is either restored or destroyed completely 5.Denouement The falling action of the play. May be very brief or non-existent.

14 1 2 3 Crisis Sub-plot Complications 4 5 6

15 4. Climax The moment when the beginning balance is either restored or destroyed completely 5.Denouement The falling action of the play. May be very brief or non-existent. 6.Resolution The tying up of all loose ends

16 Plot Theme Character Dialogue Sight Sound

17 Plot answers the question…

18 Theme answers the question…

19 Theme is the main idea of the play, the message the playwright wants to communicate to the audience. There is always one main theme, but there may be several. It is up to the director’s interpretation as to which theme will become dominate

20 Three ways we discover theme Symbolism Dialogue Dramatic conventions

21 Symbolism Symbolic actions or objects Metaphor Allegory – extended metaphor Motif – repeated phrase or image

22 Dialogue What do the characters talk about most? What is the recurring topic of conversation?

23 Dramatic Conventions Soliloquy – a monologue delivered by an actor, usually when other characters are not present. Reveals inner thoughts and emotions to the audience. Aside – line delivered directly to the audience not meant for other characters to hear. Rarely used in modern theatre.

24 Plot Theme Character Dialogue Sight Sound

25 Plot answers the question…

26 Theme answers the question…

27 Character answers the question…

28 Character Rules Must be interesting, well-developed and believable Must serve to further the story toward the climax

29 Protagonist Rules The character most affected by the inciting incident and working hardest to restore a beginning balance. Must show volition – the ability to make a decision and follow through with it If there is a romantic interest, the partner is usually the opposite in personality from the protagonist.

30 Antagonist Rules Usually most responsible for the inciting incident. Responsible for majority of obstacles in the way of the protagonist achieving balance.

31 Plot Theme Character Dialogue Sight Sound

32 Plot answers the question…

33 Theme answers the question…

34 Character answers the question…

35 Dialogue answers the question…

36 Dialogue reveals… Plot Theme Time Place Character

37 Plot Theme Character Dialogue Sight Sound

38 Plot answers the question…

39 Theme answers the question…

40 Character answers the question…

41 Dialogue answers the question…

42 Sight answers the question… What that is?

43 Five Aspects of Sight Lighting Set






49 Five Aspects of Sight Lighting Set Costume Hair


51 Five Aspects of Sight Lighting Set Costume Hair Make-up




55 Three types of sound in theatre Voice Music Sound Effects

56 Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Set in 1948 New York Willy Loman Linda Loman – Willy’s wife Biff Loman – oldest son, 35 Happy Loman – 32 or 33 Charlie – next door neighbor Bernard – Charlie’s son, 35 Howard – Willy’s boss 35 Ben – Willy’s older brother Woman in Boston


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