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Warm Up- Choral and Dance 1.Shall I ever set my bare feet 2.To the nightlong Bacchic dances? 3.Flinging my head back in dewy air 4.Like a fawn playing.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up- Choral and Dance 1.Shall I ever set my bare feet 2.To the nightlong Bacchic dances? 3.Flinging my head back in dewy air 4.Like a fawn playing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Warm Up- Choral and Dance 1.Shall I ever set my bare feet 2.To the nightlong Bacchic dances? 3.Flinging my head back in dewy air 4.Like a fawn playing in the green delights of a meadow  Tapping of feet, in front of body  Arms swinging  Head moving back and forth  On the floor, rolling around

3 Warm Up- Choral and Dance 1.When it has escaped the terror of the hunt 2.Beyond the stalkers and over the fine woven nets 3.And the shouting huntsman stretching his hounds 4.To the limits of their speed  Running out to the corners and back  Jumping over each other, entwine, contact  Shouting gesture into a stretch  Play with speed of arms and legs

4 Non-Verbal Communication  In Greek Theatre, the following are ways that the productions were presented using non-verbal communication:  Gesture (By the Actors)  Dancing (By the Chorus)  Tableaus (By the Chorus)  Mime (By Actors and Chorus)

5 Non-Verbal Communication  Also think about the nature of the set, for example the positioning of doors, use of trap doors  The Skene (Scenery), what will the backdrop tell us  Lighting effects (obviously not in Greek Theatre)  Sound effects/music (Sets the tone, mood)  Use of masks (Would be moulded to give an emotion)

6 Rules of the Mask  Do not take the mask off in front of the audience,  Face front at all times  Never touch your face  Practical Task

7 Practical Task  Group 1  In pairs take Tiresias and Cadmus lines 156 – 167  Group 2  In pairs take Agave and Cadmus lines 1108 - 1121  with the masks play with mime, gesture, tableaux, and music create a choral piece.  You will present back to music of my choice

8 Visual  Everything the audience sees including props, costume, make up, masks and lighting  In Greek theatre, we know actors wore Masks, the chorus often wore elaborate costumes. No lighting, performed in daylight.

9 Aural  Sound Effects  Choral Work  Special Effects  Music  Not prose The chorus of the Bacchae at the National Theatre

10 Spatial Use of Space, including actor to audience relationship Grouping Use of levels Where the text tells you to move Greek theatre different areas for chorus and actors

11 Visual, Aural, Spatial Task  Thinking of all you have done today with Non-Verbal Communication, Choral Work etc in groups of 8 take either lines:  In groups of 8 take Choral lines 481 – 508 or 979 – 1042  Present this to us, include some acting, dance, music (choral work), use the whole studio space to create the most effective performance for the audience

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