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1 supported by the Local Government Association a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally Information Management Working Group Review of Local Government Controlled Lists 19 September 2012

2 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Which Lists? Local Government Services List – LGSL –Full review to bring up to date – released as version 4.00 A to Z –Create a new generic A to Z - draft issued for consultation Local Government Navigation List –To be reviewed Other Lists? –What else may be needed?

3 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGSL History Issues –Naming convention –Changes in legislation –Granularity – practical use –Missing services (European lists) Review process Results Still to consider

4 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGSL History Reasons for review –Naming convention –Changes in legislation –Granularity – practical use –Missing services (European lists) Review process Results Still to consider

5 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGSL - History First version in 2001 Created from service lists provided by a group of LAs of various types who were interested in a generic list Original objective to create a standard set of services for reporting BVPI 157 to ODPM (subsequently CLG) 2 previous major revisions – first to improve consistency of granularity, second to standardise naming convention Ongoing revisions quarterly – to add new terms and update scope notes Ongoing maintenance/updates only since October 2006 Meeting of IM working group last year decided time for another full review

6 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Naming convention –Names included organisational structure rather than just service name –Organisational structure in many cases out of date –Review of LA websites revealed names commonly used on service pages –Some names included interaction (information, payment etc.) LGSL – Reasons for Review

7 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGSL – Reasons for Review Changes in legislation –Some services replaced by new - e.g. alcohol & entertainment licensing –Services no longer required – e.g. butcher’s shop & game dealing licences, school maintenance grant –Services no longer responsibility of LAs – e.g. credit licences, rural development –Some services only applied to Scotland e.g. municipal banking –New legislation leading to new services – EU directives – e.g. waste and recycling

8 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGSL – Reasons for Review Granularity – practical use –Multiple LGSL entries for what LAs view as a single service e.g. archives, food safety –Single LGSL service for more complex service areas e.g. children at risk (not yet addressed) –Duplication of some services e.g. dropped kerbs, sports facilities –Scope notes not always clear exactly what a service covers

9 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGSL – Reasons for Review Missing services (European lists) –Smart Cities project in which esd a partner developed draft service lists for a number of EU countries (North Sea region) –EU lists based on services provided by municipalities (equivalent of LAs) in Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany –Reviewed LGSL to consider whether EU services might be provided by LAs in UK –Many EU services are central government responsibility in UK – e.g. driving licences, passports –Around 25 services added to LGSL e.g. community noticeboards, nature reserves, food waste recycling - many others added to full service list –A further 25 services added from regular review process

10 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGSL – Review Process Review process –Create draft version 4.00 with updated service names, revised scope notes, new services, deprecated services –Issue draft on spreadsheet to IM working group with documentation describing reasons for change, change process, ways to feedback on draft version –Incorporate feedback from working group into draft version 4.00 and publish on as –Publish news article advising all users about the draft and giving them opportunity to comment –Incorporate any further valid feedback into draft version 4.00 –Update mappings to other lists –Release version 4.00 as live version on esd-standards pages –Release version 4.00 to esd-toolkit (to be completed )

11 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGSL – Results Results –Majority of service names revised –49 new services added –73 services deprecated –31 new internal services –Version 4.00 now has 850 services (including Fire & Rescue services)

12 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGSL – Still to Consider Still to consider –Ongoing user queries – e.g. council tax/housing benefit –Relationship to navigation –Need for local trees in esd-toolkit –Areas which need further review such as Children’s services? –Known forthcoming legislation e.g. universal benefit

13 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative A to Z – aims/process Provide a draft generic A to Z which could be used by LAs Link each term in the A to Z to either an LGSL service or an LGNL term Consider existing A to Z from IM working group members where volunteered Create generic A to Z using terms commonly used across all existing LA versions provided Map each term either to a service (LGSL reference) or a group of services (LGNL term) Suggest new LGSL services or new LGNL terms where there is no current mapping Consider terms for services provided by other public sector organisations e.g. mental health, public transport

14 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative A to Z – review process contd. Issue draft for consultation to IM working group members (current) Review feedback and modify draft Publish draft on esd-toolkit with associated news article for consultation with fuller LA community Review feedback and modify as required Publish A to Z as mappings on LGSL and LGNL pages of esd- standards Update LGSL and LGNL with new terms as required Publish full A to Z version 1.0 as a spreadsheet downloadable from esd-toolkit

15 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative A to Z – issues Source A to Zs have many terms not included – some local, some because not common to multiple LAs Should A to Z terms be longer than 1 / 2 words? Should there be at least one A to Z term per service? Should service areas have A to Z terms as well as the services beneath them?

16 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative LGNL Do we need a navigation list? Is LGNL fit for purpose? What do we need to change? Should services be the lowest level? Alternatives – Barnsley – others?

17 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Other lists Metric types IPSV – are people still using it? Do we need all the other lists in LGBM? Are either (or both) of the roles lists of value? Do we need document types? Are there any of the current lists that need a review of the terms? Any new lists?

18 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative More information and contacts Websites esd-standards- esd-toolkit – EU (European lists) Email Nicki Mike

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