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Digital Disruption, Alfresco, and Digital Signatures Brian LaPointe VP Sales, Americas CoSign by ARX.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Disruption, Alfresco, and Digital Signatures Brian LaPointe VP Sales, Americas CoSign by ARX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Disruption, Alfresco, and Digital Signatures Brian LaPointe VP Sales, Americas CoSign by ARX

2 Agenda The Digital Disruption Evolution and the benefits Electronic vs Digital Signatures Why Digital Signatures CoSign Demonstrations Q&A

3 Digital Disruption Alfresco enables the first part of digital disruption: Documents organized with meta-data, not just folder names Workflow to manage and measure business processes —Use workflow task statistics to measure and understand your business processes

4 Digital Disruption and Digital Signatures Digital Signatures complete the digital transformation Online documents from start to finish: no more print, sign, scan. The online document is the signed original document.

5 Business Drivers – Paper too expensive The average paper document is copied 9- 11 times at a cost of ~ $18 and filed at a cost of ~ $20, plus the added cost of storage, media, space, postage and distribution… Pfizer estimates the cost of one "wet signature" at $30 (including time to track down the signer, plus storage and scanning costs). A typical $100 million building project generates 150,000 separate documents: drawings, contracts, purchase orders, RFIs and schedules. The average cost of Fortune-500 paper documents is estimated at $10 per document. The AEC industry spends an estimated $500 million or more each year moving plans from one discipline to another via such courier services as FedEx

6 After Digital Signature Deployment Source: AIIM 2013 Survey 25% reached ROI in 90 Days

7 CoSign Standard Digital Signature Digital Signatures are the most secure and portable form of Electronic Signature Digital Signatures guarantee the Three “I”s… Identity: ID is imbedded in the signed document Intent: Non-repudiation Integrity: Changes invalidate the signature Components: ID Certificates Private Key Public Key Natively supported by both Microsoft and Adobe x + Document hash code Private Key Digital ID X.509 Cert Document integrity confirmed Document change detected Digital Signatures are vetted for security and consistency by NIST, ETSI, ISO, IETF, & W3C

8 Complete Solution Certificate Options Self-Signed Individual Certificates 3 rd Party Certificate Authorities (CA) Self-Managed Organizational Certificate Authority Complete Solution Components Certificates and Key Management User Management Signing Functionality

9 CoSign Central Centralized Management Turn-key, Plug ‘n Play, Network Appliance Choice of User Directory Integration OR Built-in Directory for External Signers Available as FIPS 140-2 and JITC Compliant* Independently Verifiable Signature Signing Flexibility/Functionality *

10 CoSign End-User Functionality Customizable & pre-embedded signature fields Names, title, reason codes, date/time stamp, logos, graphical signature images Sectional signing (MS Office only) Batch signing Thick or web client Signature APIs for adding signature functionality to custom applications and portals

11 Point’n Click Signing Graphical Signatures Title Reason Code

12 Signer Authentication Password, AD Credentials, OTP, Tokens, Biometric

13 Independently Verifiable Results Identity Intent Integrity

14 CoSign Ready Applications & Access and a few others Seamless integration with business process automation systems: Document Authoring Apps Enterprise Business Systems Cloud Accessible ARX COSIGN IS ENGINEERED TO FIT THE BROADEST DIVERSITY OF ENTERPRISE AND CLOUD APPLICATIONSAND ACCESS METHODS.

15 A few Cosign Demonstrations Signing a purchase requisition, legal correspondence, and timesheet Signing within Alfresco Collecting a signature from a customers

16 CoSign Connector for Alfresco Sign and verify documents from the Alfresco user interface Works with Alfresco Workflows Developed by and available from ZaiziZaizi

17 More info, free trial: What do you think?

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