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To Middle, High and beyond Teachers C/O 6.EE, 7.EE, & 8.FA Postage Stamp Problem HCPSS, MD 21043 From Fostering Algebraic Thinking by Mark Driscoll.

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2 To Middle, High and beyond Teachers C/O 6.EE, 7.EE, & 8.FA Postage Stamp Problem HCPSS, MD 21043 From Fostering Algebraic Thinking by Mark Driscoll

3 The post office has stamps in the denominations of 5¢ and 7¢. What amount of postage can you buy? Explain your reasoning.

4 While working on this problem, think about the methods people in your small group tried, the questions they asked, the process for coming to a deeper understanding, and the different ways of thinking about the problem.

5 In what ways is this problem “algebraic”? How does it elicit algebraic thinking? You may have noticed yourself working from output to input.

6 What rules did group members come up with to help them generate postage values of 5¢ and 7¢ stamps? What computational shortcuts did group members use as they worked on the problem?

7 Another way 012345678 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of 5¢ stamps Number of 7¢ stamps

8 From: Rich Discourse 012345678 Number of 5¢ stamps Number of 7¢ stamps

9 From: Rich Discourse Could you have stamps that total in amount of $1.00? $1.51? Would that make sense?

10 Are there any postage amounts that are impossible to get with 5¢ and 7¢ stamps? If so, what are they and why are they impossible? Try to extend your thinking to n¢ and m¢ stamps.

11 Thank You

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