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Cagliari - Italy. Presents The traditional Sardinian cuisine.

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1 Cagliari - Italy

2 Presents

3 The traditional Sardinian cuisine

4 Sardinia is an island in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea. Its territory includes coasts, mountains, hills, plains. The peculiarities of Sardinian cuisine rise from its particular territory, where the ancient Sardinian civilization rose up and had its development.


6 Sardinian cuisine is ancient and full of flavors, including both earth and seafood. It has been influenced by many Mediterranean cultures, but preserves its original distinctions. The most important products are cheese, wines, roasted meats and desserts.

7 Products Bread : The most famous types of Sardinian bread are “pane carasau”, which is very thin and crisp, and “civraxiu”, made of durum wheat. Wines: “Vermentino” is known as the best white wine in Sardinia, but the most widespread is “Nuragus” which is from Cagliari and the zone of Oristano. The most famous red wine is “Cannonau” Pane Carasau

8 Products Cheese: There are a lot of kinds of Sardinian cheese, and the most known is “Pecorino Sardo” cheese, which is made from ewe milk. There is also a particular kind of cheese named “Casu Marzu” which goes beyond the typical fermentation to a stage that most of people would consider decomposition, brought about by the digestive action of the larvae of the cheese fly (Piophila Casei) Casu marzuCaprino cheesePecorino cheese

9 Products Other important products from Sardinia are nougat, especially from Tonara,a village in the centre of our island, honey (we have a huge variety of it), saffron, mullet roe and Mirto, which is a liqueur made from myrtle. Tonara’s nougat Saffron Honey Mullet roeMirto

10 First Courses There is a great variety of first courses: every Sardinian zone has its own. Here are three famous ones: Malloreddus: Malloreddus are a type of pasta made of durum wheat shell shaped of two cm. They are traditionally flavored with saffron and seasoned with sausage. Malloreddus “Malloreddus alla campidanese” with tomato sauce and sausage

11 First Courses Culurgiones: Culurgiones are dumplings stuffed with a filling made of potato, cheese and mint. They are often seasoned in various ways. Culurgiones with sauce and mint Culurgiones

12 First Courses “Fregula” with clams: This is a typical dish of Cagliari. The Fregula is a type of Sardinian pasta sphere-shaped, similar to the Couscous. It’s usually cooked with clams. Fregula with ClamsFregula

13 Second Courses The most famous type of Sardinian second courses is roasted meat: lamb meat, kid (young goat) meat and especially pork meat. There are also fish second courses. Roasted Pork (Porceddu arrostiu): Roasted pork is a suckling pork of four/five kilos weight, slowly cooked on the embers with the split, flavored with myrtle and rosemary. Pork while cookingRoasted Pork with myrtle

14 Second Courses Burrida Burrida is both an appetizer and a second course. It’s made of dogfish, walnuts, garlic, oil, vinegar and spices. It’s a dish from Cagliari and must be served cold. BurridaA dogfish

15 Second Courses Aligusta This is another kind of fish second course and is a lobster seasoned in the particular Sardinian way, with lemon, oil, vinegar, wine and tomatoes. In Alghero (north-west of Sardinia) lobsters are cooked also in Catalan way. Aligusta a sa sarda (Sardianian lobster) Catalan lobster

16 Desserts There are many desserts from each zone of the island. The following below are very famous: Seadas: Seadas are fried bundles circle-shaped of pasta stuffed with cheese, flavored with lemon and covered with honey. Seadas

17 Desserts Pabassinas: Pabassinas are sweets made of pastry, raisins, almonds, walnuts, grated lemon zest (or orange) and honey. There are a lot of variations depending on the zone. They are usually prepared for the All Saints Day. Pabassinas Typical chest of Sardinian sweets: there are some Pabassinas in the centre.

18 Desserts Biancheddus, Pistoccheddus and Guefus: Sardinian sweets can have various shapes, like the “Biancheddus”, made of egg white, sugar and filled with almonds. “Guefus”, which are made of almonds and sugar. “Pistoccheddus”, made of flour, eggs and covered with sugar. Pistoccheddus GuefusBiancheddus

19 A presentation by Paolo Degiorgi in collaboration with Giulia Serra Emanuele Concas Mauro Puddu and the “Comenius project group” of Liceo Classico Scientifico “Euclide” Cagliari

20 Supervision: Francesca Agus Marco Pani

21 Music: Les Balentes (Cixiri)

22 This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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