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------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 7712 Source Title Parker's ephemeris for the year of our Lord 1710.... Source Creator.

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Presentation on theme: "------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 7712 Source Title Parker's ephemeris for the year of our Lord 1710.... Source Creator."— Presentation transcript:

1 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 7712 Source Title Parker's ephemeris for the year of our Lord 1710.... Source Creator Parker, George, 1654-1743. Source Created or Published 1710 Physical Description first page after last printed page (volvelle) Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number 182- 194q HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Parker, George, 1654-1743. Title (Hamnet) Parker's ephemeris for the year of our Lord 1710.... By George Parker,... Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) London : Publisher (Hamnet) printed and sold at the author's house, and by most booksellers in London, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) 1710. Physical Description (Hamnet) [86]p. ; 8 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Annotations (Provenance) rbprov DFo Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) T28657 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) With extensive MS. notes to endpapers and laid-in scraps; notes astrological (casting of nativity), poems, recipes, etc., incl.: "Lillies Book of Fortune are to be sould at Halefax"; with paper-wheel chart sewn to back endpaper. Bound in old paneled calf. Provenance: names mentioned in MS. notes: "John Folds 1694"; "April ye 4th An[n]o 1711 J Jo: Folds had my lower jaw bone broken with A ston'd horse of Mark Lunds..."; "Mr George Parker" Call Number (Hamnet) 182- 194q

2 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 42060 Image Title Samuel Sturmy. The mariners magazine; or, Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts. London, 1669 Source Title The mariners magazine; or, Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts.... Source Creator Sturmy, Samuel, 1633-1669. Source Created or Published [1669] Physical Description volvelle between pp. 72-73 Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number 151-383f HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Sturmy, Samuel, 1633-1669. Title (Hamnet) Compendium of fortification. Title (Hamnet) Canon triangulorum logarithmicus. Title (Hamnet) Chiliades decem logarithmorum. Title (Hamnet) Constant kalendar; or An almanck for three hundred years. Title (Hamnet) Mariner's magazine; or, Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts. The sixth book. Title (Hamnet) Seventh book. The mariners magazine,... The art of dialling by the gnomical scale. Title (Hamnet) Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts. The fifth book. Title (Hamnet) Summary of such penalites and foreitures as are limited and appointed by several Acts of Parliament relating to the customs & navigation. Title (Hamnet) The mariners magazine; or, Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts. Containing, the description and use of the scale of scales; it being a mathematical ruler, that resolves most mathematical conclusions: and likewise the making and use of the crostaff,... and other most useful instruments... The art of navigation,... with new tables of the longitude and latitude of... places round the world, from the meridian of the Lizard: And new exact tables of the sun's declination and right ascension of some eminent fixed stars. Together with a discourse of the practick part of navigation... A new way of surveying land... The art of gauging all sorts of vessels... The art of dialling by a gnomonical scale... Whereunto is annexed, an abridgment of the penalties and forfeitures,... relating to the customs and navigation. Also a compendium of fortification... By Capt. Samuel Sturmy. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) London : Publisher (Hamnet) printed by E. Cotes for G. Hurlock, W. Fisher, E. Thomas, and D. Page; and are to be sold at their shops over against St. Magnus Church neer London-bridge, at the Postern-gate neer Tower-hill, at the Adam and Eve in Little Britain, and at the Anchor and Mariner in East-Smithfield, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) MDCLXIX [1669] Physical Description (Hamnet) [32], 219, [7], 132, [6], 52, [52], 11, [3], 13, [1] p., [14] leaves of plates : ill., diagrams, tables ; 2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Fireworks -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Gunnery -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Navigation -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Surveying -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Spherical astronomy -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Sundials -- Early works to 1800. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A ⁴ (-A4) [superscript pi]a-c ⁴ B-2C ⁴ 2D ⁴ (2D1+chi²) 2E ⁴ 2F², 3A ⁴ (3A1+3a²) 3B-3R ⁴, 4A-4G ⁴, a-m² n-q ⁴. Notes (Hamnet) Leaf 3R4 is blank. Notes (Hamnet) Title page in red and black. Notes (Hamnet) "A constant kalendar; or An almanck for three hundred years." has separate title page, dated either 1668 or 1669, on leaf O2r; pagination and register are continuous. Notes (Hamnet) "A compendium of fortification" filmed separately and identified as Wing S5357 on UMI microfilm set "Early English books, 1641- 1700", reel 1103; "Canon triangulorum logarithmicus" filmed separately on reel 1103. Notes (Hamnet) "A compendium of fortification" has separate dated title page, with imprint "printed by E. Cotes", on leaf p1r; pagination begins on leaf p2r. Notes (Hamnet) "Canon triangulorum logarithmicus" (Wing S6095) has separate dated title page, with imprint "printed by E. Cotes", on leaf a1r; unpaginated. Notes (Hamnet) "Chiliades decem logarithmorum," has separate dated title page, with imprint "printed by E. Cotes", on leaf g1r; unpaginated. Notes (Hamnet) "The seventh book. The mariners magazine,... The art of dialling by the gnomical scale," has separate dated title page on leaf 4A1r; pagination begins on leaf 4A3r. Notes (Hamnet) Includes volvelles. Notes (Hamnet) With additional engraved title page (plate). Notes (Hamnet) Divisional title page on leaf 3M4r: The mariner's magazine; or, Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts. The sixth book. Notes (Hamnet) "A summary of such penalites and foreitures as are limited and appointed by several Acts of Parliament relating to the customs & navigation." has separate dated title page, with imprint "printed by E. Cotes", on leaf n1r; pagination begins on leaf n3r. Notes (Hamnet) "Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts. The fifth book." has separate dated title page, with imprint "printed by William Godbid", on leaf 3A1r; pagination begins on leaf 3A2r. Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) R23470 Citations (Hamnet) Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), S6095 Citations (Hamnet) Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), S6096 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Three plates bear volvelles. Sep. tp for "A constant kalendar..." dated 1668. sig.3a misbound in prelims. after A3. [superscript pi]c1 with temoin and H3 untrimmed. Some print show-through. Sheepskin binding, rebacked; marbled end-papers; all edges gilt. Provenance: anonymous armorial bookplate, obscured by armorial bookplate of Charles Pasley (motto "pro rege et patria pugnans"); armorial bookplate of Sir Massie Blomfield (motto "auspicium melionis ævi"); bought by the Folger from Sothebys, 11 May 1955, no.666 Call Number (Hamnet) 151- 383f

3 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 38757 Source Title [Spieghel der Zeevaerdt. English] The mariners mirrour wherin may playnly be seen... Source Creator Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon, 1534 or 5-1606. Source Created or Published [1588?] Physical Description sig. B3r (volvelle) and preceeding loose leaf Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 24931 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon, 1534 or 5-1606. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Spieghel der Zeevaerdt. English Title (Hamnet) Mariners mirrovr Title (Hamnet) The mariners mirrour wherin may playnly be seen the courses, heights, distances, depths, soundings, flouds and ebs, risings of lands, rocks, sands and shoalds, with the marks for th'entrings of the harbouroughs, havens and ports of the greatest part of Europe: their seueral traficks and commodities: together wth. the rules and instrume[n]ts of nauigation. First made & set fourth in diuers exact sea-charts, by that famous nauigator Luke Wagenar of Enchuisen and now fitted with necessarie additions for the use of Englishmen by Anthony Ashley. Heerin also may be understood the exploits lately atchiued by the right Honorable the L. Admiral of Engla[n]d with her Maties. nauie: and some former seruices don by that worthy knight Sr. Fra: Drake. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [London : Publisher (Hamnet) Printed by John Charlewood, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) 1588?] Physical Description (Hamnet) [230] p. : maps (copper-plate engravings) ; 2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Nautical charts -- Europe -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Navigation -- Early works to 1800. Associated Name (Hamnet) Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598, printmaker. Associated Name (Hamnet) Ashley, Anthony, Sir, 1551-1628. Associated Name (Hamnet) Harmsworth, R. Leicester Sir, (Robert Leicester), 1870-1937, former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Ryther, Augustine, printmaker. Associated Name (Hamnet) Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, printmaker. Notes (Hamnet) The second part has separate divisional title and register, beginning on chi1. Notes (Hamnet) A translation by Ashley of: Spieghel der zeevaerdt. Notes (Hamnet) Printer's name from STC; the dedication is dated 20 Oct. 1588. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: pi² [par.]² 2pi² A-C ⁶ (1)-(22)², chi1 I-XXIII². Notes (Hamnet) Stationer's Register: Entered to H. Haslop 3 April 1587. Notes (Hamnet) Volvelle on B3r. Notes (Hamnet) The title page is engraved and signed: Theodore de bry fecit. Notes (Hamnet) The plates are re-engraved by Bry, Jodocus Hondius, and Augustine Ryther. Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S122236 Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 24931 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) HH212/12. Hand colored throughout, including t.p.s, maps and printer's ornaments. T.p. inlaid. Some leaves wormed, affecting text. Disbound and unsewn, previously bd. in calf. Provenance: John Naylor (Folger files); Robert D. Steedman, bookseller, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Harmsworth copy Call Number (Hamnet) STC 24931

4 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 32124 Image Title Thomas Blundeville. M. Blundevile his exercises, containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set downe in the next printed page: which treatises are verie necessarie to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that have not beene exercised in such disciplines: and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the arte of navigation, in which arte it is impossible to profite without the helpe of these, or such like instructions. London, 1606 Source Title M. Blundeuile his exercises, containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set downe in the next printed page... Source Creator Blundeville, Thomas, fl. 1561. Source Created or Published 1606 Physical Description p. 349 recto (volvelle) Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 3148 copy 1 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Blundeville, Thomas, fl. 1561. Title (Hamnet) Brief description of universall maps and cards Title (Hamnet) Brief description of vniuersall maps and cards Title (Hamnet) Briefe description of the tables of three speciall right lines belonging to a circle, called signes, lines tangent, and lines secant Title (Hamnet) Exercises Title (Hamnet) M. Blundeuile his exercises, containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set downe in the next printed page: which treatises are verie necessarie to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that haue not beene exercised in such disciplines: and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the arte of nauigation, in which arte it is impossible to profite without the helpe of these, or such like instructions. To the furtherance of which arte of nauigation, the said M. Blundeuile specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere goodwill doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme. Title (Hamnet) M. Blundevile his exercises Title (Hamnet) New and necessarie treatise of navigation Title (Hamnet) Plaine description of Mercator his two globes Title (Hamnet) Plaine treatise of the first principles of cosmographie Title (Hamnet) Very brief and most plaine description of Master Blagraue his astrolabe Title (Hamnet) Very brief and most plaine description of Master Blagrave his astrolabe Title (Hamnet) Nevv and necessarie treatise of nauigation Edition (Hamnet) The third edition. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) By Iohn Windet, dwelling at the signe of the Crosse Keyes, neere Paules Wharffe, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) 1606. Physical Description (Hamnet) [8], 392 leaves, 5 folded plates : ill. ; 4 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594. Associated Name (Hamnet) Blundeville, Thomas, fl. 1561. Associated Name (Hamnet) Harmsworth, R. Leicester Sir, (Robert Leicester), 1870-1937, former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), b. 1851, former owner. Notes (Hamnet) "A briefe description of the tables of the three speciall right lines belonging to a circle, called signes, lines tangent, and lines secant", "A plaine treatise of the first principles of cosmographie" and "A brief description of vniuersall maps and cards" all have separate dated title pages (all dated 1606 except the last, which is dated 1605); "A plaine description of Mercator his two globes", "A very brief and most plaine description of Master Blagraue his astrolabe", "A nevv and necessarie treatise of nauigation" and "The true order of making of ptolomie his tables" have separate undated title pages; register and foliation are continuous. Notes (Hamnet) "A briefe description of universall maps and cards" first published separately in 1589. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-3D ⁸. Notes (Hamnet) The first leaf is blank. Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S115619 Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 3148 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) HH28/20. Calf binding with initials 'T B' in gilt on both covers, with traces of ties. Provenance: signature of Dan: Fleming; Harmsworth copy Call Number (Hamnet) STC 3148 copy 1

5 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 1007 Source Creator Cortés, Martín, 1532-1589. Source Title Breve compendio de la sphera y de la aite de navegar Image Details fo. LXXVII verso Source Created or Published 1551 Physical Description fo. LXXVII verso (uncut volvelle) Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number VK551.C69 1551 Cage (folio)

6 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 1008 Source Creator Cortés, Martín, 1532-1589. Source Title Breve compendio de la sphera y de la aite de navegar Image Details fo. XXXVII recto Source Created or Published 1551 Physical Description fo. XXXVII recto (volvelle) Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number VK551.C69 1551 Cage (folio)

7 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 42067 Image Title Thomas Blundeville. M. Blundevile his exercises, containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set down in the next printed page: which treatises are very necessarie to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that have not beene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the art of navigation, in which art it is impossible to profite without the helpe of these, or such like instructions. London, 1613 Source Title M. Blundeuile his exercises, containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set down in the next printed page:... Source Creator Blundeville, Thomas, fl. 1561. Source Created or Published 1613 Physical Description p. 301 Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 3149 Copy 1 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Blundeville, Thomas, fl. 1561. Title (Hamnet) Brief description of universall maps and cardes Title (Hamnet) Brief description of vniuersall maps and cardes Title (Hamnet) Briefe description of the tables of three speciall right lines belonging to a circle, called signes, lines tangent, and lines secant Title (Hamnet) Exercises Title (Hamnet) M. Blundeuile his exercises, containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set down in the next printed page: which treatises are very necessarie to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that haue not beene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the art of nauigation, in which art it is impossible to profite without the helpe of these, or such like instructions. To the furtherance of which art of nauigation, the said M. Blundeuile specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere good will doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme. Title (Hamnet) M. Blundevile his exercises Title (Hamnet) New and necessarie treatise of navigation Title (Hamnet) Plaine and full description of Petrus Plancius his universall map Title (Hamnet) Plaine and full description of Petrus Plancius his vniuersall map Title (Hamnet) Plaine description of Mercator his two globes Title (Hamnet) Plaine treatise of the first principles of cosmographie Title (Hamnet) Very brief and most plaine description of Master Blagraue his astrolabe Title (Hamnet) Very brief and most plaine description of Master Blagrave his astrolabe Title (Hamnet) Nevv and necessarie treatise of nauigation Edition (Hamnet) The fourth edition corrected and augmented. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) London : Publisher (Hamnet) Imprinted by VVilliam Stansby, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) 1613. Physical Description (Hamnet) [8], 799, [1] p., 5 folded plates : ill. ; 4 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Plancius, Petrus, 1552-1622. Subject (Hamnet) Trigonometry -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Annotations (Provenance) rbprov DFo Subject (Hamnet) Arithmetic -- Early works to 1900. Subject (Hamnet) Blagrave, John, d. 1611. Subject (Hamnet) Early maps -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594. Subject (Hamnet) Astronomy -- Early works to 1800. Associated Name (Hamnet) Blundeville, Thomas, fl. 1561. Associated Name (Hamnet) Harmsworth, R. Leicester Sir, (Robert Leicester), 1870-1937, former owner. Notes (Hamnet) "A briefe description of the tables of the three speciall right lines belonging to a circle, called signes, lines tangent, and lines secant" and "A brief description of vniuersall maps and cardes" each have separate dated title page; "A plaine treatise of the first principles of cosmographie", "A plaine description of Mercator his two globes", "A plaine and full description of Petrus Plancius his vniuersall map", "A very briefe and most plaine description of Master Blagraue his astrolabe", "A nevv and necessarie treatise of nauigation" each have separate title page; foliation and register are continuous. Notes (Hamnet) "A briefe description of universall maps and cards" was first published separately in 1589. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-3B ⁸ 3C ⁴ (3C4+chi ⁴ ) 3D-3E ⁸. Notes (Hamnet) The first leaf is blank. Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S102703 Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 3149 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) HH28/21. MS. notes. Bernard Quaritch pencilled note. Provenance: armorial bookplate of Sir Joseph Copley; Harmsworth copy Call Number (Hamnet) STC 3149 copy 1

8 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 38732 Source Title Catoptrum Microcosmicum Source Creator Remmelin, Johann Source Created or Published 1660 Physical Description flaps unopened Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number 209024

9 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 38733 Source Title Catoptrum Microcosmicum Source Creator Remmelin, Johann Source Created or Published 1660 Physical Description flaps opened A Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number 209024

10 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 38734 Source Title Catoptrum Microcosmicum Source Creator Remmelin, Johann Source Created or Published 1660 Physical Description flaps opened B Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number 209024

11 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 38735 Source Title Catoptrum Microcosmicum Source Creator Remmelin, Johann Source Created or Published 1660 Physical Description flaps opened C Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number 209024

12 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 38736 Source Title Catoptrum Microcosmicum Source Creator Remmelin, Johann Source Created or Published 1660 Physical Description flaps opened D Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number 209024

13 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 51177 Source Title Theatrum Mundi et Temporis Source Creator Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo, 1538-1621? Source Created or Published 1588 Physical Description page 119, new moon (volvelle) Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number QB41.G35 1588 Cage

14 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Digital Image File Name 51176 Source Title Theatrum Mundi et Temporis Source Creator Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo, 1538-1621? Source Created or Published 1588 Physical Description page 119, full moon (volvelle) Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number QB41.G35 1588 Cage

15 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Title Kircher_"Mundus_subterraneus"_volvelle Description A volvelle pointing from the center of the earth to its surface. This image is from Athanasius Kircher, 1602-1680, Mundus subterraneus, Amstelodami : J. Janssonium et E. Weyerstraten, 1665. To examine other images from this work, please visit the CHF Othmer Library online public access catalog at: <a href=""></a> Photograph by Douglas A. Lockard. From The Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library, Othmer Library of Chemical History, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, PA. CHF is a nonprofit library, museum, and center for scholars dedicated to the history of chemistry. For more information, visit <a href=""></a> RGNb10340269.06.vo Originating Url Copyright All Rights Reserved

16 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Title Kircher,_Ars_Magna_Sciendi,_Volvelle, Description Athanasius Kircher, 1602-1680, Ars magna sciend, Amstelodami, :Apud Joannem Janssonium à Waesberge, 1669. A volvelle is a paper construction with moving parts. the volvelle on this page is the botton figure. The small arrow indicator, here covering a small protion of text, can be moved to a desired position. Photograph by Douglas A. Lockard. From The Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library, Othmer Library of Chemical History, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, PA. CHF is a nonprofit library, museum, and center for scholars dedicated to the history of chemistry. For more information, visit <a href=""></a> RGNb10340282.04.Insert_page_13 Originating Url Copyright All Rights Reserved

17 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Title Kircher,_Ars_Magna_Sciendi,__Volvelle Description Athanasius Kircher, 1602-1680, Ars magna sciend, Amstelodami, :Apud Joannem Janssonium à Waesberge, 1669. A volvelle is a paper construction with moving parts. the volvelle on this page is the botton figure. The small arrow indicator can be moved. Photograph by Douglas A. Lockard. From The Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library, Othmer Library of Chemical History, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, PA. CHF is a nonprofit library, museum, and center for scholars dedicated to the history of chemistry. For more information, visit <a href=""></a> RGNb10340282.03.vol I_page_13_volvelle Originating Url Copyright All Rights Reserved

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